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Treasure Hunt 3: The Articles of Confederation
1. Name the rebellion in Massachusetts that made the leaders of the country begin to seriously question
the effectiveness of the Articles of Confederation.
2. During what years was the Articles of Confederation the constitution for the United States of America?
3. Give the date that the Congress of the Confederation gave official approval for a meeting to take place
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to revise the Articles of Confederation.
4. What were the two most important pieces of legislation passed under the Articles of Confederation?
5. What was the greatest weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
6. What year was the Treaty of Paris passed to end the American Revolutionary War?
7. Name the state that made the adoption of the Articles of Confederation official.
8. Name three weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.
9. What year was the Great Seal of the United States approved by the Congress of the Confederation?
10. Who was the first president under the Articles of Confederation?
11. Which article identifies the number of representatives per state in the Congress?
12. Which article mentions the phrase “full faith and credit?”
13. What is the longest article in the Articles of Confederation?
14. Which article discusses the length of a term for the president?
15. How many states would have to approve the admission of a new state to be added to the Union?
16. What year did the Articles of Confederation go to the states for approval?
17. Which article identifies the powers that are denied to the states?
18. Which article outlines the powers of the national government under the Articles of Confederation?
19. Name the conference that met to discuss the economic instability of the country during the time of
the Articles of Confederation.
20. Where was the capital of the United States during the majority of time that the country was under
the Articles of Confederation?
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