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Selected International Journal and Conference Papers
1. YANG Jiaolong, LI Hongdong, and JIA Yunde. Go-ICP: A Globally Optimal Solution to 3D ICP Point-Set Registration,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI), 38(11): 2241-2254, 2016.
LIU Cuiwei, WU Xinxiao, and JIA Yunde. A Hierarchical Video Description for Complex Activity Understanding,
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 118(2): 240-255, 2016.
LIU Cuiwei, WU Xinxiao, and JIA Yunde, Transfer Latent SVM for Joint Recognition and Localization of Actions in
Videos, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (T-CYB), 46(11), 2596-2608, 2016.
YANG Ming, JIA Yunde, Temporal Dynamic Appearance Modeling for Online Multi-Person Tracking, Computer
Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 153: 16-28, 2016.
WANG Yucheng, ZHANG Jian, WU Qiang, CHOU Philip, ZHANG Zhengyou, JIA Yunde, Handling Occlusion and
Large Displacement through Improved RGB-D Scene Flow Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems
for Video Technology (T-CSVT), 26(7): 1265-1278, 2016.
YANG Ming, WU Yuwei, PEI Mingtao, MA Bo, and JIA Yunde, Online Discriminative Tracking with Active Example
Selection, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (T-CSVT), 26(7): 1279-1292, 2016.
DONG Zhen, LIANG Wei,WU Yuwei, PEI Mingtao and JIA Yunde,Nonnegative Correlation Coding for Image
Classification SCEINCE CHINA Information Science, 59(1): 1-14, 2016.
DONG Zhen, PEI Mintao, JIA Yunde, Orthonormal Dictionary Learning and its Application to Face Recognition,
Image and Vision Computing (IVC) 51: 13-21(2016).
SHEN Jiajun, XU Bin, PEI Mintao, and JIA Yunde, A low-cost telepresence robotic wheelchair system, In Proc. of
IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS), South Korea, 2016.
1. JIA Yunde, XU Bin, SHEN Jiajun, PEI Mintao, DONG Zhen, HOU Jingyi, YANG Min, Telepresence Interaction by
Touching Live Video Images, arXiv:1512.04334, 2015.
2. WU Yuwei, YUAN Junsong, ZHANG Jian, LI Peihua and JIA Yunde Manifold Kernel Sparse Representation of
Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices and Its Applications, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (T-IP), 24(11):
3729-3741, 2015.
3. WU Yuwei, PEI Mingtao, YANG Ming, YUAN Junsong, and JIA Yunde, Robust Discriminative Tracking via Landmarkbased Label Propagation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (T-IP), 24(5): 1510-1523, 2015.
4. WU Xinxiao, WANG Han, LIU Cuiwei, and JIA Yunde, Cross-view Action Recognition over Heterogeneous Feature
Spaces, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing(T-IP), 24(11): 4096-4108, 2015.
5. QIN Xiameng, SHEN Jianbing, MAO Xiaoyang, LI Xuelong, and JIA Yunde, Robust Match and Fusion using
Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (T-CYB), 45(8):1549-1560, 2015.
6. DONG Zhen, WU Yuwei, PEI Mingtao and JIA Yunde , Vehicle Type Classification Using Semi-Supervised
Convolutional Neural Network, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS) 16(4): 2247-2256,
7. YANG Min, PEI mingtao, WU Yuwei, and JIA Yunde, Learning Online Structural Appearance Model for Robust
Object Tracking, SCEINCE CHINA Information Science, 58(3): 1-14, 2015.
8. QIN Xiameng, SHEN Jianbing, MAO, LI Xuelong, and JIA Yunde, Dense Correspondence using Structured-Patch
Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (T-MM), 17(3):295-306, 2015.
1. WANG Han, WU Xinxiao, FENG Yang, and JIA Yunde, Video Annotation via Image Groups from the Web, IEEE
Transactions on Multimedia (T-MM), 16(5):1282-1291, 2014.
2. KONG Yu, JIA Yunde, and FU Yun, Interactive Phrases: Semantic Descriptions for Human Interaction Recognition,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI), 36(9):1775-1788, 2014.
3. WU Yuwei, MA Bo, YANG Min, ZHANG Jian, and JIA Yunde, Metric Learning based Structural Appearance Model
for Robust Visual Tracking, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (T-CSVT), 24(5):865877, 2014.
4. WANG Han, LIU Xiabi, WU Xinxiao, and JIA Yunde, Cross-Domain Structural Model for Video Event Annotation via
Web Images, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-18, 2014.
5. KONG Yu, LIANG Wei, DONG Zhen, and JIA Yunde, Recognition Human interaction from Videos by a Discriminative
Model, IET Computer Vision, 8(4):277–286, 2014.
6. YANG Jiaolong, LI Hongdong, and JIA Yunde, Optimal Essential Matrix Estimation in the Presence of Outliers,
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV2014), Switzerland, 2014.
1. WU Xinxiao, XU Dong, DUAN Lixin, LUO Jiebo, and JIA Yunde, Action recognition using multi-level features and
latent structural SVM, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (T-CSVT), 23(8):1422-1431,
2. WU Yuwei, WANG Yuanquan, and JIA Yunde, Adaptive Diffusion Flow Active Contours for Image Segmentation,
Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 117(10):1421-1435, 2013.
3. WU Yuwei, WANG Yuanquan, and JIA Yunde, Segmentation of the left ventricle in cardiac cine MRI using shapeconstrained active contours with a novel external force, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU),
117(9):990-1003, 2013.
4. YANG Jiaolong, LI Hongdong, and JIA Yunde, Globally-Optimal ICP: Solving the 3D Registration Problem Efficiently
and Globally Optimally, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2013), Australia, 2013.
5. WU Xinxiao, WANG Han, LIU Cuiwei, and JIA Yunde, Cross-view Action Recognition over Heterogeneous Feature
Spaces, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2013), Australia, 2013.
6. SONG Xi, WU Tianfu, JIA Yunde and ZHU Songchun, Discriminatively Trained And-Or Tree Models for Object
Detection, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2013), USA, 2013.
1. ZHAO Youdong, GONG Haifeng, JIA Yunde, and ZHU Song-Chun, Background Modeling by Subspace Learning on
Spatio-Temporal Patches, Pattern Recognition Letters 33(9):1134-1147, 2012.
2. CHEN Lei, JIA Yunde, and LI Mingxiang, An FPGA-Based RGBD Imager, Machine Vision and Applications, Machine
Vision and Applications (MVA), 23(3):513-525, 2012.
3. KONG Yu, JIA Yunde and FU Xin, Learning Human Interaction by Interactive Phrases, European Conference on
Computer Vision (ECCV2012), Italy, 2012.
4. WU Xinxiao and JIA Yunde, View-Invariant Action Recognition using Latent Kernelized Structural SVM, European
Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV2012), Italy, 2012.
5. ZHAO Youdong, SONG Xi and JIA Yunde, On the Dimensionality of Video Bricks under Varying Illumination, IEEE
International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2012), USA, June 2012.
6. JIA Yunde and QIN Xiameng, A Stereovision System with an Embedded Calibration Tool, The Intelligent Vehicles
Symposium (IV2012), Spain, June 2012.
1. KONG Yu, ZHANG Xiaoqin, HU Weiming, and JIA Yunde, Learning Adaptive Codebook for Action Recognition,
Pattern Recognition Letter 32(8):1178-1186, 2011.
2. PEI Mintao, JIA Yunde, and ZHU Songchun, Parsing Video Events with Goal inference and Intent Prediction, IEEE
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2011), Spain, 2011
3. SHEN Jianbing, YANG Xiaoshan, JIA Yunde and LI Xuelong, Intrinsic Images Using Optimization, IEEE International
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2011), USA, June 2011.
1. WU Xinxiao, JIA Yunde and LIANG Wei, Incremental Discriminant-Analysis of Canonical Correlations for Action
Recognition, Pattern Recognition, 43(12):4190-4197, 2010.
2. HAN Lei, WU Xinxiao, LIANG Wei, HOU Guangmin and JIA Yunde, Discriminative Human Action Recognition in the
Learned Hierarchical Manifold Space, Imaging and Vision Computing (IVC), 28(5):836–849, 2010.
3. LI Shanqing and JIA Yunde, A Multimodal Labeling Interface for Wearable Computing, International Conference
on Intelligent User Interface (IUI2010), HK, Feb. 2010.
1. WU Xinxiao, LIANG Wei and JIA Yunde, A semantic-based framework for pose reconstruction of articulated human,
Pattern Recognition Letter, 30(12):1077–1085, 2009.
2. WU Xinxiao, LIANG Wei and JIA Yunde, Articulated Tracking by Learning Intrinsic Structure of Motion, Pattern
Recognition Letters, 30 (12):267–274, 2009.
3. GUO Ping, JIA Yunde, Michael R. LYU, A study of regularized Gaussian classifier in high-dimension small sample
set case based on MDL principle with application to spectrum recognition, Pattern Recognition, 41(9):2842-2854,
4. LIU Xiabi, FU Hui and JIA Yunde, Gaussian Mixture Modeling and Learning of Neighboring Characters for
Multilingual Text Extraction in Images, Pattern Recognition, 41(2):484-493, 2008.
5. ZHANG Xiaoxun and JIA Yunde, A linear discriminant analysis framework based on random subspace for face
recognition, Pattern Recognition, 40(9):2585-259, 2007.
6. ZHANG Xiaoxun and JIA Yunde, Face recognition with local steerable phase feature, Pattern Recognition Letter,
27(16):1927-1933, 2006.
7. LIU Xiabi and JIA Yunde, A Bottom-up algorithm for finding principal curves with applications to image
skeletonization, Pattern Recognition, 38(7):1079-1085, 2005.
8. WANNG Yuan, JIA Yunde, HU Changbo, and Mathew TURK, Fisher non-negative matrix factorization for learning
local features, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence(IJPRAI), 19(4):495-511,
9. WU Xinxiao, LIANG Wei and JIA Yunde, Incremental Discriminative-Analysis of Canonical Correlations for Action
Recognition, International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2009), Sept. 2009, Kyoto, Japan.
10. ZHANG Xiaoxun and JIA Yunde, Local Steerable Phase for Face Representation and Recognition, IEEE
International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2006), New York, USA. June 2006.
11. JIA Yunde, ZHANG Xiaoxun, LI Mingxiang, AN Luping, A Miniature Stereo Vision Machine (MVSM-Ⅲ) for Dense
Disparity Mapping, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2004), Cambridge, England, Aug. 2004.
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