Download THE AWAKENING The Fast Track – 21 Day Fast

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The Fast Track – 21 Day Fast
Location: WOC Barnabas Ctr – Together with Adults
6:00 pm Sunday – Friday
Saturday – Rest
DAY 1 – Setting the Bar: Read Romans 1 (Key Scripture Romans 1:16-17; 12:1; 1 John 1:9). In knowledge of the sin in our life,
we should acknowledge the awesome POWER of God’s love, grace, and mercies that lead us to Salvation! Make a sincere
confession/declaration/promise to DO YOUR BEST to live a life that’s pleasing to God.
Prayer - Pray a personal prayer of Salvation or Rededication to the Lord. Then pray for the salvation or rededication
of others around the world!
Consecrate /Avoid (All Day) - ALL social media (FB, Twitter, YouTube, etc.), Television, Video Games, Junk Food
(Candy, soda, chips, etc.), Telephone, Secular Music
Fast/No eating (You may drink water only) - 12am – 3pm
DAY 2 – Living by His Mercies: Read Romans 12 (Key Scripture Rom. 12:1-2; Eph. 2:4-5). Understand that God’s mercies are
IMPORTANT and IMPOSSIBLE to live without! Not only does it serve as our personal aid to live right, but it should also be our
CORE motivation when helping others as His disciples! Ask God to reveal His mercies for your life and the life of others.
Prayer - Pray for the homeless, hungry, sick, and less fortunate
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) - ALL social media, Video Games, Secular Television, Secular Music, Junk Food
(Candy, soda, chips, etc.)
NO Fasting required
DAY 3 – Following the Holy Spirit: Read Acts 2:38; John 14:26; Gal. 5:22-23; Rom. 8:26 (Key Scripture Gal. 5:22-23). The Holy
Spirit knows the heart of God. Thus, God gave us His Holy Spirit so that we would have help and counsel when we need to
know what to do. Through wisdom & love filled convictions, the Holy Spirit will lead us into victory!
Prayer - Pray for an increased sensitivity to the Spirit of God!
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) - ALL social media, Video Games, Secular Television, Secular Music, Junk Food
(Candy, soda, chips, etc.)
Fast - Choose 1 meal to avoid
World Outreach & Bible Training Center
Updated July 2013
DAY 4 – Speak Those Things: Read Gen. 1 (Key Scripture Psalm 33:9; Rom. 4:17). Whether we know it or not, we are a sum
total of the things we confess and believe! It’s important to confess what we want to see in our lives versus what we feel, think,
or what makes logical sense. Focus your efforts on speaking the Word of God into your life and the life of others today. No
negative speech!
*Wake up EARLY enough to do this one! It helps if you START the day speaking the life barring truths of God to yourself and
Prayer - Pray for the people you come in contact with who have a negative attitude or speech.
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) - Only post words of encouragement on ALL social media (FB, Twitter, YouTube,
etc.), Secular Television, Secular Music, Video Games
Fast/No eating (You may drink water only) – 3pm – 12am
DAY 5 – Humility is Key: Read Philip. 2:3-11; Proverbs 22:4; James4:6 (Key Scripture Proverbs 22:4). Of God's many
commandments one of the most important is to be humble. Humility empowers us to obey God’s commands, causes us to turn
our weaknesses into strengths, and positions us for God’s promotions! Seek God concerning a humble attitude toward Him and
others today…and watch Him begin to open doors for you!
Prayer - Pray for the strength to resist pride and walk in humility. Pray against the spirit of pride in music, television,
movies, and other forms of entertainment.
Consecrate /Avoid (All Day) - ALL social media (FB, Twitter, YouTube, etc.), Television, Video Games, Junk Food
(Candy, soda, chips, etc.), Telephone, Secular Music
NO Fasting required
DAY 6 – Power of Prayer: Read John 15:7; Philip. 4:6; Mark 11:24 Mat. 6:7; 1 Thes 5:17 (Key Scriptures Philip 4:6 & John
15:7). Perhaps you’ve heard it said, “Prayer is simply communicating (talking) to God.” You should know that while God
enjoys conversation with us, effective prayers/petitions require much more than simply sharing what’s on our heart with the
Father. It requires knowledge of the truth (God’s Word), sincerity and humility! Today, search the scriptures to find the
answers to your problems and pray those scriptures out to God (with a heart of sincerity, humility, and intention to obey God’s
*If you need help researching the bible, ask your parent(s) for additional assistance.*
Prayer – Always pray for any area(s) the Holy Spirit leads you to. Also, pray for your leaders (parents, teachers,
pastors, the president, etc.), the encouragement of families who have lost loved ones, and against violence in the
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) – Television, Secular Music, Games
Fast - Choose 1 meal to avoid
Day 7 – No More Fear: Read 2 Tim. 1:7; Josh 1:9; Heb. 13:6; 1 Jn 4:18 (Key Scriptures 2 Tim. 1:7 & 1 Jn 4:18). Stepping out into
the things of God can be extremely scary to say the least. People who don’t support you and life’s problems can build a
platform for fear and terror that can paralyze even the most confident of men and women in the world today! Nevertheless,
YOU have been called! Furthermore, the One (Who has called you), has also equipped you with the courage you need to
exercise the love of God in EVERY situation! Concentrate on living and speaking the truths of God (in love and boldness) as you
bring about the Kingdom of God in heaven…here to earth!
Prayer - Pray for boldness and courage to perform God’s will…NO MATTER WHAT!
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) – ALL Social Media, Secular Television, Secular Music, Games
Fast/No eating (You may drink water only) – 7pm – 12am
World Outreach & Bible Training Center
Updated July 2013
DAY 8 – The Creator Breeds Creativity: Read Exodus 35:31-32; Eph. 2:10 (Key verse Eph. 2:10) Do you play an instrument,
paint, sculpt, write, or invent things? Well, even if you do none of the above, I’m sure you have creativity brewing in you. How
do I know? Because, God (The Ultimate Creator) made us in His image. Therefore, creativity is in our DNA! Today, take a walk
outside making note of all that God has created (trees, air, birds, clouds, etc.), pray and allow the Spirit of God to reveal, refine,
and cultivate the creative gifts and talents God has purposefully placed inside you for His glory!
Prayer - Pray that God reveals expressive creativity through you that will draw people to Him. Also, ask the Holy
Spirit to surround you with other God-fearing and creative people who desire to use creativity to glorify the King!
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) – Have fewer casual conversations, Telephone, Secular Television, Secular Music
NO Fasting required
DAY 9 – Visions & Dreams: Read Gen 15:1; 20:1-7; 28:10 37:5-11; Mat 2:1-2 & 12; Acts 2:17; 10:9-16 (Key verse Acts 2:17).
As we get closer to God, He will begin to speak to us though visions and dreams. The purpose of dreams and visions are to
warn, remind, and protect! Pray that God will begin to communicate His plans with you through dreams and visions. Then
write them down and share them with whomever He desires you to!
Prayer – Pray that God will speak to you in dreams and visions that will allow you to warn, remind, and protect
yourself and others! Ask the Holy Spirit to help you translate dreams and visions that need to be translated (so that
there is NO confusion).
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) – ALL Social Media, Junk Food, Secular Television, Secular Music
NO Fasting required
DAY 10 – Write it Down: Read Hab 2:2. Writing down the songs, dreams, visions, and words of the Lord are essential for
current and future reminders of God’s plans for your life. Similar to how we are encouraged when we read the bible, your
journaling can also be used to build the faith of another who reads about the blessings and even the trials you’ve overcome!
Prayer – Pray that God will help you articulate everything He gives you in the Spirit. Pray for clarity in your
communication with Him so that you’re sure to journal His every word, action, and heart felt moment!
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) – Television, Secular Music, Games
Fast - Choose 1 meal to avoid
DAY 11 – Endurance 2 Finish the Race: Read Rom 5:3-4; Eccl. 7:8; James 1:12-18; Heb. 10:36; John 14:1-31 (Key Verse Gal.
6:9). How many times have you started a book, workout, TV series, (or something similar) and didn’t finish it? Probably too
many times to count…right? It happens too often that we quit or give up on things in life because we’re no longer excited about
them or it’s become far too difficult to continue. The same applies to the life we live for Christ. Sometimes, people will ridicule
us for our faith, or we become tired in doing the right things (when others are doing wrong). God’s word says, “Let us not be
weary in good doing, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Be encouraged to fight the good fight
of faith so that you (and others) will be greatly rewarded. Also, remember that the people who make you want to give up…are
the very reasons why you must hang in there!
Prayer - Pray for wisdom to pace yourself in the race. Pray that God will take away everything in your life that will
slow you down or keep you from moving forward in the things of God! Pray that God gives you something to hold on
to when you’re tempted to give up and to remind you that you are MORE than a conqueror!
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) – Limit time on Social Media to 1 hour, Secular Television, Secular Music, Games
Fast - Choose 1 meal to avoid
World Outreach & Bible Training Center
Updated July 2013
DAY 12 – GO! Read Matt. 28:19. Jesus made it clear that we need to witness (tell and show others) about the love of God
(making them also believers in His Word). Concentrate on the opportunities you will have today to talk to others about the
love of God! Ask the Holy Spirit to help you lead someone to Salvation, successfully invite someone to church, or lead someone
in personal prayer!
Prayer – Pray for boldness and clarity when you witness to friends, family, and strangers. Pray that people’s hearts
are open to the words that the Holy Spirit will place in your mouth!
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) – Secular Television, Secular Music, Games
NO Fasting required
DAY 13 – Workout and Eat Right! Read 1 Cor. 6:19-20; 3 John 1:2; Ps. 139:14 (Key verse 1 Cor. 6:19-20). Paul explains that
there is a significant to working out our natural bodies. While it’s more beneficial to be spiritually fit, being naturally fit is still
very important. Many of our attitudes, sicknesses, and diseases can be healed through proper rest, exercise, and healthy eating.
Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in what type of workouts and dietary plan you need to live a long and healthy life.
*Research about workout and dietary needs encouraged only during 21 day fast. Also, seek your doctor’s advice for
additional assistance before beginning anything new.*
Prayer – Pray you develop a diet that will energize you to preach and minister the gospel for years to come! Also pray
against obesity and hunger in the world.
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) – Secular Television, Secular Music, Games, Junk Food
Fast/No eating (You may drink water only) - 12am – 3pm
DAY 14 – Intercession: Read 1 Tim 2:1; James 5:14-20; Eph. 6:18 Rom. 8:26 (Key Scripture 1 Tim 2:1). When we’re driven by
the mercies of God we know that we need to stay in prayer for more than just ourselves…but for others! Today, spend every
moment you can disciplining your mind to keep others in prayer. Also, pray for the people of other nations and countries! God
wants to use you to turn the tides in this spiritual battle being fought for souls!
Prayer – Pray on behalf of widows, orphans, the poor, the rich, the greedy, and the forgotten!
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) – ALL Social Media, Television, Secular Music, Games
Fast - Choose 1 meal to avoid
DAY 15 – God’s Purpose for Us: Read 2 Peter 3:9; Rom. 8:29; Matt. 28:9; 2 Cor. 4:16-18 (Key Verse Rom. 8:29). What is our
purpose? Why are we here? These are common questions that EVERY person has or will ask throughout their lifetime. Well,
when we search the scriptures, we find there are three main commitments God desires from us. He desires that we receive
Salvation, consistently change (inwardly and outwardly) to look like Jesus, and help others do the same. Knowing this, ask the
Holy Spirit to reveal to you how you can use your gifts, talents, and abilities to fulfill your purpose in God!
Prayer – Pray that the Holy Spirit reveals to you God’s purposes for your life. Also, pray that He reveals to you your
passions! Pray concerning your “friends” and other influences that don’t believe as you do. Ask the Holy Spirit to word
your speech and guide your actions so you can separate yourself from people without any intentions of serving God.
Pray that He blesses you with long-lasting and Godly friendships!
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) – Have fewer Casual Conversations, Secular Television, Secular Music, Games,
NO Fasting required
World Outreach & Bible Training Center
Updated July 2013
DAY 16 – Get Connected and Grow: Matt 15:1-17 (Key Verse Matt. 15:4). Many people feel like coming to church is a waste of
time or as though they’re not getting all they can out of it. Perhaps this is you! Part of the reason some may feel this way could
be a result of not being connected to the vision of the church! God has placed certain passions inside of each of us that work in
perfect harmony with His will. Find out what areas you can get involved in and start making a difference in people’s lives
Prayer – Pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal the area of ministry in which you will be most needed, enjoy, and
become satisfied fulfilling as part of your purpose and passion!
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) – ALL Social Media, Secular Television, Secular Music, Games
Fast/No eating (You may drink water only) – 12pm – 7pm
DAY 17 – Heart of a Giver: Read Prov 3:27; Mal 3:10; Luke 3:11; John 3:16 Acts 20:35 (Key Verse John 3:16). Selfcenteredness, self-indulgence, and greediness are sins that we must progress toward eliminating. Although this may be a
challenging task to achieve, we have to put forth our best efforts to live a holy life for God. We must keep in mind what we’re
able to do for others and NOT the other way around. God showed us the perfect example by giving His Son to die on the cross
for our sins. We should live to give to others as God gave His all for us! Therefore, look for opportunities to be a blessing to the
people you come in contact with today (and every day).
Prayer – Pray that God will help you develop a heart for giving so that you give with a cheerful attitude.
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) – Secular Television, Secular Music, Games
Fast/No eating (You may drink water only) - 7am – 7pm
DAY 18 – Love Your Neighbor: Read 1 Peter 4:10-11; Acts 20:35; Gal 5:13-14; Matt 20:28 (Key Verse Gal. 5:13-14). It’s so
easy to become overwhelmed in our own problems that we forget others need our help and may be suffering as a result of our
neglect. Christ challenged the people of His time (and us today) to love our neighbors as much as we love ourselves. That
means we must press beyond our every feelings of selfishness and look to extend our hands to help someone else who may be
less fortunate. Concentrate on giving your time, money, and commitment to someone in need. Perhaps you could volunteer at
a soup kitchen, invite a classmate (who may not have a lot) over for dinner, or volunteer at the next major outreach event your
church has.
Prayer - Pray to have a heart to treat others as yourself! Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you each time you treat
another person without love so you can apologize and make things right again.
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) – ALL Social Media, Television, Secular Music, Games
NO Fasting required
DAY 19 – Family Day: Read 1 Tim 5:8; Eph 6:1-4; Jn 10:31; (Key Verse Jn. 10:31). As bad as they test us or “get on our nerves,”
family is important to God! God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all operated as a family. This means that although they are
separate beings they work and live together as one! There is honor, joy, and blessings in family! Therefore, spend as much
time with them as you can today or make plans for this weekend (or not too distant future) to be able to spend some time with
Prayer - Pray for ALL members of your family. Call out as many of their names in prayer as you personally consult
the King on their behalf.
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) – ALL Social Media, Secular Television, Secular Music, Games
Fast - Choose 1 meal to avoid
World Outreach & Bible Training Center
Updated July 2013
DAY 20 – Live like Jesus: Read the book of Matthew (Key Verse Matt 11:28). So…WWJD? The best way to find out is by
studying His life through the bible. When you study His life, concentrate on three areas: His “prayer” life, His “word” life
(meaning how much scripture did He know and live), and His “consecration/fast” life! Then, measure your life against it. Any
areas that you see need improvement, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in making them better. Doing this will cause you to be
more victorious than you’ve EVER been and you will begin to see the mercies of God poured on the people in need of healing
and deliverance!
Prayer – Pray that your life reflects the life of Jesus! Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to walk in the life changing
power of Christ!
Consecrate from/Avoid (All Day) – ALL Social Media, Secular Television, Secular Music, Games
NO Fasting required
DAY 21 – Unconditional Love: Read 1 Cor 13:1-13; Rom 5:8; 1 John 4:8; Matt 5:43-48 (Key Verse Rom. 5:8). It’s easy to love
people who love, do right by, and respect us. However, how about the people who disrespect, hate, persecute, ridicule, and
despise us? Do we love them the same? Yes we do! The bible talks about how Jesus died for us while we were still enemies of
God! That’s called unconditional love. It’s a love that looks beyond a person’s actions, speech, and mannerisms and sees the
heart of every person. Unconditional love is a MUST for EVERY Christian since it’s what defines our God! We cannot be called
Christians if we don’t walk in love!
Prayer – Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you how to Love unconditionally. Then, pray that the world experiences the
unconditional love of God and will be drawn to Him.
Consecrate /Avoid (All Day) - ALL social media (FB, Twitter, YouTube, etc.), Television, Video Games, Junk Food
(candy, soda, chips, etc.), Telephone, Music
Fast/No eating (You may drink water only) - 12am – 3pm
We know this challenging experience has enhanced your life beyond belief! Tell us about your experience and we’ll post it on
our FB and Twitter page for ALL to SEE! Thank you and God Bless~
World Outreach & Bible Training Center
Updated July 2013