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Unit 6 Notes
Nom ______________
6.A Notes
The verb venir
The verb ___________ is irregular. It means _______________.
Vous ne venez pas demain?
Si, je viens à 16 heures.
De + Definite Articles
The preposition _____ means _____ or __________.
De does not change when placed in front of the definite articles ______ or _______.
C’est l’ordinateur de la fille.
Où est le cahier de l’élève ?
De changes when placed in front of the definite articles _____ or ________.
De in front of le becomes _____ and de in front of les becomes _______.
Je viens du Mexique.
José vient des États-Unis.
de + le
de + la
de + l’
de + les
from the, of the
from the, of the
from the, of the
from the, of the
Talking about where someone comes from
The preposition you use to say that someone comes from a place will change,
depending on the place.
If a person comes from a _____________ country, use ______.
o Tu viens de France?
If a person comes from a _____________ country, use _______.
o Nous venons du Japon.
If a person comes from a country that ___________________, use _______.
o Elle vient d’Italie.
If a person comes from a ______________ country, use ________.
o Je viens des États-Units.
If a person comes from a _______, use ______ or _______.
o Je suis de Chicago.
o With a city, use a form of ___________, not venir
Forming Questions
In spoken French there are ______ basic ways to ask a question that can be answered
with “yes” or “no.”
1. Intonation – Make your _______ of voice ________ at the ______ of a sentence. (It
rises at the end of all “yes” or “no” questions.) Write a question mark at the end.
C’est ta famille sur la photo?
2. Est-ce que – Put the expression est-ce que right before the ____________ of the
sentence. Est-ce que has no meaning by ____________ ; it serves only to change a
statement into a question. Before a word beginning with a _________ sound, est-ce que
becomes est-ce qu’.
Est-ce que Normand est canadien?
Est-ce qu’il est de Montréal ?
3. n’est-ce pas ? – Add the expression n’est-ce pas to the __________ of a sentence. N’estce pas basically means “isn’t that right?” and may be interpreted in various ways,
depending on context.
C’est ta sœur, n’est-ce pas?
Vous venez du Mexique, n’est-ce pas ?
Question Words
In spoken French you form a question that asks for information (not a yes/no question)
by using a specific question word followed by est-ce que, a subject, then a verb. Some
question words you have already seen are listed below:
avec qui
Où est-ce que tu vas?
Avec qui est-ce que tu joues au tennis ?
6.B Notes
Indefinite Articles in Negative Sentences
The indefinite articles _____, ______, and ________ become ______ or _______(a, an, any)
in a ___________ sentence.
J’ai un frère.
Elle a une sœur.
M. Rondeau a des enfants ?
Je n’ai pas de frère.
Elle n’a pas de sœur.
Non, il n’a pas d’enfants.
Exception :
Un, une, and des DO NOT change after a form of the verb ________ in a negative
Ce sont des photos de mes parents; ce ne sont pas des photos de mes profs.
The adjective quel means _________ or ___________ and is used to ask questions. Quel
always comes ____________ the noun it describes. This means it must agree with the
When the noun is…
masculine and singular
masculine and plural
feminine and singular
feminine and plural
Tu préfères quel coiffeur?
Quelle femme d’affaires voyage beaucoup ?
Sometimes forms of quel may come directly _____________ the verb être. In this case,
quel agrees with the noun ________ être.
Quelle est la profession de tes parents?
C’est vs. Il/Elle est
Both _______ and _____________ can mean “he is” or “she is” as well as “it is.”
Use il/elle est (or ils/elles sont) when the following word is
• a _____________
Elle est italienne.
• a _____________
Elle est dentiste.
• a personality ______
Elle est bavarde.
Elle est très intelligente.
(it’s okay if an adverb is
inserted in the sentence)
Use c’est (or ce sont) when the following word is
• a _____________ with an
________ and/or adjective in front of it
C’est ma dentiste.
C’est un bon infirmier.
Ce n’est pas un médecin.
C’est une Italienne.
Note that a noun of nationality is _____________, but an adjective of nationality is not.
Noun: C’est un Japonais. [we know it’s a noun because it has an article in front of it]
Adjective: Il est japonais. [it’s an adjective since there is no article]
6.C Notes
The verb faire
The verb _________ is irregular. It means ____________, but has other meanings as well.
Qu’est-ce que tu fais?
Nous faisons des omelettes.
Like the irregular verbs aller and avoir, faire is used in many expressions where a
different verb is used in English, for example, when talking about
• participating in various ________________:
o faire du footing
Je fais du footing.
o faire du roller
Tu fais du roller.
o faire du shopping
Elle fait du shopping.
o faire les devoirs
Nous faisons les devoirs.
o faire du vélo
Vous faites du vélo.
o faire du sport
Ils font du sport.
• _______________
o Ça fait combien?
o Ça fait 30 euros.
• what the ______________ is like
o Quel temps fait-il?
o Il fait beau.
o other weather expressions listed on p. 205
Forming Questions with Inversion
A more ____________ way of asking questions in French, particularly in written French,
is to ___________, or reverse, the order of the verb and its subject pronoun.
The order is usually: verb – subject pronoun.
Quelle heure est-il?
Avez-vous faim?
Note that a hyphen connects the verb and its subject pronoun.
The subject pronoun _____ does not typically get inverted. Instead, use intonation or
est-ce que with questions with je in them.
In ________ the il, elle, and on forms, if the verb form does not end in a ____ or a _____,
you must add a _____ between the verb and the subject pronoun. This t will have a
________ on either side of it, and it will be pronounced.
Ressemble-t-il à ses parents?
A-t-il les cheveux blonds ?
If the subject of the sentence is a ________, inversion is formed by adding the
appropriate subject pronoun after the verb. You cannot invert a ________ __________!
Les filles font-elles du sport?
(Les filles = elles, so we invert elles and font)
Valérie joue-t-elle au basket ?
(Valérie = elle, so we invert elle and joue. Because joue doesn’t end in t or d, we
must add the t.)