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Your Community Hearing Health Newsletter
In This Issue
A community service of
connecting lives through better hearing
• Aural Rehabilitation Program
• Christmas Celebration
Credentials. Technology. Results
Credentials. Technology. Results
• Connection between Hearing & Balance
• Message from Dr. Kay Young, Au.D.
Winter 2013
Shelby Hearing & Balance Center (877) 441-5006 • Located at 1403 N Lafayette St. in Shelby.
Let Shelby Hearing & Balance Center’s Aural Rehabilitation
Program help you hear what you’ve been missing
Have you thought, “I just don’t hear as well as I should with my
hearing aids?” You are not alone. There is a reason for this.
Did you know…we don’t hear with our ears? We actually hear
in our brains. Our ears detect and receive sounds and spoken
messages transmitting them to our brains. Hearing aids ensure
that those sounds and messages reach our brains so they can be
interpreted and understood.
1403 N Lafayette St
Shelby, NC 28150
(877) 441-5006
Oftentimes, it takes several years for a person to recognize
his/her hearing loss and take the vital step to hear again by
purchasing hearing aids. During those years, the brain doesn’t
get the proper signals from the ears; therefore it hasn’t been
able to do its job. When sound and spoken messages are
reintroduced properly to the brain, the brain has to adapt and
again “learn” how to interpret these sounds.
Credentials. Technology. Results
Voted Best Hearing Aid Center
in Cleveland County
2010, 2011 and 2012
Dr. Kay Young, audiologist at Shelby Hearing & Balance
Center has spent many years studying and learning how hearing
aids can help you hear again and how your brain adjusts to these
new sounds. “It’s very important to have realistic goals and
expectations in the first few months of wearing hearing aids,”
says Dr. Young. “Your brain needs time to adjust to the sounds
and messages it’s receiving again.”
People often think that once the hearing aids are purchased,
that’s all there is to it. When, in fact, the real work begins.
“It’s my job to make sure the hearing aids are fit properly and
adjusted properly for the hearing loss, but my job doesn’t end
there. There’s work for the hearing aid user and me to do after
fitting the hearing aids,” says Dr. Young.
The good news is you can optimize your hearing aids using
several methods and techniques.
Thank you for voting us Best Hearing Aid Center 3 years in a row!
• Have realistic expectations about your hearing aids.
• Teach your family and friends clear speech and
communication strategies
• Use other assistive technology to enhance your hearing
aids such as devices for use with your telephone and
And now available --• Training your brain to listen using an Aural Rehabilitation
This is just one area where Dr. Young and Shelby Hearing
& Balance Center set themselves apart. Shelby Hearing &
Balance Center now offers an Aural Rehabilitation Program to
each person who uses hearing aids. This program combines
auditory training, communication strategies, and lip-reading
instruction. It is a learning process that helps “retrain” your
brain to listen and understand more effectively with the use of
hearing aids.
Shelby Hearing & Balance Center is offering Aural Rehabilitation
sessions to anyone who uses hearing aids even if those hearing
aids weren’t purchased at Shelby Hearing & Balance Center.
Each session consists of 4 meetings at Dr. Young’s office. You
will meet with her and a group of approximately 8 others to
learn these methods to enhance the use of your hearing aids.
“This is just another way that we can help you connect with
your life once again. You should be able to participate in your
life to the fullest. Let me help you regain as much hearing as
possible.” Says Dr. Young.
Call (877-441-5006) Shelby Hearing & Balance Center today
to reserve your spot in their Aural Rehabilitation Program
Call (877-441-5006) Shelby
Hearing & Balance Center today
to reserve your spot in their
Aural Rehabilitation Program
Christmas Celebration
We hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season.
We had over 100 people attend our annual Christmas
Celebration on December 6th. It is such a pleasure
to see you each year and express our gratitude for
trusting Shelby Hearing & Balance Center with your
hearing healthcare.
Several of you asked for the Bacon, Date, and Pecan
Chicken Salad recipe so we want to share it with you:
1 cup chicken, cooked and diced
½ cup dates, chopped
¼ cup pecans, chopped
¼ cup crisp bacon, crumbled
½ cup mayonnaise
¼ tsp salt
Mix all ingredients in medium bowl. Serve on the
bread of your choice. Servings: 24 (depending on
bread size)
We look forward to seeing you in 2013. Don’t forget,
bring this newsletter in to get your free pack of batteries.
Did you know...
Many people ask, “What is the connection between hearing and balance?” The connection is simple,
the inner ear essentially has two functions… hearing and balance. These are separate functions
which happen to be maintained within the inner ear.
Are you bothered by dizziness or vertigo? Do you have vertigo or feel unsteady? You don’t have to
“live with it”. Dr. Lamar Young, audiologist, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of inner ear
disorders which could cause dizziness or imbalance.
Vestibular therapy could help alleviate these symptoms. Call Dr. Young (704-482-1447) to schedule
your appointment. Find out today if Shelby Hearing & Balance Center can help with your dizziness.
Dr. Kay Young, Audiologist
How Shelby Hearing &
Balance Center’s credentials,
technology and results help
you hear what you’ve been missing.
All of my training and education are vital to making sure I
can offer you the solutions so your ears can do their job….
Helping you communicate with your family, friends and
co-workers so you can connect to your life.
My mission each day is to make sure everyone who walks
in my door has the best solutions for his/her hearing loss to
help him/her reconnect with life for better relationships.
Technology – The Technology for your needs.
There are very specific ways to accomplish this. You may
have seen the words “Credentials. Technology. Results.”
after our name on this newsletter, newspaper ads and
other materials. We did not choose these words at
random, but very consciously and deliberately. These
words tell a specific story of how I can help you hear again.
Let me tell you how the Credentials. Technology. Results.
message can help you.
Credentials – Receiving the best care because I
Hearing is quite complex. Our brains rely on the messages
received from our ears in order to comprehend and
interpret what’s going on around us. Our ears never
stop working, even in our sleep. Your hearing healthcare
provider must have the personal dedication, a solid
education at the doctoral level and state-of-the-art
capabilities to truly understand these complexities.
I believe my work really begins once it is determined
hearing aids are the best solution. This is more than just
selecting the appropriate hearing aids for your hearing
loss. Hearing aids are complex instruments precision set
for maximum benefit in your listening situations. Today’s
technology allows me to improve your ear’s ability to hear
the garbles speech and sounds so your brain can easily
interpret what’s going on and you can enjoy your life.
Results – Connecting you back to your life.
This is where everything comes together for those with
hearing loss. All my training and today’s technology of
hearing aids, programming and adjusting those hearing
aids give you the results you need to reconnect with your
I pursued a doctoral degree in Audiology because that
training, capability and expertise is vital to understanding
hearing loss and offering real solutions to those with even
mild hearing loss.
Credentials. Technology. Results
Serving you since 1984
1403 N Lafayette Street • Shelby, NC 28150
toll free
(877) 441-5006
learn more at
How it works:
1. We’ll check your hearing to determine which solution is right for
If you are interested in hearing aids for the first time
or in upgrading your current hearing aids, call us to
schedule a no-cost consultation. You’ll be glad you
2. We’ll fit you with the proper hearing instrument that fits your
lifestyle and budget.
Deadline of March 31, 2013
3. Wear it for 7 days without cost or obligation. (Refundable security deposit
required. See us for details on this and other restrictions).
4. After 7 days come back in and we’ll evaluate your experience. If
you’re happy with the results you can purchase them, if not, return
them, no questions asked. (“like new” condition required for return).
Credentials. Technology. Results
toll free
(877) 441-5006