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EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
STAAR Writing Selection 1
Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.
Janie wrote the following paper to persuade her readers to be careful consumers. As you read
Janie’s paper, look for any revisions she should make. Then answer the questions that follow.
Think Twice About TV Commercials
(1) Television ads interrupt network programming every few minutes. (2) In many cases the ads are creative,
colorful, and amusing. (3) Watching commercials can certainly be entertaining, but consumers should learn
to view them discerningly. (4) All of us should watch commercials wisely and carefully.
Television commercials frequently interrupt the network shows you watch. They can be entertaining, but smart
consumers need to watch these ads thoughtfully. The advertisers are using propaganda techniques to try to persuade
you to buy their products. Some of the techniques used are the bandwagon, the transfer, and the emotional appeal.
Janie wants people to think about the commercials that they watch. She knows that advertisers are paid well for trying
to influence their viewers. She wrote the following paper to persuade her readers to be careful consumers. As you read
Janie’s paper, look for any revisions she should make. Then answer the questions that follow.
Think Twice About TV Commercials
Television ads interrupt network shows every few minutes. (2) In many cases the ads are creative, colorful,
and funny. (3) While watching these commercials can be entertaining, consumers should learn to view
them thoughtfully. (4) All of us should watch commercials wisely and carefully.
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
(5) Imagine flipping on the television and seeing a group of young, fit people on a sunny beach. (6) They’ve
just finished a game of volleyball and are reaching for a refreshing soda. (7) You find yourself pondering the
soft drink featured in the commercial. (8) But before you head to the store, stop and think twice. (9) You’ve
just been a victim of the bandwagon technique.
(10) Perhaps you’re watching a show that’s suddenly interrupted by some famous athletes recommending a
certain brand of shoes. (11) If these accomplished athletes are wearing the shoes, surely you need to wear
them, too, right? (12) Stop and think twice. (13) Are the shoes really responsible for the athletes’ ability and
success? (14) You’ve been led to make this connection by the advertising technique known as transfer. (15)
From the ad alone you’ll never know or be sure how good the shoes really are. (16) It’s also important to
keep in mind that the celebrities were paid to endorse the shoes. (17) Do they even believe that the
footwear they’re promoting is that special? (18) You can never be certain.
(19) Many other propaganda techniques are evident in today’s commercials. (20) Some ads use repetition,
hoping that a catchy jingle or phrase will stick in your mind and subconsciously compel you to buy a certain
(5) Imagine flipping on the television and seeing a group of people on the beach. (6) They are young and fit
and have just finished a game of volleyball. (7) Some are reaching for a refreshing soda. (8) You find yourself
pondering the soft drink shown in the commercial. (9) But before you head to the store, stop and think
twice. (10) You’ve just been a victim of the bandwagon technique. (11) Perhaps you’re watching a show
that’s suddenly interrupted by some famous athletes. (12) They are recommending a certain brand of
shoes. (13) If these athletes are wearing the shoes, surely you need them, too, right? (14) Stop and think
twice. (15) Are the shoes really responsible for the athletes’ success? (16) You’ve been led to make this
connection by the advertising technique known as transfer. (17) From the ad alone you’ll never know or
be sure how good the shoes really are. (18) It’s also important to remember that the celebrities were
paid to wear the shoes. (19) Do they even believe that the shoes are special? (20) You can never be certain.
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
(21) Other ads use emotional words or situations to make you have strong feelings about a product or service.
(22) Learn to recognize the propaganda techniques that are used. (23) Just because a clever jingle about a
product is stuck in your head doesn’t make that product the best one to buy.
(24) Research groups have tried to determine how many commercial messages the average American sees in a
day. (25) Although the number varies widely, most experts agree that a few hundred would be a conservative
(26) Commercials are big business, and it’s important to remember that advertisers are well paid for
influencing viewers. (27) Don’t let yourself be easily swayed. (28) Be a thoughtful consumer who pays
attention to the products, not to just what the jingles and celebrities claim.
(21) Many other propaganda techniques are used in today’s commercials. (22) Some ads use repetition. (23)
The advertisers hope that a catchy jingle or phrase will stick in your mind and persuade you to buy a certain
product. (24) Other ads use emotional words to make you have strong feelings about a product. (25) It’s
important that you learn to recognize the propaganda techniques that are being used. (26) Commercials are
big business, and it’s important to remember that advertisers are well paid for influencing viewers. (27)
Don’t let yourself be easily swayed. (28) Be a thoughtful consumer who pays attention to the products, not
to just what the jingles and celebrities claim.
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
TEKS: E.16 Writing/Persuasive Texts. Students write persuasive texts to influence the attitudes or actions of a
specific audience on specific issues.
Objective: (A) A clear thesis or position based on logical reasons supported by precise and relevant evidence.
STAAR Modified
1 Janie does not like the way she expressed her
thesis in sentence 4. Which of the following
should replace sentence 4 to create a more
effective and sophisticated thesis statement?
1 Janie does not like the way she wrote her thesis
in sentence 4. Which of the following should
replace sentence 4 to create a more effective
thesis statement?
A Watching commercials is serious business, and
people should be wary of what they allow into
their subconscious minds.
B Advertisers are busy trying to sell products that
you may or may not have a reason to buy.
C People shouldn’t be blinded by the flashing
lights and bright colors that the advertising
industry uses to make commercials captivating.
D As potential consumers, we must be aware of
the propaganda techniques advertisers use to
tempt us into purchasing their products.
A Watching commercials is serious business, and
people should be careful of what they allow into
their minds.
B People shouldn’t be blinded by the flashing lights
and bright colors that the advertising industry
uses to make commercials interesting.
C As potential consumers, we need to know the
propaganda techniques advertisers use to tempt
us into buying their products.
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
TEKS: E.13 Writing/Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising,
editing, and publishing) to compose text.
Objective: Fig. (C) Revise drafts to improve style, word choice, figurative language, sentence variety, and
subtlety of meaning after rethinking how well questions of purpose, audience, and genre have been addressed.
STAAR Modified
2 The word pondering does not effectively convey
Janie’s meaning in sentence 7. Which of the
following would be the best replacement for
2 The word pondering does not effectively convey
Janie’s meaning in sentence 8. Which of the
following would be the best replacement for
A touching
A touching
B craving
B craving
C carrying
C carrying
D relishing
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
TEKS: E.16 Writing/Persuasive Texts. Students write persuasive texts to influence the attitudes or actions of a
specific audience on specific issues.
Objective: Fig. (A) Write an argumentative essay to the appropriate audience that includes: a clear thesis or
position based on logical reasons supported by precise and relevant evidence.
3 Janie wants to tell more about the statement
she has made in sentence 9. Which of these ideas
would best follow and support sentence 9?
A Wouldn’t you love to get on the bandwagon?
B The advertisers have convinced you that you will
have as much fun as the people on the beach if
you drink the same brand of soda.
STAAR Modified
3 Janie wants to tell more about the statement
she has made in sentence 10. Which of these
ideas would best follow and support sentence 10?
A The advertisers have convinced you that you will
have as much fun as the people on the beach if
you drink the same brand of soda.
C This means that everyone on the beach should
drink soda.
B This means that everyone on the beach should
drink soda.
D This bandwagon technique is one technique
that television and magazine advertisers use to
persuade people to buy a certain soft drink.
C This bandwagon technique is one technique that
television and magazine advertisers use to
persuade people to buy it.
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
TEKS: E.13 Writing/Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising,
editing, and publishing) to compose text.
Objective: Fig. (C) Revise drafts to improve style, word choice, figurative language, sentence variety, and
subtlety of meaning after rethinking how well questions of purpose, audience, and genre have been addressed.
STAAR Modified
4 What is the most effective revision to make in
sentence 15?
4 What is the most effective revision to make in
sentence 17?
A From the ad alone you’ll never know how good
the shoes really are, you can’t be sure.
A From the ad alone you’ll never know how good the
shoes really are.
B From the ad alone you’ll never know how good
the shoes really are.
C From the ad alone you’ll never know how good for
sure the shoes really are.
D No revision is needed in this sentence.
B From the ad alone you’ll never know how good for
sure the shoes really are.
C No revision is needed in this sentence.
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
TEKS: E.16 Writing/Persuasive Texts. Students write persuasive texts to influence the attitudes or actions of a
specific audience on specific issues.
Objective: Fig. (D) Write an argumentative essay to the appropriate audience that includes: a range of
appropriate appeals (e.g., descriptions, anecdotes, case studies, analogies, illustrations).
5 Janie would like to further develop the fourth
paragraph (sentences 19–23). Reread the
paragraph carefully. Which detail could best be
added after sentence 21 to add to the main idea
of this paragraph?
A All of these are known as propaganda
techniques, and they are evident in most of the
commercials you see on television today.
B Emotional words are designed to evoke
emotions and make you feel strongly about
C The role of an advertiser is to convince you that
you will not be able to live without a certain
D Still other ads resort to snob appeal, attempting
to convince you that you will appear to have more
wealth or a higher social status if you use a
certain product.
STAAR Modified
5 Reread the fourth paragraph (sentences
21–25) because Janie would like to develop it
Which detail could best be added after
sentence 24 to add to the main idea of this
A All of these are known as propaganda
techniques, and they are evident in most of
the commercials you see on television today.
B Emotional words are designed to bring
about emotions and make you feel strongly
about something.
C Still other ads resort to snob appeal, trying
to convince you that you will have more
money or be more popular if you use a
certain product.
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
TEKS: E.16 Writing/Persuasive Texts. Students write persuasive texts to influence the attitudes or actions of a
specific audience on specific issues.
Objective: (D) Write an argumentative essay to the appropriate audience that includes: an organizing
structure appropriate to the purpose, audience, and context.
6 Janie would like to add a sentence to the end of
her paper to help bring it to an effective closing.
Which of the following would be the best sentence
for Janie to add?
A As you know, commercials are obvious attempts
to influence those who participate.
STAAR Modified
6 Janie would like to add a sentence to the end of
her paper to help bring it to an effective closing.
Which of the following would be the best sentence
for Janie to add?
A The jingles that celebrities happily sing are part
of a much bigger campaign.
B The jingles that celebrities happily sing are part of
a much bigger campaign.
B The next time you’re watching a commercial,
stop and think twice.
C The next time you’re watching a commercial, stop
and think twice.
C In the end, they’re probably not worth all that
much anyway.
D In the end, they’re probably not worth all that
much anyway.
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
STAAR Writing Selection 2
Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.
Bethany wrote this paper about a time she changed her opinion about someone. Read Bethany’s paper and
look for the corrections she needs to make. Then answer the questions that follow.
(1) For as long as anyone could remember, the marching band at our school had been a joke. (2) Everyone
accepted the fact that we were the worst band in the state. (3) Most of us had joined the band for an “easy
A” and some built-in friends. (4) But the new band director was determined to change things, his name was
Mr. Parker. (5) A year earlier he had moved from Iowa to our little town in Texas. (6) In Iowa he had directed
an award-winning marching band for 30 years. (7) When he heard about the opening for a new band
director at our school he couldn’t help investigating. (8) He applied for the position and was hired
The marching band at Bethany’s school had always been a bit of a joke. Then one day Mr. Parker, a new band director
from Iowa, took over. He wore an absurd bow tie and acted like a drill sergeant. He was determined to turn the band into
a respected, unified group of musicians. Everyone grumbled a bit, but the band soon started rising to Mr. Parker’s
Bethany wrote this paper to tell about how her opinion of Mr. Parker changed over time. Read Bethany’s paper and look
for the corrections she needs to make. Then answer the questions that follow.
For years, the marching band at our school had been a joke. (2) Everyone knew that we were the worst band
in the state. (3) But the new band director was determined to change things, his name was Mr. Parker. (4) A
year earlier he had moved from Iowa to our little town in Texas. (5) In Iowa he had directed an award-
winning marching band. (6) When he heard about the opening for a new band director at our school he
applied and was hired immediately. (7) The first day with Mr. Parker was the end of band life as we knew
it. (8) At first we just laughed at his absurd bow tie and drill-sergeant ways.
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
(9) The first day of Mr. Parker’s reign was the end of band life as we knew it. (10) Initially we just laughed at
his absurd bow tie and his drill-sergeant ways. (11) But we weren’t laughing for long; Mr. Parker hadn’t took
the band director’s job to be funny. (12) He was there to turn us into a respectable band, and nothing—not
even a bunch of lazy, flippant teenagers—was going to stop them.
(13) I don’t think I’ll ever forget band camp that year. (14) Mr. Parker was intent on whipping us into shape
with the techniques he had been using for years. (15) Every day we started practice early, ended practice
late, and polished our instruments until they shone. (16) We went through our final program so many times
that by the end of camp, I probably could have performed it in my sleep. (17) Mr. Parker refused to allow us
to settle for anything less than our best. (18) At first there was a lot of grumbling, and a few students were
even tempted to quit, after a while, though, we found ourselves somehow rising to Mr. Parker’s
(9) But we weren’t laughing for long; Mr. Parker hadn’t took the band director’s job to be funny. (10) He
was there to turn us into a respectable band, and nothing—not even a bunch of lazy teenagers—was
going to stop them.
Questions 1, 2, 3, and 4 appear here on STAAR Modified
(11) I don’t think I’ll ever forget band camp that year. (12) Mr. Parker was determined to whip us into
shape. (13) Every day we started practice early, ended practice late, and polished our instruments
until they shone. (14) We went through our final program so many times that I probably could have
performed it in my sleep. (15) Mr. Parker refused to allow us to settle for anything less than our best.
(16) At first there was a lot of grumbling, a few students were even tempted to quit. (17) After a while,
though, we found ourselves somehow rising to Mr. Parker’s expectations.
(18) As we marched onto the field at the first football game, I could almost hear a breathe of
amazement from the crowd.
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
(19) As we marched onto the field at the first football game, I could almost hear a collective breathe of
amazement from the crowd. (20) What was once a disjointed crew of halfway-decent musicians had been
transformed into a unified, harmonious team. (21) Everyone could sense the difference, especially those of
us in uniform!
(22) As I look back on that year now, I realize that Mr. Parker is probably the best teacher I’ve ever had. (23)
He combined his thirst for excellence with a compasionate, caring heart. (24) If a band member couldn’t get
a ride to an early practice, Mr. Parker would find a ride for him. (25) If someone was having a hard time
learning a piece of music, Mr. Parker would spend his lunch hour working with the student individually. (26)
From the beginning it was obvious that he cared about us, and he had a knack for somehow bringing out the
best in everyone. (27) I know that I am both a better musician and a better person for having Mr. Parker in
my life. (28) I’m looking forward to learning even more from him next year. (29) I just found out I’ll be the
head drum major for our band when the new school year starts!
(19) What was once a sloppy crew of halfway-decent musicians had become a unified team. (20) Everyone
could see the difference, especially those of us in uniform! (21) As I look back on that year, I realize that
Mr. Parker is probably the best teacher I’ve ever had. (22) He had a thirst for excellence and a
compasionate heart. (23) If a band member couldn’t get a ride to an early practice, Mr. Parker would find
a ride for him. (24) If someone was having a hard time learning a piece of music, Mr. Parker would spend
his lunch hour helping. (25) From the beginning it was obvious that he cared about us. (26) And somehow
he was able to bring out the best in everyone. (27) I know that I am a better musician and a better person
for having Mr. Parker in my life.
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
TEKS: E.17 Oral and Written Conventions/Conventions. Students understand the function of and use the
conventions of academic language when speaking and writing. Students will continue to apply earlier standards
with greater complexity.
Objective: (C) Use a variety of correctly structured sentences (e.g., compound, complex, compound-complex).
1 What is the correct way to write sentence 4?
STAAR Modified
1 What is the correct way to write sentence 3?
A But the new band director who was determined
to change things had a name of Mr. Parker.
A But the new band director who was determined to
change things had a name of Mr. Parker.
B But the new band director, Mr. Parker, was
determined to change things.
B But the new band director, Mr. Parker, was
determined to change things.
C But the new band director was determined to
change things, named Mr. Parker.
D The sentence is written correctly in the paper.
C But the new band director was determined to
change things, named Mr. Parker.
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
TEKS: E.18 Oral and Written Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization, and Punctuation. Students write
legibly and use appropriate capitalization and punctuation conventions in their compositions.
Objective: (B) Use correct punctuation marks including: (i) comma placement in nonrestrictive phrases,
clauses, and contrasting expressions; (ii) quotation marks to indicate sarcasm or irony; and (iii) dashes to
emphasize parenthetical information.
2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence
A Insert a comma after school
B Change couldn’t to couldn’t hardly
C Change investigating to investtigating
D No change should be made in sentence 7.
STAAR Modified
2 What change, if any, should be made in sentence
A Insert a comma after school
B Change applied to applyed
C No change should be made in sentence 6.
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
TEKS: E.17 Oral and Written Conventions/Conventions. Students understand the function of and use the
conventions of academic language when speaking and writing. Students will continue to apply earlier standards
with greater complexity.
Objective: (A) Use and understand the function of the following parts of speech in the context of reading,
writing, and speaking: (i) more complex active and passive tenses and verbals (gerunds, infinitives, participles); (ii)
restrictive and nonrestrictive relative clauses; and (iii) reciprocal pronouns (e.g., each other, one another).
3 What change needs to be made in sentence 11?
STAAR Modified
3 What change needs to be made in sentence 9?
A Delete the semicolon
A Delete the semicolon
B Change took to taken
B Change took to taken
C Change director’s to directors’
C Change director’s to directors’
D Nothing needs to be changed in sentence 11.
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
TEKS: E.13 Writing/Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising,
editing, and publishing) to compose text.
Objective: (D) Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
4 What change should be made in sentence 12?
STAAR Modified
4 What change should be made in sentence 10?
A Change respectable to respectible
A Change respectable to respectible
B Delete the comma after band
B Change was going to were going
C Change was going to were going
C Change them to him
D Change them to him
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
TEKS: E.18 Oral and Written Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization, and Punctuation. Students write
legibly and use appropriate capitalization and punctuation conventions in their compositions.
Objective: (B) Use correct punctuation marks including: (i) comma placement in nonrestrictive phrases,
clauses, and contrasting expressions; (ii) quotation marks to indicate sarcasm or irony; and (iii) dashes to
emphasize parenthetical information.
5 What change needs to be made in sentence 18?
A Change were even tempted to was even tempted
B Change the comma after quit to a semicolon
C Change ourselves to ourselfs
D Change rising to risen
STAAR Modified
5 What change needs to be made in sentence 16?
A Change there to their
B Change the comma to a semicolon
C Change were even tempted to was even
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
TEKS: E13 Writing/Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising,
editing, and publishing) to compose text.
Objective: (D) Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
6 What change needs to be made in sentence 19?
STAAR Modified
6 What change needs to be made in sentence 18?
A Change the comma to a semicolon
A Change the comma to a semicolon
B Change almost to allmost
B Change almost to allmost
C Change breathe to breath
C Change breathe to breath
D No change is needed.
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
TEKS: E.19 Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling. Students spell correctly.
Objective: (A) Spell correctly, including using various resources to determine and check correct spellings.
7 What change, if any, should be made in sentence
A Change He combined to Combining
B Change excellence to excellent
C Change compasionate to compassionate
D Make no change
STAAR Modified
7 What change should be made in sentence 22?
A Change He had to Having
B Change excellence to excellent
C Change compasionate to compassionate
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
STAAR Sample Prompt for Expository Writing
TEKS: E.15 Writing/Expository and Procedural Texts. Students write expository and procedural or workrelated texts to communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes.
Objective (A) Write an analytical essay of sufficient length that includes: (i) effective introductory and
concluding paragraphs and a variety of sentence structures; (i) rhetorical devices, and transitions between
paragraphs; (iii) a thesis or controlling idea; (iv) an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and
context; (v) relevant evidence and well-chosen details; and (vi) distinctions about the relative value of specific data,
facts, and ideas that support the thesis statement.
STAAR Modified
READ the information in the box below.
Read the information in the box below.
Jane Austen (1775–1817) and
Franz Kafka (1883–1924) are
considered great writers today.
Their books continue to sell, and
they are widely read andstudied
in schools everywhere. However,
neither of them sold many books
while they were alive.
Jane Austen (1775–1817) and Franz
Kafka (1883–1924) are considered
great writers. Their books continue
to sell, and they are widely read and
studied in schools everywhere.
Neither of them, however, received
much recognition while they were
THINK carefully about the following question. Can a
person be successful without being well known?
Should people do things only to be recognized? Think
carefully about this question.
WRITE an essay explaining what makes a person
Write an essay explaining whether a person must
always be acknowledged in order to have accomplished
Be sure to —
clearly state your thesis
• organize and develop your ideas effectively
choose your words carefully
edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Be sure to —
clearly state your thesis
• organize and develop your ideas effectively
choose your words carefully
edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and
EOC English II Writing STAAR and STAAR-M Fall 2012 by Objective
STAAR Sample Prompt for Persuasive Writing
TEKS: E.16 Writing/Persuasive Texts. Students write persuasive texts to influence the attitudes or actions of a
specific audience on specific issues.
Objective (A) A clear thesis or position based on logical reasons supported by precise and relevant evidence.
Read the following quotation.
STAAR Modified
No comparable Question on STAAR Modified
Authentic patriotism is not about you,
what you believe or what you think is
right. . . . Authentic patriotism is not an
opinion. It is an action.
–Stephen Kiernan
Think carefully about the following statement.
Some people define themselves by what they
believe, while others allow their actions to speak
for them.
Write an essay stating your position on which is
more important: what a person thinks or what a
person does. Be sure to —
state your position clearly
use appropriate organization
provide specific support for your argument
choose your words carefully
edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and