Download Blake Moutin Leadership Grid Phoebe Archibald University of North

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Blake Moutin Leadership Grid
Phoebe Archibald
University of North Texas
A few years ago the University of Michigan, University of Texas, and Ohio State
University decided to research the two types of leadership behaviors: initiating structure
behavior and considerate leader behavior. It is important to note that leadership behavior is
different than leadership traits. While, leadership traits are inherent qualities of a leader,
leadership behavior is the action leaders take to actually lead people.
Initiating Structure
As the name implies, the initiating structure behavior of a leader focuses on
accomplishing tasks and achieving goals. The behavior is also known as job centered leadership.
With this type of leadership, very little emphasis is placed on relationships with subordinates
and employees. However, this type of behavior is necessary because it gives structure to the
work place that is completely necessary for success. Also, employees need the structure so that
they know exactly and for how long to do a task.
For example, a shipping company needs their leader to have a strong initiating structure
behavior. They’re leader needs to constantly be focused on meeting shipping deadlines. With
all of the shipping information and deadlines in the leader’s mind it would be safe to presume
he or she has little time to exercise a considerate leader behavior. While the leader should have
a considerate trait, it is not necessary for the benefit of that company to constantly exercise the
considerate leader behavior.
Considerate Leader
When an employee feels frustrated about certain tasks or employees, it is important to
have a leader who will listen and care about the issue. A leader who exhibits that type of
behavior is a considerate leader and is an integral part of every company. The considerate
leader behavior has also been called employee-centered leadership, because of its emphasis on
concern for people.
In hotels, the main focus is customer service and satisfaction. In this setting, it is
important for leaders to employ the considerate leader behavior. Not only should leaders
exhibit that personality to customers but to employees as well. It is important that the hotel
make a good impression on customers; therefore, taking the extra effort to treat employees
well will greatly influence the hotel’s relationship with the customers.
Blake/Mouton Grid
The Blake/Mouton grid was designed by Blake and Mouton to show what types of
management exhibit the most considerate leader and initiating structure behavior. The grid
was based on a 1 to 9 scale, with 9 exhibiting the most of a particular behavior. What the grid
shows is that Team Management exhibited the most considerate leader behavior and the most
initiating structure behavior. As a result, it might be presumed that because Team Management
ranked high in both behaviors that it is the best type of management.
Actually, the University of Michigan, University of Texas, and Ohio State University
discovered that that is not the case. Each company needs its own balance of both behaviors.
For instance, a hotel will need more considerate leader behavior because this business focuses
on serving people; whereas, shipping company can focus more on initiating structure leadership
because that company needs to focus on meeting shipping deadlines.
After looking at the Blake/Mouton Leadership Grid I have learned how difficult it is to be
a leader. I have learned that there is no direct formula to become a leader; rather, a leader
must be able to identify his or her environment and adjust his or her behavior accordingly.
Perhaps leaders choose their environment rather than what leadership behavior they decide to
incorporate. This means that people who are more people-oriented will most likely choose a
hotel setting where they can exercise their inherent personality. Whereas, a more introverted
person may prefer being a leader in a shipping company, because he or she is better at setting
structure than interacting with people.
In conclusion, I realize that I am probably a mixture of the initiating structure and
consideration leadership behavior. I enjoy setting structure and having people follow my
guidelines, but I also like to listen to people when they have a concern with their task. I want to
take the time to listen to people if they do not understand how to accomplish a task. Like most
people I probably benefit most from a Team Management type of situation. Since I benefit as
part of a team I would probably be a better manager over a company that relies on Team
Management to succeed, versus other management styles that emphasize only on initiating
structure or only on consideration leadership behavior.
Williams, C. (2013). Management. 7th Edition. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage