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Permutations & Combinations and
Kenneth and Audrey Kennedy Professor of Computing
Department of Computer Science, Rice University
 Permutations and Combinations
 Calculating probabilities using combinations
 Distribution
 Proof of Law of Large Numbers
 Binomial Distribution
 Normal Distribution
Law of Large Numbers
 The law of large numbers (LLN) describes the long-term
stability of the mean of a random variable.
 Given a random variable with a finite expected value, if its
values are repeatedly sampled, as the number of these
observations increases, their mean will tend to approach and
stay close to the expected value
 for example, consider the coin toss experiment. The frequency of heads (or
tails) will increasingly approach 50% over a large number of trials.
 Mathematically, it can be represented as,
if Mean is
, then
Proof of Law of Large Numbers
 First, let us derive the Chebyshev Inequality which simplifies
the derivation of law of large numbers
 Chebyshev Inequality: Let X be a discrete random variable with
expected value µ= E(X), and let > 0 be any positive real number
where V(X) is the
variance of X
Proof of Chebyshev Inequality
 Let m(x) denote the distribution function of X. Then the
probability that X differs from µ by at least
is given by
Proof of Law of Large Numbers
 We know that,
 But, V(X) is clearly at least as large as
 Replacing (x- µ)2 with
 Hence, we get
, to get a lower bound,
Proof of Law of Large Numbers
 Let X1, X2, . . . , Xn be an independent trials process, with finite
expected value µ = E(Xj) and finite variance
 Let Xn be the mean of X1,X2,… Xn. Hence,
 Equivalently,
 But from Chebyshev’s inequality, we have
= V (Xj ).
Proof of Law of Large Numbers
 Replacing X with Xn, we get
 Hence, we get
 As n approaches infinity, the expression approaches 1. Hence,
we have obtained,
Binomial Distribution
 Binomial distribution is the discrete probability
distribution of the number of successes in a sequence of n
independent yes/no experiments, each of which yields
success with probability p
 It can be applied in a wide variety of practical situations
for k = 0,1,2,3…. n, where
is called the ‘Binomial Coefficient’
 Permutations and Combinations
 Calculating probabilities using combinations
 Distribution
 Proof of Law of Large Numbers
 Binomial Distribution
 Normal Distribution
Binomial Distribution
 Binomial distribution is a very interesting distribution in the
sense that it can be applied in a wide variety of practical
 An example,
 Assume 5% of a very large population to be green-eyed.
 You pick 40 people randomly.
 The number of green-eyed people you pick is a random variable
X which follows a binomial distribution with n = 40 and p =
 Let us see how this distribution varies with different values of n
and p with respect to X.
For the previous
example, this graph shows
the variation in probability
Notice how it peaks in the
middle and dies away at the
Binomial Distribution
X=number of green eyed people
Another elementary example of a binomial distribution is:
Roll a standard die ten times and count the number of sixes.
Denote the number of sixes by the random variable X
The distribution of this random number X is a binomial distribution with n = 10
and p = 1/6.
Can you plot this distribution and see how it varies with X
In-Class Exercise
 Let us try out an example of a binomial distribution:
 Consider a standard die roll for 20 times
Q) Denote the number of times the outcome of the roll is an even number by
a random variable X. Compute the probability distribution of X = 8 which
is the probability of getting exactly eight even numbers out of the 20 rolls.
Q) Denote the number of times the outcome of the roll is ‘6’ by the random
variable Y. Compute the probability distribution of Y equal to 4 which is the
probability of getting the outcome “6” exactly 4 times out of the 20 rolls.
Q) Denote the number of times the outcome of the roll is ‘2’ by the random
variable Z. Compute the probability distribution of Z less than or equal to 4
which is the probability that the outcome “2” appears less than or equal to 4
times out of the 20 rolls.
Use Binomial Distribution to solve these questions.
Attributes of Binomial Distribution
 If X ~ B(n, p) (that is, X is a binomially distributed
random variable with total ‘n’ events and probability of
success ‘p’ in each event),
 Expected value or mean of X is
 Variance of X is
 Standard deviation of X is
Video on Binomial Distribution : A Summary
Deriving the Expectation of Binomial Distribution
 If X ~ B(n, p) (that is, X is a binomially distributed random
variable with total ‘n’ events and probability of success ‘p’ in each
event), then the expected value of X is
 We apply the definition of the expected value of a discrete random
variable to the binomial distribution
 The first term in the summation (for k=0) equals to 0 and can be
removed. In the rest of the summation, we expand the C(n,k)
Deriving the Expectation of Binomial Distribution
 Since n and p are independent of the sum, we get
 Assume, m = n − 1 and s = k − 1.
 Limits are changed accordingly
This is similar to the expansion of a binomial theorem
where x=1-p, y=p, m=n & s=k
 Hence, as (x+y) = ((1-p)+p) = 1, we get
Derivation of Variance of Binomial Distribution
 We have seen that variance is equal to
 In using this formula we see that we now also need the
expected value of X 2:
 We can use our experience gained before in deriving the
mean. We know how to process one factor of k. This gets us
as far as
Derivation of Variance of Binomial Distribution
 (again, with m = n − 1 and s = k − 1). We split the sum into
two separate sums and we recognize each one
 The first sum is identical in form to the one we calculated in
the Mean (above). It sums to mp. The second sum is unity.
 Using this result in the expression for the variance, along
with the Mean (E(X) = np), we get
In-Class Exercise
 Let us continue the previous example of the binomial
 Consider a standard die roll for 100 times instead of 20 times
Q) Denote the number of times the outcome of the roll is ‘2’ by the random
variable X. Compute the probability distribution of X greater than or equal
to 60 for this event.
 What if we consider the die roll a million times and need to
compute the probability that X is greater than or equal to
100,000 for this event?
How to Compute Distributions for Large ‘N’?
 Abraham de Moivre noted that the shape of the binomial
distribution approached a very smooth curve when the number of
events increased
 he considered a coin toss experiment
 De Moivre tried to find a mathematical expression for this curve
 to find the probabilities involving large number of events more easily.
 led to the discovery of the Normal curve
Example by De Moivre
Coin Toss Experiment
Random variable X = Number of heads
Number of events ‘N’ increases
Can be approximated
as a curve
Video on Galton Board Game
 Demonstrates how Binomial distribution gives rise to a
Normal/Gaussian distribution as number of trials/events
tends to infinity
 Permutations and Combinations
 Calculating probabilities using combinations
 Distribution
 Binomial Distribution
 Normal Distribution
Video on Normal Distribution
First 2 mins only
Normal Distribution
 To indicate that a real-valued random variable X is normally
distributed with mean μ and variance σ2 ≥ 0, we write
 The normal distribution is defined by the following equation:
 All normal distributions are symmetric and have bell-shaped
density curves with a single peak.
Note: Normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution while Binomial
distribution is a discrete probability distribution
In-Class Exercise
 Let us try out an example of a normal distribution:
 Consider a coin toss experiment for 1000 tosses
Q) Denote the number of times the outcome of the toss is heads by a random variable
X. Compute the probability distribution of X occurring at most 600 times.
How would you use Binomial Distribution to solve this question?
 C(1000, k ) *(1 / 2)
k 0
How would you use Normal Distribution to solve this question?
A) Since, the original event is a binomial distribution and we use normal distribution to
approximate it, we can use µ=np &
= np(1-p). Hence,
x<=600; µ = 1000*1/2 = 500 and
= 1000*1/2*(1-1/2) =250
Substituting this in the normal distribution equation, we get
Calculating, we get Probability of x<=600 = 0.65542
Source of calculation:
Examples of Few Applications of
Normal Distribution
 Approximately normal distributions occur in many situations
 In counting problems
 Binomial random variables, associated with yes/no questions;
 Poisson random variables, associated with rare events;
 In physiological measurements of biological specimens:
 logarithm of measures of size of living tissue (length, height, weight);
 length of inert appendages (hair, claws, nails, teeth) of biological
specimens, in the direction of growth
 Measurement errors
 Financial variables
 Light intensity
 intensity of laser light is normally distributed;
Normal Distribution
 To indicate that a real-valued random variable X is normally
distributed with mean μ and variance σ2 ≥ 0, we write
 The normal distribution is defined by the following equation:
 All normal distributions are symmetric and have bell-shaped
density curves with a single peak.
Note: Normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution while Binomial
distribution is a discrete probability distribution
In-Class Exercise
 Let us try out the previously stated “nearly impossible” problem
using a normal distribution:
 Consider a coin toss experiment for 1,000,000 tosses
Q) Denote the number of times the outcome of the toss is heads by a random variable
X. Compute the probability distribution of X occurring at most 100,000 times.
How would you use Binomial Distribution to solve this question?
100, 000
 C(1000000 , k ) *(1 / 2)
1, 000, 000
k 0
How would you use Normal Distribution to solve this question?
In-Class Exercise
 Since, the original event is a binomial distribution and we can
use normal distribution to approximate it.
 We know that µ=np &
= np(1-p). Hence,
x<=100000; µ = 1,000,000*1/2 = 500,000 and
= 1,000,000*1/2*(1-1/2) =250,000
 Substituting this in the normal distribution equation, we get
 Calculating the integral with limits from 0 to 100,000;
we get Probability of x<=100,000 = 0.0548
Source of calculation:
Examples of Few Applications of
Normal Distribution
 Approximately normal distributions occur in many situations
 In counting problems
 Binomial random variables, associated with yes/no questions;
 Poisson random variables, associated with rare events;
 In sports statistical analyses:
 calculating mean physical attributes like heights, weights etc and their
standard deviations
 estimating the probabilities of winning the games
 Measurement errors
 Financial variables
 Light intensity
 intensity of laser light is normally distributed;
Example Application of Bayes Theorem