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Bacteria and Viruses Exam Review
Use your notes, warm-ups, & reference handouts to study
Part I: What are bacteria?
1. How do bacteria cell size compare to our cell size?
Bacteria are smaller than our cells (animal cells)
2. Are bacteria prokaryotes or eukaryotes? Unicellular or multicellular?
Bacteria are prokaryotes and unicellular
3. The two kingdoms of bacteria are Eubacteria and Archaebacteria
4. What are the three shapes of bacteria?
Round, Rod, and Spiral (Coccus, Bacillus, and Spirilium)
Bacteria Shapes
Rod = Bacillus
Round = Coccus
Spiral = Spirillium
5. Make sure you can label the parts of a bacteria cell! See image below!
6. How do bacteria reproduce and exchange genetic material?
Binary Fission!! and they can also exchange DNA through Pili.
7. Bacterial pathogens can be spread several ways. Name 4 ways:
Touch, contact, air, water, food
8. How do antibiotics kill bacteria?
Antibiotics damage the cell wall of the bacteria
9. What are some ways people cause antibiotic resistance?
People consume too many antibiotics so the bacteria start to become immune to
10. Name 4 bacterial infections. For example: Staph infections
Staph infections, Tetanus, cavities, strep throat
11. Not all bacteria are bad! Some are good! Name 4 ways that bacteria can be beneficial to
you or the environment. (They can help the human body, agriculture, the environment
and food production!)
Bacteria can help digestion in our stomachs, they can fix nitrogen in the soil which
help plants, and they can be used to kill insects for farmers which is a better alternate
to spraying crops with pesticides.
Part II: Prokaryote, Eukaryote or Virus?
1. Define prokaryote. Prokaryote is a cell without a nucleus. NO, NUCLEUS
2. Define eukaryote. Eukaryote is a cell WITH a nucleus. YES, NUCLEUS!
Determine whether each of the following describes a PROKARYOTE, EUKARYOTE, BOTH OR
3. BOTH and VIRUS Contain genetic material (DNA and/or RNA).
4. EUKARYOTE Contain a nucleus.
5. EUKARYOTE Contain specialized organelles.
6. BOTH EUKARYOTE AND PROKARYOTE Have a cell membrane.
7. EUKARYOTE Can be (and usually are) multicellular.
8. PROKARYOTE Always unicellular.
9. BOTH EUKARYOTE AND PROKARYOTE May have cilia or flagella for movement.
10. BOTH PROKARYOTE AND EUKARYOTE Are living organisms
11. EUKARYOTE are Animals, plants, fungi & protists.
12. PROKARYOTE Bacteria.
Part III: Structure & Function
13. Which cell # represents an animal cell? #2
Bacterial cell? #1
Virus? #3
14. Which cell #(s) does not have a cell wall? #2
15. Which cell contains DNA or RNA in a capsid?_#3
Part IV: What are Viruses?
16. Why are viruses considered non-living? Viruses need a host (a living thing) in order to
replicate or reproduce. They also cannot metabolize food for energy.
17. Which is smaller? Virus or bacteria? Viruses are smaller than bacteria
18. DNA or RNA is contained in the capsid of a virus.
19. Viruses can attach to a host cell membrane and can go through either of two cycles.
What are these two cycles? Lytic and Lysogenic
20. In the Lytic cycle, viral genome is released into the host cell and then breaks open the
21. Lysis means to break open
22. Know and understand the Lytic cycle. (see picture above)
23. What is the lysogenic cycle? The lysogenic cycle is the cycle where the virus stays
dormant or HIDES inside a living cell for a long time.
24. Be able to know and understand the Lysogenic cycle (see picture below)
26. What disease do you acquire from HIV? AIDS
27. List 4 different types of Viruses that you can get! Influenza, rabies, rhinovirus, Ebola
28. Can viral disease be cured? Why or Why not? Viruses cannot be cured, you must rest,
and hydrate in order for a viral infection to pass!
29. What is a vaccine? A vaccine is something you take in order to prevent a virus. Like a
flu shot.
30. What is a pathogen? A pathogen is something that causes disease! A disease - causing