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Liposomal Methyl B provides folate, B12, B6
and Trimethylglycine in their bio-active cofactor forms in an advanced liposomal
delivery system. These essential nutrients are
required for one of the most important
pathways in the human body: Methylation.
Liposomal Methyl B was designed to provide
superior support for this pathway with 5methyltetrahydrofolate, methylcobalamin,
and pyridoxal 5’-phosphate, the vitamer
forms that participate in reactions at the
cellular level. Liposomal Methyl B is a greattasting, fruit punch-flavored liquid
supplement that is easy for any patient to
incorporate into a daily protocol.
Performance of a vitamin supplement is
dependent upon two distinct factors:
absorption and bioavailability. Liposomal
Methyl B provides the best of both by
providing activated forms of B-vitamins in a
nano-technology liposomal delivery system.
Though there are many B-vitamin products
on the market, most use synthetic or inactive
forms of vitamins B6, B12, and folate. These
supplements must then be converted by the
body via a series of reactions so they can
actually be utilized. Liposomal Methyl B was
developed to give the body a boost, not create
extra work, which is why we only included
the co-factor forms of these essential Bvitamins.
469 Parkland Drive • Sandy, UT 84070
ph 801-563-7448 • fax 801-563-7455
Liposomal Methyl B
Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: ½ ml/10 drops
Serving per Container: 60
Amount per serving
% DV*
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxal 5’-phosphate
2 mg
Folate (as 5-methyltetrahydrofolate;
400 mcg
calcium folinate)
Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin)
45 mg
34 mg
*Percent daily values (DV%) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet
†Percent daily value not established
Liposomes are the paramount transport
system for delicate nutrients because they
provide unsurpassed delivery. Liposomes are
microscopic vesicles made up of
phospholipids, the same structures that make
up our cell membranes. These small, bubblelike complexes work to encapsulate nanoparticle sized nutrients, supporting their
intact delivery directly to target cells. The
unique structure of the liposome allows the
encapsulated nutrient to bypass the digestive
tract, allowing for mega-doses of nutrients
even at moderate intake. 1
The co-factors in Liposomal Methyl B are
involved in a series of reactions classified as
methylation reactions, which are essential for
neurological health, DNA replication, and
cardiovascular health. Methylation means the
donation of one or more carbon groups to a
substrate. There are over 100 reactions in the
body that are dependent on this pathway and
impaired function has a direct link to
numerous chronic diseases. One of the many
important roles of methylation is to control
gene expression, making it an essential part
of genetic development and the prevention of
diseases arising from genetic mutations. 2
Methylation and antioxidant function may the
two most important pathways in disease
prevention and anti-aging.
Healthy functioning of methylation activity is
dependent on a cyclical pathway, often
referred to as the methylation pathway or the
homocysteine pathway. Starting with the
sulfur-containing amino acid methionine, this
pathway produces s-adenosyl methionine
(SAM-e), an important methyl donor. The
cycle then completes with a series of
reactions involving Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal 5’phosphate), vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin),
folate (5’methyltetrahydrofolate) and
trimethylglycine to regenerate methionine.
Deficiency or abnormal activity of any of the
co-factors or substrates involved in the
pathway can directly result in impaired
ability to perform methylation reactions as
well as lead to elevated levels of the
undesirable compound, homocysteine.
Reactions dependent on methylation include:
Production of neurotransmitters, such
as serotonin, dopamine, and
DNA and RNA synthesis
Gene expression
Melatonin production
Production of glutathione
Production of phospholipids such as
Production of endothelial nitric oxide
synthase for nitric oxide production
Phase 2 Detoxification
469 Parkland Drive • Sandy, UT 84070
ph 801-563-7448 • fax 801-563-7455
Homocysteine (HCY) is an amino acid formed
at one step in the methylation pathway. In
healthy individuals, HCY is regenerated to
methionine via folate and vitamin B12 or
converted to cysteine to form glutathione via
vitamin B6. An interruption in any of these
steps or a deficiency in any of the necessary
B-vitamin cofactors can result in the pathway
becoming stalled, causing an overabundance
of circulating HCY. 3 High levels of HCY are
considered a risk factor for cardiovascular
dysfunction as well as other chronic diseases.
HCY itself is an inflammatory molecule and
may cause direct damage to vascular
endothelium. In addition, elevated HCY has
been correlated with dementia risk, but it is
unclear if HCY is the root cause of the
corresponding B-vitamin deficiencies.
Supplementation with folate, vitamin B12,
vitamin B6, and trimethylglycine, such as that
provided in Liposomal Methyl B, has been
shown to be an effective method for reducing
HCY levels in multiple studies, greatly
reducing the risk of the associated
conditions. 4
Liposomal Methyl B provides only the
bioactive form of folate: 5’-methyl
tetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF). Sometimes
referred to as levomefolic acid, this is the
form of folate that participates in reactions at
the cellular level. Supplemental forms of folic
acid as well as food sources of folate must be
enzymatically converted to this form by the
enzyme methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase.
It is estimated that 10 – 40% of the
population carry genetic mutations that may
interfere with this enzyme’s activity.
Impaired methylenetetrahydrofolate
reductase function is linked to increased risk
of cardiovascular events and certain cancers,
since these patients have limited ability to
perform endogenous reactions involving
folate. In a double-blind placebo-controlled
study of liver transplant recipients treated for
8 weeks with 5-MTHF (1 mg) vs. folic acid (1
mg) vs. placebo in an 8-week trial, 5-MTHF
was found to be significantly more potent
than folic acid at lowering elevated
homocysteine levels. 5
Along with low bioavailability, further issues
have come to light regarding other types of
folate, particularly folic acid. This synthetic
form of folate is artificially added to many
grain and refined products in the United
States with the intention of helping to prevent
devastating birth defects known as neural
tube defects. Unfortunately, there may be
some risks associated with the excessive
intake of folic acid. Since vitamin B12
regenerates folate, high dose folic acid can
actually mask a B12 deficiency. In addition, a
2009 study published in The Journal of the
American Medical Association found that high
dose supplementation with folic acid among
patients with heart disease had a significant
increase in cancer, particularly lung cancer. 6
There also appears to be a connection
between high-dose folic acid supplementation
and prostate cancer risk in men. 7 In addition,
since the introduction of fortification with
folic acid, an increase in colorectal cancer has
been observed in the US and other countries
with similar guidelines. Many researchers
believe there could be a connection. 8
Vitamin B12, as methylcobalamin, is essential
for the regeneration of 5-MTHF in the
methylation pathway. While many products
offer vitamin B12 at high doses, the form of
469 Parkland Drive • Sandy, UT 84070
ph 801-563-7448 • fax 801-563-7455
vitamin B12 is crucial to ensure your patients
are receiving the benefits. Most commercial
products use cyanocobalamin, which is a
synthetic form not utilized in any natural
endogenous reactions.
Vitamin B12 is predominately found in
animal products, making inadequate intake of
special concern in vegans and vegetarians.
Absorption of dietary vitamin B12 is unique
because it is dependent upon intrinsic factor.
This glycoprotein is secreted by the parietal
cells of the stomach and often declines in
patients with digestive issues, who have
undergone gastric surgery (such as a bypass),
and in the elderly. If unnoticed, B12
deficiency can lead to neurological decline
and a specific form of anemia known as
pernicious anemia, named for its insidious
onset. Since liposomal methylcobalamin
bypasses normal digestive processes, taking
vitamin B12 in this form can help correct
deficiencies even when normal absorptive
mechanisms are impaired. In patients with
low intrinsic factor, oral sublingual
supplementation with B12 has been found to
be a comparable alternative to injection
therapy. 9
Trimethylglycine (TMG) is also often referred
to as betaine. This often under-utilized
nutrient has been shown to help reduce
plasma homocysteine levels as well as protect
the health of the liver. 10 TMG has also shown
a strong ability to increase SAM-e production,
indicating that it may have positive effects on
mood and energy levels. The trimethylglycine
in Liposomal Methyl B in combination with
the B-vitamin co-factors provides added
support for the entire methylation pathway.
Vitamin B6 as the active co-factor pyridoxal
5’-phosphate (P 5’-P) is responsible for
numerous reactions involved in the synthesis
and metabolism of proteins. P 5’-P acts as a
co-factor for enzymes in the synthesis of
neurotransmitters, including serotonin,
dopamine, norepinephrine, and GABA. P 5’-P
also plays many essential roles in
metabolism, including the synthesis and
release of glucose from glycogen and
gluconeogenesis. Other roles of B6 include
hemoglobin and heme synthesis. 11 When
providing vitamin B6 as P 5’-P, the body
benefits from receiving the active form as
opposed the pyridoxine form which would
need to be converted by the liver to perform
most active functions. 12
Phosphatidylcholine makes up the outermost
layer of the liposome complex utilized in
Liposomal Methyl B. Also known as lecithin,
phosphatidylcholine is the most abundant of
the phospholipids making up our cell
membranes. Intake of phosphatidylcholine
has been associated with supporting brain
health as well as preventing age-related
memory loss. 13 Phosphatidylcholine has also
been shown to reduce plasma homocysteine
levels, indicating that it may play a role in
supporting the healthy function of the
methylation pathway. 14
Patients seeking a stimulant-free way
to improve mood and energy levels
Women of child-bearing age and
those who wish to become pregnant
469 Parkland Drive • Sandy, UT 84070
ph 801-563-7448 • fax 801-563-7455
Patients who may have poor nutrient
absorption due to gastric atrophy or
Patients with elevated homocysteine
Patients wishing to preserve cognitive
health with age
Vegans or vegetarian patients who
may have low dietary intake of
vitamin B12
Patients suffering from emotional
lows or poor energy levels
Patients who have been diagnosed
with impaired activity of
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
As a dietary supplement take 1 serving (10
drops) per day or as directed by your
healthcare professional.
Can be used as needed for an energy and
mood boost.
May be recommended with:
Elevate RxS
Focus RxS
Vascuflow RxS
DesBio Comprehensive Detoxification
The hA2cg Evolution Weight
Management Program
Phillips, T. (2008) The role of methylation in gene expression. Nature Education 1(1)
Groff JL, Gropper SS, Hunt SM. Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism. West Publishing Company, New York, 1995.
Coen DA Stehouwer, Coen van Guldener (2001). "Homocysteine-lowering treatment: an overview." Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy
2 (9): 1449–1460.
5 Ako et al. The folic acid metabolite L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate effectively reduces total serum homocysteine level in orthotopic liver
transplant recipients: a double-blind placebo-controlled study. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2008 Jun;62(6):796-801.).
Ebbing, M. et al. Cancer Incidence and Mortality After Treatment With Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 JAMA. 2009;302(19):2119-2126
Figueiredo, JC; et al. Folic Acid and Risk of Prostate Cancer: Results From a Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of the National Cancer
Institute, (2009). 101 (6): 432–5.
Hirsch S, et al.Colon cancer in Chile before and after the start of the flour fortification program with folic acid. Eur J Gastronererol
Hepatol 2009 Apr;21(4):436-9.
Hans, B, et al. Oral Treatment of Pernicious Anemia with high doses of vitamin b12 without intrinsic factor. Acta Medica Scandinavica
Volume 184, Issues 1-6 pages 247–258, January/December 1968.
Steenge GR, et al. Betaine supplementation lowers plasma homocysteine in healthy men and women. J Nutr. 2003 May;133(5):1291-5.
Groff JL, Gropper SS, Hunt SM. Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism. West Publishing Company, New York, 1995.
Lichtstein HC, Gunsalus IC, Umbreit WW (1945). "Function of the vitamin B6 group; pyridoxal phosphate (codecarboxylase) in
transamination." J Biol Chem. 161 (1): 311-20. PMID 21005738.
Therapeutic applications of citicoline for stroke and cognitive dysfunction in the elderly: a review of the literature. Altern Med Rev.
R Olthof, et al. Choline supplemented as phosphatidylcholine decreases fasting and postmethionine-loading plasma
homocysteine concentrations in healthy men. Am J Clin Nutr July 2005 vol. 82 no. 1 111-117.
469 Parkland Drive • Sandy, UT 84070
ph 801-563-7448 • fax 801-563-7455