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Spanish 1A- Review Sheet
Answer the following questions ON YOUR OWN PAPER. Staple this sheet to your
answers. This review sheet is due on:__________________________.
Capítulo 2B
1. List 10 items in Spanish that you would find in a typical classroom. (include the article)
2. Conjugate the verb estar in all 6 forms.
3. Translate: underneath, in front of, here, in/on, and there
4. What verb is used when you talk about where items are located?
5. Translate: The disk is on top of the table.
6. Translate: The flag is behind the computer screen.
7. Translate: The keyboard is next to the mouse
8. What does this mean: ¿Qué hay en la clase?
9. Answer in a complete sentence: ¿Hay ventanas en la clase de español? ¿Cuántas?
10. Translate: ¿Dónde están los lápices?
11. To make nouns plural you usually add the letter _______ to words ending in vowels and
______ to words ending in consonants.
12. For singular nouns that end in “z,” change the “z” to a ______ and add ______ to make it
13. How do you make the following articles plural: el, la, un, una?
14. Write the plural form of these nouns and articles: el libro, la clase, el lápiz, un papel, un
profesor, una mochila
15. Translate: my pencil sharpener, the teacher’s desk, Rosa’s computer, Julián’s poster
16. Read the culture notes on p. 106, 113, 116 and briefly summarize what they say about
schools in Spanish-speaking countries. (in English)
Capítulo 3A
17. What kind of verb is comer? What does it mean? Conjugate it in all 6 forms.
18. What kind of verb is compartir? What does it mean? Conjugate it in all 6 forms.
19. List 5 typical foods eaten during el desayuno.
20. List 5 typical lunch foods eaten during el almuerzo.
21. List 5 types of bebidas.
22. Culture: Name the foods that originated from the Americas and were unknown to
Europeans before Columbus brought them to Europe in the 15th century.
23. Which phrase doesn’t belong?- ¡Qué rico!, ¡Qué asco!, ¡Me encanta!, ¡Me gusta mucho!
24. Which word doesn’t belong?- la manzana, las fresas, la galleta, la naranja, el plátano
25. What does gustar mean? What are the 2 ways to conjugate gusta? What pronouns go in
front of the word? Can you use the word yo or tú with gustar?
26. What other word works just like gustar and means to love? Conjugate it.
27. Choose the correct form of the verb: Me (encantar) las fresas. Le (encantar) el yogur.
28. When using a noun to modify another noun, what word comes after the 1st noun? How do
you say strawberry yogurt, pineapple juice, banana bread?
29. Read the culture note on p.134. How is breakfast different in Spain? What do they eat?
30. Choose the correct pronoun and verb. A nosotros ___ encant__ la limonada. A María
___ encant__ las salchichas. A ellos ___ encant__ comer huevos.
31. Conjugate the correct verb and translate: Tú nunca (compartir/comprender) el
32. Read the culture note on page 139 about fruits and vegetables. Briefly summarize in
Capítulo 3B
33. Answer: ¿Qué debes hacer para mantener la salud?
34. Name 3 foods for each category: las grasas, la carne, la leche, las verduras, las frutas,
el pan y los cereales.
35. Translate: butter, onion, carrots, beefsteak, peas, grapes, rice, spaghetti, fish, chicken
36. Conjugate the verb tener (e-ie). What does it mean? Now, what does it mean if you say
tengo hambre and tengo sed?
37. Tener and hacer are both “go” verbs. (They end in “go” in the yo form.) Conjugate hacer.
38. Translate: I do a lot. I exercise every day and lift weights to maintain my health.
39. Tener and preferir are also stem-changing verbs. What kind of stem-changing verbs
are they? What does this mean? What shape can you draw if you conjugate it in the
40. Adjectives are __ when describing one person or thing and __ when describing more
than one person or thing.
41. Most feminine adjectives end in the letter __. Most masculine adjectives end in the
letter __.
42. To make an adjective plural, add __ if the last letter is a vowel and __ if the last letter
is a consonant.
43. How does the word order of adjectives and nouns differ in English and Spanish?
44. Translate: tasty ice-cream, tasty cereals, horrible fats, horrible peas, bad dinner
45. Conjugate the verb ser in all 6 forms.
46. Translate: The fish is bad. The potatoes are tasty. The horrible spaghetti is my dinner.
47. How do you spell why and because?
48. Conjugate the verb to think/ to believe in all 6 forms.
49. Translate: I think so. I don’t think so. I think that grapes are good. I don’t agree.
Capítulo 4A
50. List 10 places in Spanish that you can go to when you’re not in school.
51. Answer: ¿Qué haces en el cine? ¿Qué haces en el centro comercial?
52. Conjugate the verb ir in all six forms. What does it mean?
53. What letter almost always follows the verb ir? (Whether it is conjugated or left in the
infinitive form)
54. a + el = ________ ; a + la = _________ ; a + los = __________ ; a + las = ___________
55. Translate: (To) Where are you going? They are going to the pool. He is going to the
mosque. I am going to the temple.
56. Write down the 3 words that can mean what. Translate: What is your name? What do you
do after school? What is your phone number? (número de teléfono)
57. Translate: Who is the girl? With whom are you going to the movie theatre?
58. Translate: Where is my book? Where are you from? Where are we going (to)?
59. Translate: How many books are there? When are you going to school? Which book do you
want? Why do you want the book?
60. Read the cultural note on plazas (p. 177) and Old San Juan (p. 186). Briefly summarize in
61. Read the culture note about sports clubs and gyms (p. 181) and movies in Spanishspeaking countries (p. 185). Briefly summarize in English.
62. Write what you know about children rhymes and games in Spanish-speaking countries.
Compare them to children rhymes and games that you know. (190)
Capítulo 4B
63. Name 7 sports in Spanish. (Including the articles)
64. How would you invite you friend to a party in Spanish?
64. Translate: I am sorry, but I can’t go to the concert. I have to work.
65. Translate: Oh! What a shame! I am too busy.
66. Translate: Would you like to go to the game? Can you go to the game? Do you want to go
to the game?
67. What is the “to be” verb that you use when you are talking about how you feel? (tired,
happy, sad, etc.) Conjugate it in all 6 forms.
68. Translate: She is sick. He is sick. We are tired. They (only girls) are busy. They (mixed
group) are busy. I am sad. You (girl) are happy.
69. Ask at what time the dance is.
70. Translate: It is at 7:30. The party is at 1:00. The movie is at 4:15.
71. What is that construction that you use when you want to talk about what one is going to
do in the future.
72. Translate: He is going to swim tomorrow. We are going to dance in the weekend.
73. Conjugate the verb jugar. What does it mean and what type of stem changing verb is it?
74. What word generally follows the verb jugar if it is a sport that one is playing? Do you use
this word if you are playing videogames?
75. Translate: I am going to play soccer. He is going to play videogames.
76. What is “la noche de los rábanos”? (p. 205)
77. Read the cultural note on p. 213 and 214. Briefly summarize in English.
Fill in the chart
Spanish I Verb Review
AR verb: cantar
ER verb: leer
IR verb: escribir
e→ie: querer
o→ue: poder
u→ue: jugar
"go" verb:tener
85. ir
86. estar
87. ser
ellos/ ellas/