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Introducing The Wellness Protocol. The Wellness Protocol is the
culmination of over 20 years work, dealing with 1000’s of
patients just like you.
The Wellness Protocol is what I consider to be essential for truly
healthy living and being the best that you can be! This is true
wellness addressing all the most important issues that you need to
function properly. I have implemented the protocol as part of the
treatment plan for a wide range of clinical problems. The
Wellness Protocol is exceptionally effective, and we have seen it
work time and time again within my Practice.
If you would like to know what
supplements to take, how much water
to drink and what type of foods you
should be eating to prevent cancer,
heart disease and diabetes, then this is
for you.
The Wellness Protocol
Nutrients are required in the proper amounts, and approximate ratios for essential
physiological function. If nutrients are lacking, the body cannot function normally, let
alone optimally. Impaired function results in subjective and objective manifestations of
what is commonly labelled as “disease”.
A powerful and effective alternative to treating diseases with drugs is to re-establish
normal/optimal physiologic function by replenishing the body with essential nutrients.
Of course, many diseases are multi-factorial and therefore require multi-component
treatment plans, and some diseases actually require the use of drugs. However, while only
a relatively small portion of people actually need drugs for their problems, the best
solution for long term wellbeing is to be proactive about health, rather than being
The Wellness Protocol Summary
Provide your body with the best nutritional protocol for optimal health and wellbeing.
Make sure you are covering the basic nutritional building blocks essential for optimal
health. If you want the basics of the program, here it is:
Get regular Musculoskeletal Care. Regular musculoskeletal care has to be the
“lynch-pin” of any wellness program. Your central nervous system and our
musculoskeletal system (muscles/tendons/ ligaments) must be in good working order
to feel well. If the central nervous system does not work correctly - nothing will.
Increase sources of lean protein within your diet - preferably fish, chicken, whey, soy
and nuts. You will need about 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per kilo of body weight.
Eat every 2 to 3 hours while you are awake. Make sure each meal has a good protein
source and unprocessed carbohydrates.
Drink enough water. You will need 20 mls per kilogram of body weight. More if it’s hot,
you work out doors or you sweat excessively.
Use a comprehensive Multivitamin and Multi-mineral that is suitable for your body
Use an essential fatty acid such as EPA/DHA and Flaxseed Oil.
Re-culture the bowel at least every 6 months.
Consider a source of Magnesium if you have any musculoskeletal problems or heart
Consider the use of Glucosamine and MSM if you have arthritis, you are an athlete or
you have “worn” joints.
Use Co-Enzyme Q10 if you are on any blood pressure medication.
Make sure your Vitamin D level is between 100 and 150 units.
The Wellness Protocol
Regular Chiropractic Care
“If you are waiting for pain - you are waiting too long!”
You can survive for several weeks without food. You can survive for days without water. You can
survive for hours without blood flow. You can survive for minutes without oxygen. You survive for
less than one second without a nerve supply!
Any Wellness Protocol must include the proper functioning of your central nervous system. And
the freeway for your central nervous system is the spinal column. Without the correct nerve
supply to all the cells and tissues within your body NOTHING works as it should.
It does not matter what you take in terms of supplements,
specials additives to water or just "watching your diet", you
need your nervous system to be working as well as it can.
A properly functioning nervous system is the KEY to process
nutrients, secrete the right amount of gastric juices to digest
your food, secrete the right amount of hormones so that your
body is balanced and functioning at an optimum.
New research is starting to show what we have been seeing in
the practice for years. Those under regular Chiropractic Care
are healthier! Better sleep, less colds and flus, more energy, less
sick days, better recovery, less visits to the GP, less drug use,
increased performance at sport and an increased level of
wellbeing are common statements from patients under regular
Of course, one of the keys to regular Chiropractic Care is to prevent or slow the progression of
Spinal Decay. Spinal Decay is a degenerative process that worsens with time. If neglected or
simply ignored, this crippling condition quietly progresses, sometimes without obvious symptoms
present. Spinal Decay basically chokes the life out of your spinal cord. This is sometimes call
"spinal stenosis". You can never be "well" or "healthy" if your spinal cord is being compromised by
Spinal Decay.
So what do we mean by a Regular Correction? For most patients on maintenance care they
receive a spinal correction once a month (every 4 weeks). However for some people due to the
damage within their spine, the complexities of their neurological symptoms and the heavy
nature of their work - they require more.
For example when I was rowing for Australia I used to receive two spinal corrections per week.
When I rowed for Victoria, I received one correction per week. I currently receive one correction
per 2 weeks as this is the optimum for me. Top athletes like Tiger Woods and Lance Armstrong
receive daily care from their Chiropractors. What is appropriate for you will be determined by
your Doctor of Chiropractic.
The Wellness Protocol
Wellness and Chiropractic
“Health is an optimal state of physical, chemical and social well being,
not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.”
"Wellness" is a term that has become increasingly used over recent times as practitioners attempt to
show the difference between the traditional healthcare model, which is basically disease care, and
the new wellness model, which emphasises good health.
The health care system that we have all been brought up with does
not really address health care, it addresses disease care. Unfortunately
you have to be sick or have symptoms before this system is generally
utilised. How many people go to the doctor or hospital because they
are feeling healthy?
On the other hand Wellness Healthcare is a system that emphasises
maintaining good health once you have achieved it. It is not
dependent upon symptoms and fits in well with the true definition of
Webster's Dictionary states "Health is a condition or wholeness in which
all of the organs are functioning at 100%, all of the time".
A better definition comes from the World Health Organisation, which says: "Health is an optimal state of
physical, chemical and social well being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity".
These definitions highlight a problem common to many people. They think that if they do not suffer any
symptoms the are healthy. Unfortunately, in many conditions, symptoms are often the last thing to
appear and the first thing to disappear.
Disease may have been present before symptoms give a clue to its presence. The day that you are
diagnosed with cancer is not the day that the cancer first started in your system, as many of us are
The "silent" nature of many disease processes is the reason why preventive health care is being utilised
increasingly throughout the world. Basically, the Chiropractic and Dental professions are the two major
health care professions that emphasise preventative health care.
The Importance of Magnesium
Without doubt one of the most important minerals for all people under any musculskeletal care is Magnesium.
Magnesium is an essential mineral used in over 300 biochemical processes in your body.Magnesium can improve your vitality and
wellbeing, help you function well in times of stress and support healthy moods. It also relaxes your muscles and plays a key role in
energy production. This important mineral also helps your heart by supporting healthy blood pressure and blood sugar levels, as well as
maintaining a steady heartbeat.
A surprising number of people have low magnesium levels and early detection may assist in the prevention and improved management
of certain health conditions. Magnesium deficiency may be associated with: Stress, anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, muscle tension, cramping and spasms, tension headaches and migraines, tiredness, lethargy
and fatigue, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, premenstrual syndrome PMS), diabetes, asthma, and Fibromyalgia
If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms on a regular basis, you may be magnesium deficient. Talk to us today about how
to optimise your magnesium levels.
The Wellness Protocol
Wellness and Chiropractic
“Health - 100% function, 100% of the time”
Wellness, or 'maintenance' care, is part of our daily lives and we generally understand the concept.
Most of us know that if we do not service our car regularly it will usually end up needing costly repairs
and have reduced longevity.
Unfortunately this is what most of us do with our spinal health. We spend more money each year on our
cars than we do on the health of our bodies.
On the other hand if we regularly service our car, it will continue to run well and will generally remain
problem-free for its lifetime. This is the most effective and cost efficient way to maintain your car. Of
course, cars can always be replaced or traded in, bodies can't.
Chiropractic emphasises the wellness approach to spinal health for two main reasons:
Firstly, dysfunction within spinal biomechanics can go unnoticed for many years, or even decades. The
consequence of this dysfunction is often irreversible osteoarthritic, or "spinal decay" which is an
unnecessary degeneration of the vertebrae and the intervertebral discs that separate them. Restoring
normal movement can slow down and even prevent this decay saving you money, preventing ill health
and assisting you to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Secondly, and most importantly, the system that controls and maintains correct body function is the
central nervous system. This is where chiropractic plays a major role. Emerging from each side of the
spine are spinal nerves, supplying the appropriate information from the brain to organs throughout the
body. It is the nerve supply that makes the organ function correctly. If this nerve supply is damaged, so
is the organ's ability to function.
Research has shown that the spinal nerves are very
sensitive to the pressure that can result from a vertebral
misalignment (subluxation). The primary purpose of
chiropractic care is to remove interference to your nervous
system from spinal misalignments and so improve your
body's function.
That is why so many different 'ailments', such as asthma,
period pain, concentration problems, bed-wetting, colic,
indigestion, etc. respond to Chiropractic care. This makes it
important for every man, woman and child to have
regular spinal check-ups to allow the body to function at
its very best.
This concept is no different to having a dental check-up.
Throughout the course of each and every day's activities,
be it repetitive activities, poor posture, accidents, falls, or
stress, we are all exposed to potential damage to the
central nervous system through vertebral subluxations.
Early detection, before the onset of symptoms, is the key
to fast, effective treatment and, more importantly, a true
"wellness" lifestyle.
The Wellness
Metagenics Fibroplex Plus
Metagenics Fibroplex Plus is a high potency
combination of minerals, vitamins and amino
acids designed to support the neuromuscular
system for the relief of muscular aches, pains,
cramps and spasms. The form of magnesium
used in conjunction with other key nutrients
allows for rapid absorption into the body's cells
to assist in the prevention of muscle
pain.Fibroplex Plus' specific combination of
amino acids and micronutrients may assist in
the relief of:
Nervous tension, stress, mild anxiety,
neuralgia, headaches, migraines, fluid
retention, pre-menstrual
Fibroplex Plus is also ideal to
assist recovery from exercise
and reduce muscular aches,
pains and soreness associated
with exercise.
Vitamin D and Back Pain
“Back pain linked to Vitamin D deficiency”
A recent study has shown that older women who don’t get enough vitamin D may be at risk of suffering
back pain.
According to Dr. Gregory E. Hicks of the University of Delaware in Newark, “Given that low vitamin D status is
fairly prevalent in older adults and that there are significant functional consequences to untreated chronic
pain, these findings argue strongly for querying adults about their pain and potentially screening older
women with significant back pain for vitamin D deficiency.”
Vitamin D deficiency has been tied to a vast array of health problems, including an increased risk of bone
fracture, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, diabetes, heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis
and even cancer.
Researchers noted that lack of the vitamin could also, theoretically, contribute to musculoskeletal pain.
Vitamin D3 is not just a vitamin, it also acts as a hormone and cytokine (chemical “messenger”), playing a
big role in many biological processes including regulatory functions on immune and inflammatory
responses, cell division, nervous system activity and bone structure maintenance.
Almost every cell in the human body appears to have vitamin D receptors, this suggests that a deficiency in
vitamin D could potentially interrupt the normal function of every organ system.
Immune Support Benefits
Vitamin D is a key factor in the healthy production of cathelicidin,
an antimicrobial protein found in immune cells and the epithelial
cells of the skin, gastrointestinal tract (GIT), cervix, vagina,
epididymis and lungs. Cathelicidin is released at sites of infection,
rapidly killing pathogenic organisms and preventing their invasion.
Musculoskeletal Benefits
Vitamin D is well known for its role in musculoskeletal health. It
helps calcium absorption and a diet deficient in calcium can lead
to osteoporosis in later life.
Cardiovascular Benefits
Vitamin D is involved in the maintenance of a healthy
cardiovascular system.
Prostate Health
The active form of vitamin D is one of the most effective in
regulating the healthy proliferation and differentation of VDRcontaining cells, including the prostate cells.
BioCeuticals D3 Drops
Vitamin D3 plays an intrinsic role in
calcium metabolism, the immune and
nervous systems, bone, heart and
kidney health. The working group of
the Australian and New
Zealand Bone and
Mineral Society,
Endocrine Society of
Australia and
Osteoporosis Australia
state that a significant
number of Australians
are deficient in
vitamin D.
Vitamin D doesn’t receive much attention, however it is one of the most important vitamins for our health.
Unlike other vitamins, our main source of vitamin D is the sun. Living in a sunny country like Australia, we
should have adequate vitamin D levels. Unfortunately this isn’t the case. If you are Vitamin D deficient
taking a Vitamin D supplement could be all you need .
The Wellness Protocol
Health Promoting Nutrition
Following an extensive review literature, I believe a “supplemented Paleo-Mediterranean diet” is the best dietary approach.
This diet plan combines the best of the Mediterranean diet with the best of the Paleolithic diet.
So what does this mean in real terms?
Health promoting nutrition means that you need to
eat generous quantities of fruit, vegetables (good
sources of carbohydrates), nuts, seeds and berries.
But they must also be combined with good sources
of protein. Good sources of protein are lean meats
such as cold water fish, chicken and turkey. I also
advocate soy protein and whey protein for their
high-quality, anti-cancer, cardioprotective and
mood-enhancing benefits.
All carbohydrates are burnt as cups of sugar.
Think about that one for a moment. Your body does not
know the difference between a slice of bread (a refined
carbohydrate) and a cup of sugar. It is burnt/digested/
processed in exactly the same manner as sugar. That is
why when you eat a slice of bread you feel good for a
while (as your blood sugar levels go up). Then an hour or
so later you feel hungry again (as your pancreas) gets on
its’ treadmill and pumps out the insulin to reduce the
blood sugar spike.
In reality, you need to have 5 to 6 meals, regularly
spaced throughout the day which provide a good
source of carbohydrates and proteins - in each of
the meals. Doing this will keep your metabolism
ticking along quite nicely, you won’t get hungry, your
blood sugar levels will remain stable and you won’t
feel tired!
As the pancreas produces this insulin, the blood sugar
levels can drop below the ‘normal’ level which results in
you becoming ‘hypoglycaemic’. You then feel hungry,
lethargic and your brain shuts down so reach for a Mars
bar or another piece of bread to compensate.
Sounds like too much work? Not really!
It’s all about planning. It does not matter who you
see (dietitian, naturopath, etc.) or where you go
(weight watchers, jenny craig etc.), you must plan
your meals!
Dietary mistakes will always occur when you are
hungry and you have nothing prepared. As a
general rule most of us eat too much, too late in the
day. So when we do eat we are usually very hungry
and have quite low blood sugar levels. We then
overload our stomach going to bed with a gut full of
food, that needs to be processed overnight. This
causes us to become restless and overheat generally disturbing our sleep.
The last meal of the day should be our 5th or 6th
meal. If you follow this rule, you
really won’t be that hungry
when you sit down for dinner.
A light meal will suffice.
Remember that it take about
20 minutes for your brain to
work out that your stomach is
full! If you are struggling for
ideas of where to start read
the Weekly Meal Planner to
get you thinking in the right
direction. So what is the next
thing to consider?
So the process of a blood sugar spike, pancreas
producing heaps of insulin, dropping blood sugar levels,
hypo-glycaemia and low energy levels continues. The
more refined carbs you eat (usually bread, pasta,
pastries & soft drinks) the greater the blood sugar spike,
the harder the pancreas has to work to produce insulin
to get the blood sugar levels down. This is how you put
on heaps of weight and pretty much feel lethargic all
the time (except when you are eating). Also, THIS IS HOW
If you are buying food from a bakery (pies, pastries,
bread) this is a refined carbohydrate and your body will
process it as sugar. If you are buying food from the green
grocer then this is usually an unrefined carbohydrate. The
more unrefined carbohydrates you eat, the less spikes
you will have in your blood sugar levels - the better you
So, if you are going to eat a carbohydrate, make it fruit
or vegetables (unrefined carbohydrates). Fruits and
vegetables are great sources of carbohydrates and in
general they are pretty low GI or glycaemic index. This
means they will not create havoc with your blood sugar
levels, and unless you are on a special diet you really
can’t go wrong with eating a good mix of fruits and
Rice, pasta and potatoes (very starchy) are sources of
carbohydrates and should be discouraged due to their
relatively high glycaemic loads, and their lack of fibre
and phytonutrients (compared to other fruits and
vegetables). Most of the rice we consume in Australia is
highly processed, chloronated or bleached so it looks
The Wellness Protocol
Health Promoting Nutrition
Indeed much of the pasta we eat is highly
processed and contains many preservatives. Also
we tend to eat rice, pasta and potatoes too late in
the day (dinner) and in too great a quantity. There is
no point eating a large carbohydrates meal late in
the day when you are not going to use that energy.
It will be converted to glycogen in
the liver and if that is not used
immediately, it will be converted to
fat. If you have to eat these foods,
eat them by lunch time.
By the way, the most common
source of potatoes in our diet
(especially our children) is french
fries and potato chips. All thanks to
McDonalds for that one!
Grains such as wheat and rye
should be discouraged due to the
high glycaemic loads/indexes of
most breads and pastries, as well as
the allergenicity of gluten, a protein
that appears to help trigger disorders such as
migraine, celiac disease, psoriasis, epilepsy, and
Sources of simply sugars such as high-fructose corn
syrup (e.g. cola and soda) and processed foods
(e.g. ‘T.V. dinners’ and other manufactured snacks
and convenience foods) are strictly forbidden.
Chemical preservatives, colorants, artificial
sweeteners (nutrasweet and aspartame etc.) should
be avoided.
What is Protein Adequate as opposed to “High
In Australia I believe that most people do not have
enough good quality lean sources of protein in their
diet. It seems to be a feast or famine situation. Most
women do not have anywhere near enough protein
in their diet and most men eat too much too late in
the day (ie. the big steak at night).
If you actually work it out most people only eat
about 40 to 60 grams of protein a day (in our clinical
experience.) There is hardly enough protein to
maintain consistent energy levels.
I particularly advocate the use of Whey Protein,
preferably as Whey Protein Isolate (WPI). A constant
growing number of studies support applications
extending from infant nutrition to the elderly, whey
protein is a great food supplement indicated in health
issues as diverse as gut integrity, immune function,
infections such as HIV, reduction in cancer rates,
cardiovascular health, high blood pressure, body
building and weight management.
I usually drink 2 Whey Protein based drinks per day one mid-morning and one mid-afternoon. They
help to provide consistent clean energy for the
entire day when combined with the other
three normal, or ‘non-liquid’ meals. By using a
whey protein liquid meal I find it very easy to
consume 5 meals a day without too much
Tip: If you don’t like the idea of using a protein
drink try
a piece of fruit and a handful of nuts and
seeds - they are great sources of protein.
Unlike other types of protein, whey transits the
stomach quickly and is rapidly absorbed from
the intestine. Whey is the supplemental protein
source of choice for many bodybuilders, athletes, and
people wanting to improve their body composition in
favour of lean muscle tissue and reduce fat mass.
So how much protein do you need?
Research indicates that you will need approximately
1.5 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight
per day. Therefore for example, a seventy kilogram
person will needs up to 140 grams of protein per day.
Remember that you can only digest up to 30 or 40
grams of protein per meal depending on your size
and the quality of the protein. So this means you need
to be eating regular small meals every 2 to 3 hours
Each meal should consist of a good source of protein
and some (preferably unprocessed) carbohydrates.
If you are an athlete or have a very physical job, then
you may need to increase the amount of protein you
consume beyond 2 grams/kilo of body weight. Some
body builders and elite athletes consume 3 to 4 grams
a kilo!
You will need to eat a minimum of 5 to 6 meals on this
protocol. I recommend having three “normal” meals
such as breakfast, lunch and dinner, with 2 to 3
“snack” meals mid morning, mid afternoon and if you
want a supper. But, you should not eat in the last few
hours prior to bed. I do not recommend having the 3
“normal” meals as a liquid meal (unless it is something
pretty substantial like the Hooper Shake). Preferably
use the liquid meals as snacks.
The Wellness Protocol
Health Promoting Nutrition
Meals for people on the go
Metagenics Shake It
Metagenics Shake It is a great tasting, low carbohydrate protein shake which may help
support weight management. It has been developed for people wanting to achieve
specific body composition and nutritional goals.
Shake It is a convenient and satisfying drink which may support healthy blood sugar
balance and can be used in conjunction with the Shake It Professional Weight
Management Program.
It contains a combination of chromium and high quality whey protein that may reduce
appetite. Shake It may also increase the feeling of fullness and satiety. Also available in
dairy free.
Bioceuticals RejuvenX
Bioceuticals RejuvenX is a combination of rice protein with an extensive range of
vitamins, minerals, soluble fibres and plant extracts designed to support healthy digestive
function. When used in conjunction with a healthy diet, every 50g serving of Bioceuticals
RejuvenX will provide high quality protein for the formation and repair of body tissues
and the maintenance of a healthy body. Bioceuticals RejuvenX contains Glutamine,
Lyseine, Glycine and Cysteine to provide a complete protein source, along with 20
amino acids for the maintenance of a healthy body. As a source of plant based protein,
rice is considered to have a low digestive allergen potential and high digestibility rating.
Pharmafoods IsoWhey Complete
Pharmafoods IsoWhey Complete is a high-protein dietary food. It contains cold ultrapurified whey protein isolate and high-grade concentrate with added vitamins, important
macro and micro minerals, citrus bioflavonoids, glutamine and medium chain triglycerides.
IsoWhey Complete is free of artificial sweeteners, hormones, pesticides, artificial colous,
artificial flavours and preservatives, plus it is also suitable for use for soy-sensitive people. As it
contains only 0.98g of lactose per serve, it is well below the 5g of lactose that can normally
be utilised by lactose-intolerant individuals every day.
Ascend WPI
Musashi P40 Protein is a meal replacement for an active lifestyle. It is a unique blend of
Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate and Milk Protein Solids delivered in
instantised form for maximum absorption and taste. Also included in this powder are
essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and free form amino acids.
P40 is not just a protein for those looking for muscle gain. For correct use in a weight loss
program, simply halve the serving size, mix in water and use in replacement to a normal
meal. P40 is designed for use as a meal replacement, for weight loss and as a
comprehensive protein source.
The Wellness Protocol
Optimal Water Intake
Without a regular supply of it you can get fatigued, headaches and joint problems. What is it? It’s not aspirin! It’s the latest new
wonder drug: pure water.
Surveys show that most of us don’t
get enough water. Most people
are chronically dehydrated - and
don’t even know it.
The result is a type of dehydration
that can affect important bodily
functions. Proper hydration is
essential for regulating your
temperature, cushioning all the
joints of your body, eliminating
wastes, and countless other
essential functions.
How much water should you drink
each day?
Use this simple formula:
• You must drink at least 20 ml of water per kilo of
body weight per day.
• For example, a 100kg person needs a minimum of
2 litres per day.
• A 75kg person needs a minimum of 1.5 litres per
• You will need to increase this to at least 30 ml if it is
hot and dry.
• If you work outside or you do sport this can easily
increase to 500 ml per hour (or more) depending
on how much you sweat.
Tips for athletes:
Before you train/run/exercise measure yourself on a
set of digital scales. Measure a precise amount of
water that you will use when you are training (say 1
litre). Do not eat or drink anything else other than this
measured amount. Do not go to the toilet (only for
this session). Complete your training and then
measure yourself again. Subtract the second
measurement from the first and add the weight of the
fluid (1 litre = 1 kilogram) you consumed during
training, The final figure will give you the amount of
water you must take when you are training otherwise you will become dehydrated.
Make sure you avoid beverages that contain
caffeine or alcohol. They tend to act as diuretics,
removing water through more frequent urination!
A Few Good Tips for Drinking the Right
Amount of Water
• Work out what is the appropriate
amount of water you need to drink
every day. (This is usually between one
and two litres per day).
• Fill a one litre container (i.e. an empty
soft drink bottle or your “special” water
bottle) and carry that with you for the
day. Take the water bottle with you in
the car, meetings, watching television
or while working at a desk. By taking
regular small sips you will be surprised at
how much water you can easily
• By spreading the drinking during the
day it will become less of a chore and you will
be able to keep track of exactly how much you
have drunk (rather than trying to remember how
many glasses you drank at breakfast!)
• By drinking regularly you will be constantly
cleansing your system. Regular water intake will
flush your body of toxins and promote improved
health and well-being. Regular water intake
improves kidney and liver function allowing these
organs to work more efficiently which is important
when recovering from
illness or injury, poor diet, stress and pressure of a
• When you drink regularly you will be less likely to
consume unnecessary coffee and “cola” soft
drinks. Usually the body signals to us we are thirsty,
We interpret this to mean we “need a coffee,
code or cup of tea”. We have the caffeine hit but
it has a negative effect on our water balance
removes water from our system - it is a diuretic). So
our body is still thirsty! Soon after we then feel we
need another coffee or soft drink!
• By drinking water regularly you will also be less likely
to become hungry or snack on unnecessary foods.
Regular water intake promotes a feeling of
“fullness” within the stomach. This is the easiest and
cheapest way to lose weight and body fat.
The Wellness Protocol
Multivitamin / Multimineral Supplementation
HIV infection, alleviate premenstrual
syndrome and bipolar disorder,
reduce violence and antisocial
behaviour in children and
incarcerated young adults (when
used with essential fatty acids), and
improve scores of intelligence in
Vitamin and mineral
supplementation finally received
endorsement from “mainstream”
medicine when researchers from
Harvard Medical School published a
review article in the Journal of the
American Medical Association that
concluded, “Most people do not
consume an optimal amount of all
vitamins by diet alone... It appears
prudent for all adults to take vitamin
Vitamin supplementation has antiinflammatory benefits, as evidenced
by significant reduction in C-reactive
protein (CRP) in a double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial. The ability to
safely and affordably deliver these
benefits makes multi-mineral/
multivitamin supplementation an
essential component of any and all
health-promoting and diseaseprevention strategies.
Long-term nutritional insufficiencies
experienced by “most people”
promote the development of “longlatency deficiency diseases” such as
cancer, neuroemotional
deterioration, and cardiovascular
Impressively, the benefits of multivitamin/
multimineral supplementation have been
demonstrated in numerous clinical trials.
Multivitamin/multimineral supplementation has
shown to improve nutritional status and reduce
the risk for chronic diseases, improve mood,
potentiate antidepressant drug treatment,
alleviate migraine headaches (when used with
diet improvement and fatty acids), improve
immune function and infectious disease
outcomes in the elderly (especially diabetics),
reduce morbidity and mortality in patients with
Eagle Pharmaceuticals Tresos-B
Eagle Pharmaceuticals Tresos-B is a broad-based multi-mineral
multi-vitamin supplement. Tresos-B is one of the most
comprehensive and powerful supplements available. It contains
amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Tresos-B is an excellent base when used in
conjunction with other natural medications or
remedies to aid their absorption by providing
the necessary nutrients and mineral co-factors
necessary for a great therapeutic outcome.
Eagle Pharmaceuticals Tresos-B is perhaps one
of the best broad-based multimineral
multivitamin supplements on the market today.
Think of it a "nutritional polyfiller" - it fills in the
gaps in your diet. This is one of our most popular products.
The Vitamin Myth
We have been told that you can get all you need from
your diet. This is wrong, delusional and quite frankly a
dangerous notion (sorry to al the GPs that still preach
this). Most people don’t even know what a good diet is,
let along eat one. It is impossible to get all the nutrients
you need from our diet - particularly if you eat
commercially grown food.
The essential minerals we needs for good health are not
spread around the earth’s crust in even amounts. They
are placed in the coils like “veins” of gold. So if the
market garden you buy your food from do not have
enough selenium then you miss out. (Selenium is a very
important mineral that helps prevent cancer by the
Most farmers only use 3 minerals to helps their plants
grow. It is called super phosphate and contains
“NPK” (sodium, phosphate and potassium. Only some
organic farmers may use other minerals. So even if you
have a good diet, but eat commercially grown food
you will never get all the nutrients you need for optimal
If you are active, play sport, have a manual job, get
stressed, have an illness or skip meals etc. then you will
definitely need to supplement. It’s the cheapest health
insurance you can buy!
The Wellness Protocol
Balanced Fatty Acid Supplementation
Oils contribute to our health and wellbeing in a variety of ways Oils constitute a huge subject area and include monounsaturated (olive
and avocado oil) and polyunsaturated (walnut, sunflower, soya bean) oils which we tend to use when cooking. Oils are important
sources of essential fatty acids (EFAs).
Benefits of essential fatty acids:
Shorten our recovery time after exercise
Growth enhancing
Promotes smooth skin
Speeds healing
Enhances immune functions
Reduces inflammation, pain and swelling (for
conditions like arthritis)
• Reduces platelet stickiness, blood pressure and
premenstrual symptoms.
EFAs belong to two main families, known as
omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Foods
providing omega-6 fatty acids include evening
primrose oil, sunflower and safflower oils, forage oil,
blackcurrants, canola, egg yolk, dark green leafy
vegetables, seeds and whole grains. Omega--3
fatty acids come from deep sea fish, linseed oil,
dark green leaves, and nuts; especially walnuts,
and egg yolks.
The EFAs are tagged as “essential” because our
body cannot survive without them and they must
be consumed in our diet. The body cannot make
essential fatty acids of its own accord.
effect means it helps out with PMT, dry skin, pimples,
eczema and moodiness.
Cod liver oil is a rich source of vitamin A and D and has
traditionally been used for asthma, respiratory
conditions, immunity and bone development. It’s often
given to children to help prevent rickets and to
encourage the development of a healthy
immune system, as well as to protect mucous
membranes of the body.
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids have multiple
roles in the body, one of the most important being
a structural role in our cell membranes. Every cell in
the body is enclosed by a thin lipid membrane
which keeps the contents safe and contained. This
membrane’s components include essential fatty
Which oils are suitable for dry skin and why?
How do the major oils differ from each other in
their application/uses?
Deficiency symptoms include:
Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids and has
beneficial effects on blood pressure, triglyceride
levels, kidney function, inflammatory response and
immune function. It keeps our platelets from
getting too sticky (this reduces the likeliness of clots
that can case a stroke or heart attack). It also has
an artery protecting effect and reduces
inflammation of blood vessels and inflammation
around joints.
Evening primrose oil (EPO) is my first choice for eczema,
dermatitis and cradle cap (topically). When the skin
condition has an inflammatory component which is
also linked to the hormonal cycle (menstruation or
puberty) then EPO works well.
Eczema like skin eruptions
Loss of hair
Behavioural disturbances and learning problems
Susceptibility to infections (long-term immune
Poor wound healing
Arthritis-like conditions
Low metabolic rates
Heart and circulatory problems
Evening primrose oil contains omega-6 fatty acids
and helps with hormonal regulation. Its balancing
The Wellness Protocol
Balanced Fatty Acid Supplementation
Which oils are best for brain health and why?
The best oils for brain health are a high amount of
docosahexanoic acid (DHA), and eicosapentaenoic acid
(EPA). EPA and DHA are normal constituents of our cells
with DHA abundent in brain cells. They are also found in
the retina, adrenal glands, nerve transmitters (synapses)
and sex glands. The best dietary sources of EPA and DHA
are cold-water fish.
There has been a tremendous amount of research on
DHA levels and learning ability in children. I always
recommend fish oils for memory, mood enhancement
and cognitive function. Children with development
problems such as dyslexia, ADHD and autism respond very
well to fish oil supplementation. If there is an underlying
hormonal imbalance or skin condition like eczema, then I
add EPO, too.
Under what circumstances should someone take a fish oil
supplement everyday?
To be honest everyone would benefit from taking some
form of essential fatty acid; children need extra oils for
their immunity, learning ability and skin conditions; adults
for their mood, pain management or joints, and during
pregnancy, menopause and menstruation, women will
benefit from taking a variety of high quality oils.
Obviously, the goal here is a balanced intake of all of the
health-promoting fatty acids; using only one or two
sources of fatty acids is not balanced and results in
suboptimal improvement, at best. In clinical practice, I
routinely use combination fatty acid therapy comprise of
ALA, EPA, DHA and GLA for essentially all patients. The
product also contains a modest amount of oleic acid,
and I encourage use of olive oil for salads and cooking.
This approach results in complete and balanced fatty
acid intake, and the clinical benefits are impressive.
Metagenics MetaPure EPA/DHA
This high strength, anti-inflammatory fish oil
helps to maintain normal
healthy triglyceride
levels, cholesterol
levels and
cardiovascular health.
It improves mood and
cognition in healthy
people and temporarily
relieves the pain and
joint inflammation
associated with
20% stronger than
capsules, 60% concentrated Omega-3 essential
fatty acids. Reduced fishy aftertaste so no need
for enteric coating. MetaPure's exclusive blend
of highly purified fish oil and citrus/berry flavour
reduces any fishy aftertaste associated with
Bioceuticals UltraClean EPA/DHA
Delivers a highly concentrated dose of
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (EPA and
DHA) and provides 300mg of
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 200mg of
docosahexaenoic acid
(DHA). Bioceuticals UltraClean
EPA/DHA is a rich source
of the essential omega-3
fatty acids which are
important for normal
growth and development.
As a result, pregnant and
lactating women have a
hign requirement for
omega-3 essential fatty
Bioceuticals UltraClean
EPA/DHA contains "ultra
purified" EPA Concentrated Omega-3
triglycerides-fish oil that uses patented
distillation and steam deodourising processes
to ensure optimal quality, purity and low odour.
Capsules are enteric coated and flavoured with
vanillin to minimise aftertaste.
The Wellness Protocol
Reculturing the Bowel
Proper levels of good bacteria promote intestinal health, proper immune function and support overall health. Excess bacteria or
yeast, or the presence of harmful bacteria, yeast or ‘parasites’ such as amoebas and protozoas, can cause “leaky gut”, systemic
inflammation and a wide range of clinical problems.
Intestinal flora can become imbalanced by poor
diets, excess stress, immunosuppressive drugs,
antibiotics, or exposure to contaminated food or
water, all of which are common among Australian
Thus, as a rule, I reinstate the good bacteria by the
use of probiotics (good bacteria and
yeast). Harmful yeast, and other
‘parasites’ can be eradicated with
the combination of dietary change
and/or natural medicines described
later in this article.
I believe that it is essential to “reculture” the bowel at least every 6
months. If you are prone to digestive
troubles or bowel problems, then this
may have to be done more
frequently. As cows cannot digest
grass without the appropriate bacteria in their
rumen, we cannot digest our foods properly
without the correct “good” bacteria.
If you are taking antibiotics you MUST take
Bowel re-culturing should occur during and after the
use of Antibiotics to prevent a ‘super-infection” or
development of “antibiotic resistant bacteria
overgrowths”. By the second day of a course of
antibiotics you would have killed all the “good”
bacteria within your bowel. This bacteria needs to be
replenished and therefore reculturing is necessary.
Clinically, I would have to say that
upwards of 90% of bowel upsets can be
resolved by reculturing (in the absence of
serious pathology). Patients that have
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative
colitis and Crohn’s disease can have a
significant improvement in their
presentation by reculturing, although it is
usually required more frequently.
The most efficient way of reculturing the
gastro-intestinal system is to use a good
probiotic product. Emed’s recommended probiotics
are listed below, however please note that these
products are significantly stronger than you will get in
health food stores.
Bioceuticals UltraBiotic 45
Bioceuticals Prodophilus
Bioceuticals UltraBiotic 45 is an extremely highpotency formula containing approx. 45 billion
organisms per capsule, and is designed to relieve
the symptoms of medically diagnosed IBS,
diarrhoea and to support immune system
function. UltraBiotic 45 delivers a complete
spectrum of 9 friendly probiotic species
especially selected to support and maintain
healthy gut and uro-genital flora.
Bioceuticals Prodophilus plays a critical role in the
digestion of undigested protein and other foods.
Bioceuticals Prodophilus is a probiotic supplement
combining a blend of Lactobacilli culture of human
origin. Bioceuticals Prodophilus is enterically
coated, enabling superior absorption along the gut.
Quality control methods ensure that there are over
10 billion organisms per capsule.
Metagenics Ultra Flora Restore
Metagenics Ultra Flora Restore is a convenient
proprietary probiotic blend that includes the
therapeutic strains Lactobacillus acidophilus,
Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus
rhamnosus GG blended with immuno-supportive
This is an ideal probiotic combination for
everyday use: to enhance gut health and
digestive function, for restoration of healthy gut
flora following antibiotic use, and to support
general wellbeing.
Metagenics Ultra Flora LGG
Metagenics Ultra Flora LGG is a probiotic formula
containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, a human
probiotic strain that is one of the most extensively
studied and best characterised therapeutic
probiotics available.
LGG has been shown to resist acid digestion and
survive to colonise the gastrointestinal tract, exerting
multiple therapeutic effects. Ultra Flora LGG has
shown to reduce the incidence of eczema and food
allergy in children, and may be used for infectious
diarrhoea to both prevent infection and to reduce
frequency and severity of symptoms.
The Wellness Protocol
Stretching and Exercise
Unfortunately most people suffer from “ED”. That is not short for Erectile Dysfunction, but another term for Exercise Deficiency or
Exercise Debt.
Most of the two-thirds of the country who are
overweight and millions of others with high blood
pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, desperately
need more exercise to control their underlying
There simply is not much of a stronger tool to drop
your insulin levels than exercise and elevated insulin
levels are one of the primary drivers for these types of
Exercise really needs to be
viewed as a drug and very
few clinicians or patients
understand this. I believe it is
one of the most powerful
“drugs” that we have in the
treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Unlike typical commercial
drugs, exercise can actually
cause one to go into
permanent remission for
Most people we see in
practice have a serious case of exercise debt and if
they only walk for 30 minutes a few times a week they
will never repay the principal on their debt.
If you wish to optimise your health you need to move
towards about 90 minutes of cardiovascular exercise
every day. This amount of exercise is only required in
the “treatment” phase (until you achieve your health
goals). Then you can cut back to 45 minutes three
times a week to maintain your optimal levels.
It is important to include some strength training
exercise in your program in addition to the
cardiovascular or aerobic type training. This will
complement your fitness and help provide a well
rounded structural frame that will improve your overall
I believe that aerobic fitness is a higher priority than
strength training, so if you only have time for one then
do the cardio exercises, as that will impact on your
insulin levels the most. But it is important to squeeze in
twice weekly strength training sessions if at all possible.
stretch intermittently and too aggressively; and then
wonder why they pull up sore.
If you stretch regularly and you are developing back
or neck pain then you need to go to a suitably
qualified health care professional to assess your
condition or the way you stretch. Yoga and Pilates
are the flavour of the month and I would recommend
utilizing these to assist you in your pursuit of better
strength and flexibility. The
Spinal Centre is currently
sourcing a range of quality
exercise protocols to assist
you in the future.
Additionally, most people
are clueless about the
exercise intensity and just
don’t understand that
walking for 90 minutes isn’t
sufficiently intense exercise.
You need to go hard
enough so that you having
a difficult time talking to
someone and then drop
back half a notch. If one can easily carry on a
conversation with someone next to you then you are
going too slow to generate the aerobic benefits that
exercise is capable of doing.
One of the key principles I teach though is to listen to
your body. If your body will not allow you to exercise
either due to pain or worsening of your underlying
condition then you have no practical option but to
honour your body’s signals and not exercise.
Even though your body desperately needs the
exercise to improve, you will only get worse if you
violate your current limitations. So you may have to
start with as little as one or two minutes a day.
Apply the Wellness Protocol, receive treatment for
your injuries if required, and as your body gradually
improves so will your tolerance to exercise.
You must continue to push yourself until
you reach the daily 90 minute level. It
is the only way to achieve your health
Also, it is important to include some stretching as part
of your daily routine. Stretching is like brushing your
teeth. It needs to be done very day. Most people
The Wellness Protocol
Stretching and Exercise
Here are a few examples of back and neck stretches that can performed everyday as part of a stretching and exercise program.
The Wellness Protocol
Stretching and Exercise
Here are a few examples of back and neck stretches that can performed everyday as part of a stretching and exercise program.
The Wellness Protocol