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Chapter 21: Grooming
Mark T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false statements to be true:
1. __F___You can trim or shave a beard or moustache without the person’s consent (363).
2. __T___To brush the person’s hair, start at the scalp and brush toward the hair ends (356).
3. __F___A blade-type razor is used when shaving a person receiving an anticoagulant drug
4. __T___When helping a person to dress put clothing on the weak side first (366).
Answer the questions below explaining each thoroughly:
5. The infestation of the body with lice is called (355)?
Pediculosis corporis
6. Hair loss is called (355)?
7. Before shampooing the person’s hair what information do you need (359)?
The water temperature should be about 105°F. It is important to keep shampoo out of the
person’s eyes. Hair is dried and styled as quickly as possible after the shampoo. The
shampoo method depends on the person’s condition, safety factors, and personal choice.
8. You assist a resident with shaving their face what is the correct direction (361)?
Soften the skin before shaving. Hold the skin taut as needed. Shave with the direction of hair
growth. Report nicks or cuts to the nurse at once.
9. Give safety measures about foot care (363, 364)?
Feet are easily infected and injured. Follow Standard Precautions and the Bloodborne
Pathogen Standard. Dirty feet and socks harbor microbes.
Chapter 22: Urinary Elimination
Mark T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false statements to be true:
1. __T___ The healthy adult produces about 1500 mL of urine each day (376).
2. __F___ Urinary urgency is the loss of bladder control (377).
3. __T___ Follow Standard Precautions and the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard when handling
bedpans and their contents (379).________________________________________________
4. __F___ After use, urinals are placed on the overbed table (381).
5. __T___ A person has an indwelling catheter. The risk of infection is high (392).
6. __T___ The goal of bladder training programs is control of urination (403).
Answer the questions below explaining each thoroughly:
7. Explain how to clean the genital area if the person cannot do so (380))?
Clean from the urethra to the anus, front to back.
8. Painful or difficult urination is called (377)?
9. Frequent urination at night is called (377)?
10. What measures will help prevent urinary tract infections (385)?
Promoting fluid intake as the nurse directs. Having the person wear cotton underwear.
Keeping the perineal area clean and dry.
11. A person has an indwelling catheter, where is the drainage bag attached (393)?
Attach the drainage bag to the bed frame, never the bed rail.
12. A person has an indwelling catheter, how much fluids are given (393)?
Encourage fluid intake as directed by the nurse and the care plan.
Chapter 23: Bowel Elimination
Mark T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false statements to be true:
1. __T___ Ignoring the need to defecate can lead to constipation (409).
2. __T___ Diarrhea is very serious in older persons and in infants (412).
3. __F___ The person is positioned in the right side-lying position for a cleansing enema (416).
4. __F___ Stomas have nerve endings and are painful (422).
5. __T___ Liquid feces drain constantly from an ileostomy (421).
6. __F___ Ostomy pouches are flushed down the toilet (422).
Answer the questions below explaining each thoroughly:
7. List causes of constipation (408, 409)?
Decreased fluid intake. Low-fiber diet. Some medications. Inactivity.
8. A person complains of abdominal discomfort. Watery stool has been leaking from the
person’s anus. This is probably (410)?
A fecal impaction.
8. A person has fecal incontinence. The person may need: (413)?
Good skin care is required.
10. A person with an ileostomy has liquid stools draining constantly, explain why and the
importance of good skin care (421)?
The stool liquid. Good skin care is essential. The entire large intestine has been removed. The
pouch must fit well.
Chapter 24: Nutrition and Fluids
Mark T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false statements to be true:
1. __F___ Nutritional needs decrease during illness (433).
2. __T___ Unpleasant sights and smells can cause loss of appetite (433).
3. __T___ Sodium causes the body to retain water (437).
4. __F___ Stand beside the person to feed him or her (446).
5. __T___ A person has dysphagia. Food thickness is changed to meet the person’s needs (438).
Answer the questions below explaining each thoroughly:
6. The loss of appetite is called (425)?
7. The breathing of fluid, food, vomitus, or an object into the lungs is called (438)?
8. How much water does an adult need daily to survive (439)?
1500 mL
9. A resident has an order for NPO. This means what (440)?
The person cannot eat or drink anything.
10. What is the correct way to serve food and fluids to a person (448)?
Tell the person what foods and fluids are on the tray. Serve foods in the order the person
prefers. Serve liquids first, then solid foods. Use a spoon for safety.
11. A patient is on aspiration precautions; list safety measures that are taken (439)?
The person needs help with meals and snacks.
12. List safety measures to prevent the spread of microbes when providing drinking water (449)?
Make sure the water pitcher is labeled with the person’s name and room and bed number.
Do not touch the rim or inside of the water glass or pitcher. Do not let the scoop touch the
rim or inside of the water glass or pitcher.
Chapter 26: Measuring Vital Signs (study guide for quiz)
Mark T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false statements to be true:
1. __F___ Unless otherwise ordered, take vital signs with the person standing (467).
2. __F___ If a person is receiving oxygen, an oral temperature is taken (468).
3. __F___ Axillary temperatures are more reliable than oral temperatures (468).
4. __T___ To use a tympanic membrane thermometer, the covered probe is inserted gently into
the ear (471).________________________________________________________________
5. __F___ The brachial artery is used most often for taking a pulse (477).
6. __T___ Before using a stethoscope, wipe the earpieces and diaphragm with antiseptic wipes
7. __T___ A stethoscope is used to take an apical pulse (480).
8. __T___ Respirations are counted right after taking a pulse. The person should be unaware
that you are counting respirations
9. __T___ Blood pressure is normally measured in the brachial artery (487).
10. __F___ The blood pressure cuff is applied over clothing (487).
Answer the questions below explaining each thoroughly:
11. If you are unsure of a vital sign measurement, you must (467)?
Promptly ask the nurse to take it again.
12. What is the normal body temperature range for the rectal site (468)?
98.6° F to 100.6° F
13. Explain when rectal temperatures are taken and when they are not taken (468)?
Taken when the oral site cannot be used. Do not take a rectal temperature if a person has
diarrhea, rectal surgery or heart disease.
14. Explain how to count respirations (483)?
Count respirations right after taking the pulse. Position the person so you can see the chest
rise and fall. To count respirations, watch the chest rise and fall.
15. A person with a systolic pressure that remains above 140 mm Hg or a diastolic pressure that
remains above 90 mm Hg has (484)?
16. The period of heart muscle relaxation is (484)?
17. You are measuring vital signs on a patient. What do you report to the nurse at once (467)?
Any vital sign that is changed from the prior measurement.