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Russian Theatre Confederation – Twelfth Night
Dmitry Shcherbina
Roles: Tsar of Murmaids (“Undina”), Vikovsky (“Biloxi Blues”), White Officer
(“Passions), Films: “The Two Destinies”, “The Black Room”, “Escape from the
Death”, “Lady-Peasant”, “Three days Outlaw”, “The Sah's Diamonds”.
Igor Iassoulovitch
Professor of the Russian Theatre Academy. Has played more 100 roles in the
cinema and more than 30 in the theatre. Among them: Prince Shabelsky
(“Ivanov and others”), Bergamen (“Romantics”), Sabinin (“Tatiana Repina”),
Kulibin (“Thunderstorm”), Monk (“The Black Monk”),Grand Inquisitor (“The
Brothers Karamazov”), Pimen, the monk (“Boris Godunov”),Chebutykin
(“Three sisters”). Films: “Uncle’s Dream”, “Ruslan and Liudmila”, “Twelve
Chairs”, “There is No Way back”, “Once Twenty Years After”, “There are
Skies behind the Clouds”, “There, over the horizon”, “Petersburg Mysteries”,
“That very Munghausen”.
Alexey Dadonov
Roles: Carlos Romero (“Lady for a Day”), Ben Gun (“Treasure Island”),
Spielberg (“Brigands“), Paris (“Romeo and Juliet”), Guardian (“Explicit
Polaroids”), Boxist (“In the pupil”), Young Gypsy Boy (“The Gypsies”), Spekin
(“Inspector General”),Prozorov Andrei Sergeevich (“Three sisters”). Works as
a teacher of theatrical speech and acting in a school-studio “Sh. E. S. T”).
Andrei Kuzitchev
Roles: Maxim (“Plasicine”), Baby John (“Westside Story’,) Gary (“Shopping
and Fucking”), Anton Chekhov (“Your Well-known Writer” by O.
Subbotina),Tuzenbach (“Three sisters”) and others. Films: “Investigation is
Led by Experts. Twenty Years After”, “Family Secrets”, “A Murderer’s Diary”,
“Moon Flights”, “Lines of Fate”, etc.Winner of the “Seagull” Prize (2002) and
the Award of “Moskovsky Komsomolets” (2003)
Ilia Ilyin
Roles: Romeo (“Romeo and Juliet”), Grinev (“Captain’s Daughter”), Andrey
(“Trap 46, Size 2”), Kesha (“A Lark is Flying between The Sky and the Earth”
by Y. Shchekochikhin), Tom (“Tom Sawyer”), George (“Our Small Town”), A
French (“An Evening of Russian Vaudevilles”), Duke of Cornwell (“King Lear”)
Since 1990, he has worked for “Radio Russia”. Films and TV series: “Master
Thief”, “The Little Nothings of Life”, “Lady Thief”.
Evgeny Pisarev
On the stage he has played Khlestakov ("Government Inspector"), Nick
("Great Gatsby"), Oktav ("Les Fourberies de Scapin"), Tim ("Some Explicit
Polaroid"). He acted in TV series "Kamenskaya-3", "Turetsky March" and
others. Since 1999, he has taught acting at the Moscow Art Theatre School.
Vladimir Vdovichenkov
Since 2002, Vladimir has been working at the Moscow Vakhtangov State
Academic Theatre. where he has interpreted Earl Orloff - one of the main
parts in the performance ”Tsar’s Hunting”.He is widely and successfully
engaged in cinema, has performed leading parts in ”The Brigade”, ”Boomer”,
”Inspiration” movies.
Mikhail Zhigalov
Has played ,ore than 80 roles including: Mr. Ford (“The Merry Wives of
Windsor”), Berly (“We are performing Shiller” after “Maria Stewart”), Binding
(“Three comrades”), Tsarevsky (“A Sudden Route”), Korovin (“Anomaly”),
Doc (“Warning to Minor Ships” b),Basmanov,armyleader (‘Boris Godunov”),
Chebutykin (“Three sisters”). Performed in more than 60 films, among which
“Petrovka, 38”, “Start Liquidation”, “Cania”, “The Afgan Break” and others.
Vsevolod Boldin
Roles: Rokko (“Saturday, Sunday, Monday” Dantes (“Alexander Pushkin”),
Drury (“Maria Stewart”), Devil (“Tsar Maximillian”), Merry Roger (“Virtual
Masquerade”) (“Mary Poppins”) and others.
Serguei Mukhin
Featured in productions: Alexey (“Wandering Lights”), Jean “Mon Ami” after
Gi de Mopassan), Grishka “The Minor””), Oliver (“Twelfth Night”), The Cold
(“The Kithchen”), Senia (“Who is the last in the list for love?”), Leha
(“Plasticine” by V. Sigarev). Films: “My Serguei”, “Siberian Barber”, “Photo”,
“I Am a Murderer”, “Don’t even think about it”.
Mikhail Dementiev
Starred in more than 20 films including: “Khrustalev, the car” (Alexey
Glinsky), “It’s hard to Be God” (Don Tomeo), “Leningrad, November”
(Dowerless Bridegroom), “Singer Josephine or Mouse population” (A boy with
a thin voice) and “Goose-flesh” (Web-designer Misha).
Alexander Feklistov
Past Roles: Myshlajevsky (“Days of the Turbins”), Petenka (“The Golovlevs”),
Commerce Agent (“Tatoo Rose”) and others. Films and TV series: “Plumbum
or a Dangerous Play”, “A Close Circle”, “Envy of Gods”, “Detachment”, “The
Fathers”, “Broken Light”, “Luna-park”, “Bourgeois’s Birthday”.
Dmitry Diuzhev
Past Roles: Straforel (“The Romantics”), Gorynych Dragon (“Who Kisses the
princess”), Deacon (“Tatiana repina” ) and others. Performed in films: “The
Ark”, “Brigade”, “Shnek”, “and 24 Hours”,“ The April ”,“ Secular chronicles”.