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PROS Center for Wellness
Group Descriptions
Anger Management
Description: This Group aims to build key skills necessary for maintaining or building a healthy relationship.
goal of this group is to your relationship practice and find ways to make necessary changes by setting
appropriate boundaries, setting realistic expectations, setting limits, communicating effectively, handling
conflict accurately, etc. Some of the topics covered include triggers of anger, monitoring your anger, conflict
resolution, and anger and family.
Description: Being assertive is a necessary component of building and maintaining healthy relationships.
Assertiveness training will increase self confidence and effective communication and can decrease stress and
reduce the instance of relapse. Group members will increase their ability to communicate assertively and
decrease submissive and aggressive communication. Some of the topic lessons include basic rights, avoiding
manipulation, voice and facial expression, and assertive language.
Barriers to Change
Description: Group members will learn to identify barriers in their lives that prevent them from reaching their
goals and objectives. Group members will learn strategies to overcome barriers and how to utilize those
strategies in daily living.
Bipolar Education
Description: To introduce a self-management approach-practical step-by-step which you develop personal,
specific knowledge and skills to live a more satisfying life. This unit includes lessons that specifically focus on
the research and education surrounding bi-polar diagnosis.
Description: Budgeting is an important aspect of managing finances. Learning how to set up a budget and stick
to it can improve the likelihood of living within one’s means and decrease overspending, thus reducing stress
and possibly the instance of relapse and decompensation of mental health symptoms. The goal of this group
is to create a budget to manage finances to improve daily functioning. Some of the topic lessons include
organizing your finances, monthly income vs. monthly expenses, writing the budget, and how to stick to my
Building Social Supports
Description: Having social supports helps individuals cope with stress and symptoms more effectively which
helps reduce relapse. The goal is to recognize aspects of supportive relationships and increase frequency and
amount of supportive relationships in their lives. Some of the lesson topics covered in this group include Why
are social supports important, Meeting new people, starting a conversation, and practicing in-depth
Clinical Symptom Monitoring
Description: Group explores issues associated with psychiatric symptoms, how to identify times when
symptoms may become increased, self care techniques that may be used during stressful situations and ways
to monitor and cope with psychiatric symptoms. Group also explores some symptoms associated with certain
psychiatric diagnoses and discusses ways these may be managed. This group has a goal of being able to
identify and better manage times when psychiatric symptoms are increased as well as to share coping skills.
Description: This group will allow its participants to explore how their roles in relationships may involve some
level of co-dependent behavior. The material will present an overview of what co-dependency is; how and
why it is unhealthy ; and how to start caring for themselves. Participants will build awareness of codependent behavior; identify the behavior in their relationships and begin to take basic steps toward making
their relationship healthier.
Cognitive Behavioral Problem Solving
Description: Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on changing thoughts to change behavior. Negative
thinking contributes to low self esteem, depression and anxiety. Teaching how to change thoughts to change
behavior will increase an individual’s ability to solve problems leading to decrease stress. The goal of this
group is to have group members increase their ability to change thinking patterns to decrease symptoms of
depression and anxiety. Some of the lesson topics include problematic thinking patterns, problems and
solutions, personal development and practicing positive living.
Coping with Problems and Persistent Symptoms
Description: this group will create a better understanding of some of the common symptoms/problems
associated with Mental Illness –group will address symptoms, coping strategies and tools needed to maintain
health and well being. Lesson topics of this group include understanding mood problems, improving problem
solving, improving communication, and finding a balance.
Description: DBT has become an evidenced-based treatment and the treatment of choice for those who suffer
from chronic suicidal behaviors and Borderline Personality Disorder. The goal of this group is to decrease lifethreatening, therapy-interfering and quality-of-life interfering behaviors. Additional goals include decrease
post-traumatic stress responses and increasing self-respect and achieve individual goals.
Diabetes and Nutrition
Description: Group discusses and explores diabetes and the importance of a healthy ADA diet with a goal of
managing diet and wellness through education and hands on comparison shopping and food preparation.
Dual Disorder
Description: Dual diagnosis, the treatment of patients who have chemical dependency and other mental or
personality disorders, is a growing problem in the health care field. It is estimated that 40%-70% of all mental
health and chemical dependency clients are actually suffering from dual disorders. The goal of this group is to
build knowledge about psychiatric disorders and alcohol/drug abuse, to provide recovery information, teach
client’s how to take an active role to get well and cope with dual disorders and the problems that contribute
to and/or result from them, help clients to identify specific recovery and relapse prevention issues, and aid
client’s in developing strategies and coping mechanisms to apply to daily life. Some of the topic lessons
include effects of dual disorders on my life, roadblocks to recovery, and setting goals.
Effective Communication
Description: This group aims to create and increase communication skills to help members communicate
effectively. The goal is to identify communication patterns and building skills to communicate more effectively
to express needs, wants and concerns. Lesson topics of this group include increasing listening skills, self
disclosure, fair fighting/conflict, and responding to criticism.
Exploring Community Opportunities
Description: Community exploration and utilization of services is a vital component to successful independent
living. This group will increase knowledge of opportunities with in the community to decrease the instance of
relapse and increase the management of mental health services. The goal is to increase an individual’s
understanding of the demands of specific community life roles and to increase knowledge of opportunities
available in the community. Some of the topic lessons include community services for healthy living,
opportunities for working, learning and volunteering, and opportunities for fun.
Family Dynamics and My Mental Illness
Description: The family is an essential part to the individual’s treatment and recovery. This group focuses on
family dynamics that are marked by miscommunication, passive aggressive behaviors, frequent arguments
and alienation. The goal of this group is to have member’s communication improve to the point that conflict
and dysfunction are markedly decreased. Lesson topics of this group include develop a family history, reduce
expressions of anger, isolation in the family, and becoming closer together.
Goal Attainment
Description: Participants will learn skills to help attain goals such as earning income, finding work and living
independently. Lesson topics of this group include making sense of your diagnosis, earning income, choices in
employment, and scheduling.
Healthy Lifestyles
Description: Lifespan development is influenced by every area of one’s life from family history to
environment. Learning how to make healthy lifestyle choices can improve quality of life, mental health and
lifespan. The goal of this group is to increase awareness of and ability to make healthy lifestyle choices. Some
of the lessons include family lifestyle, social & community life, hobbies, habits, and interests, and
Individual Processing thru Art
Description: Focuses on using a cognitive approach to address individual barriers that include fears, decisionmaking, coping skills, and personal needs through creative imagery and problem solving.
Introduction To Computers
Description: Computers are a necessary component of most workplaces. Learning the basics of computer use
can increase the likelihood of employment and improve the level of comfort in the workplace and decrease
stress. The goal of this group is to build knowledge of basic computer use to better prepare for employment.
Lessons of this topic include basic computer functions, introduction to Microsoft word, beginning to type, and
using a printer.
Life Management Skills
Description: As human beings, we are all involved in managing our mental and physical wellbeing. Handling
stress, solving problems, getting along with others, coping with disappointments and keeping a balanced life
are all a part of everybody’s day-to-day challenges. Learning how to manage mental health problems frees up
time and energy to pursue our goals and enjoy life. The goal of this group is to improve success and
satisfaction in important areas of life. Some of the topic lessons include personal recovery strategies,
recognizing and using personal strength, and working effectively with your doctor.
Loss and Grief
Description: Loss and grief can complicate lives. Loss is an everyday part of life but there are loss events that
are significant and can result in complicated bereavement. Loss issues can be accompanied by feelings of
guilt, shame, loss of self esteem, feelings of helplessness, and deep sadness. The goal of this group is to learn
how to deal with and work through loss and grief and to move forward with their lives. Some of the lessons
topics include identifying your feelings, barriers to adjustment, quality of life, and saying goodbye.
Maintaining A Healthy Relationship
Description: This group aims to build key skills necessary for maintaining or building a healthy relationship.
The goal is to identify relationship practice and find ways to make necessary changes by setting appropriate
boundaries, setting realistic expectations, setting limits, communicating effectively, handling conflict
accurately, etc. Some of the lesson topics include building trust setting boundaries, handling jealousy, anger
and hurt in a relationship, and making appropriate changes.
Managing A Crisis
Description: Developing a “Plan for Life” that will increase insight and knowledge into symptoms, thoughts,
feelings and life events that lead to crisis and how to implement these skills into a daily plan. To assist in the
education of the individuals support system as how to most effectively assist in the individuals treatment and
care before, during and after a crisis situation or time period. Lesson topics of this group include planning for
life and wellness, recognizing changes in mood, the support system, and understanding suicidal thinking &
suicide prevention.
Managing Anxiety
Description: Anxiety is one of the most difficult and common symptoms of mental illness. Learning to how to
cope and manage anxiety in a healthy way can decrease the instance of relapse and decompensation of
mental health symptoms. The goal is to reduce overall level, frequency and intensity of the anxiety so that
daily functioning is not impaired, and to stabilize anxiety level while increasing the ability to function on a daily
basis. Some of the lesson topics include anxiety and medications, identifying negative thoughts, physiology of
a panic attack, and coping strategies.
Managing Emotions
Description: This group will increase feelings of personal empowerment, hopefulness, and optimism; increase
respect for self and reduce fears of abandonment. Some of the lesson topics include positive beliefs of self,
humor and emotions, negative thinking, shades of gray, and being a survivor.
Managing Independence
Description: Individuals will learn to identify who the members of our treatment team are, discuss how a
team works together to reach goals and how to practice teamwork skills. Group members will also learn how
to use their treatment team to reach the greatest level of functioning potential for their individual capabilities.
Some of the lessons of this group include Phases of recovery, choosing role recovery goals, and who are the
members of the treatment team.
Managing Symptoms of Mental Illness
Description: When psychiatric symptoms first emerge, it is often difficult, and sometimes impossible, for the
person who is experiencing the symptoms to recognize and understand what is happening. Managing
symptoms of mental illness is vital for preventing decompensation and relapse. The goal of this group is to
have group members become familiar with reasons why people have symptoms, signs and symptoms of a
relapse, how to handle an emergency and things to do to promote recovery. Some of the lesson topics include
understanding the changes, acceptance, symptoms checklist, and reducing risk of relapse.
Medication Education
Description: Group explores psychiatric medications, including side effects, adverse effects, risks verses
benefits and the importance of open communication with health care providers. The goal of this group is for
each client to know what medications they are on, to gain the ability to identify reasons for taking or not
taking medications, proper use of medications, medications and substance abuse and ultimately for each
client to be able to have the knowledge to communicate with prescriber about their medications.
Men’s Mental Health
Description: Gender is an aspect of mental illness that cannot be ignored. Many men struggle with the idea of
seeking help and recognizing struggles. The goal of this group is to address issues of mental illness specific to
the male gender, and to provide understanding and acceptance. Some of the lesson topics include the myth
of masculinity, communication, men and depression, and men & relationships.
Description: This group will explore the foundation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and a skill used by many
religions: Mindfulness. Mindfulness is an important skill in regulating emotion, and staying present in
whatever moment you are in without needing to react to it. The goal is to teach the basics of mindfulness,
and how to apply it to each individual’s life so that each person may learn to direct their mind to stay present,
non-reactive, non-judgmental, and effective; ultimately, in order to make healthy decisions. Some of the
lesson topics include why mindfulness, mindful communication with others, doing what’s effective, and
mindfulness and meditation.
Money Management
Description: Learning how to manage finances and gain understanding of responsible spending are important
skills which increase financial independence. Being able to write a check, analyze expenses and adjust
spending to save money are important skills which improve financial stability and increase an individual’s
success for independent living. The goal of this group is to have group members increase their knowledge of
how to spend money responsibly, have a checking account and to save money.
Mood Management
Description: Often mental illness and the symptoms associated with it have a negative impact on one self. The
focus of this group is reframing our state of mind to focus on the positive in our lives – despite the mental
illness. The goal of this group is to focus on the positive changes, events, and experiences that we have
experienced throughout our lives and continue to build upon those happy feelings. Some of the lesson topics
include the pathway from hurt to happiness, what is forgiveness, habits for a healthier life, and building self
Motivating Choices
Description: It is surprising when you realize the number of choices you can make about your life. You may
not always be able to choose what happens to you, but you can choose how you react to what happens.
Being able to effectively make decisions, stay motivated and solve problems promotes recovery and symptom
management. The goal of this group is to have group members increase their ability and comfort for
effectively setting a goal and making complex decisions. Some of the lesson topics include developing a vision,
10 life dimensions, plan for success, and managing setbacks.
Nutrition and Fitness
Description: What and how we choose to eat affects our health. People struggle with making healthy food
and drink choices for many reasons. People with mental illness may struggle even more due to symptoms,
lifestyle issues, and medication side effects. It is possible to get past these challenges. A healthy lifestyle
helps you to prevent health problems, reach and keep a healthy weight and feel better overall. Some of the
topic lessons include choosing healthy eating and wellness, what kind of hungry are you, the five food groups,
eating wisely on a budget, and strategies to stay on track.
Recovery Strategies
Description: This topic sets a positive and optimistic tone that continues throughout the illness management
and recovery process. It conveys confidence that people who experience symptoms can move forward in their
lives. It introduces the concept of recovery and encourages members to develop their own definitions of
recovery.. The goal of this group is to increase awareness of the concept of recovery and expand the
possibilities of recovery in individuals’ lives. Some of the lesson topics include what is recovery, identifying
goals, tracking goals and rewarding yourself, and the science of medication.
Relapse Prevention
Description: Relapse can occur and learning to cope with stressors and triggers can reduce the risk of relapse.
Relapse prevention is an integral part of the recovery process and learning to recognize and respond to
warning signs can reduce the likelihood of relapse. The goal of this group is to understand what relapse
means and the potential cost of relapse. Lesson topics of this group include medication changes can start a
relapse, too much stress can lead to relapse, health, wellness, and relapse, and responding to relapse.
Self Esteem
Description: Self-Esteem is a vital part of psychological functioning. Growing in self-esteem means building
self-confidence and strength from within; no longer needing something or someone outside yourself to make
you feel okay. By increasing self-esteem and our sense of self-worth we improve our ability to be successful in
all areas of life. The goal of this group is to improve participant’s awareness and knowledge of how their level
of self-esteem was created; how it impacts all areas of life, and what can be done to begin to increase selfesteem. Some of the topic lessons include causes and affects of low self-esteem, disarming the critic, handling
mistakes—learn and move on, responding to criticism, and goal setting and planning.
Self Expression thru Art
Description: This group will focus on increasing self-awareness, through a therapeutic exploration of
interpersonal relationships, group interactions, general themes, concentration, memory, dexterity and the use
of guided imagery, visualizations, dreams and meditations. Lesson topics of this group include the garden of
self, lifelines, media explorations, and symbolic banners.
Skill Development and Recovery
Description: The development of coping skills is essential to the recovery process. Writing offers the
opportunity of sharing thoughts, feelings and behaviors in an alternative and expressive form of
communication. Learning how to write and express oneself creatively will decrease the instance of relapse
and decompensation of mental health symptoms. The goal of this group is to build knowledge of the writing
process and how it may be utilized as a coping skill to apply to daily functioning and mental health. Some of
the topic lessons include writing from objects, free write, and life’s journey.
Smoking Cessation
Description: Group explores health benefits associated with smoking cessation and makes individual goals and
plans to quit smoking in a reasonable and timely manner using CBT and group support.
Stress Management
Description: Stress is one of the leading causes and triggers for illness. Learning how to cope and manage
stress in a healthy way can decrease the instance of relapse and decompensation of mental health symptoms.
The goal of this group is to build knowledge of stress reduction coping skills and the ability to apply to daily
functioning and mental health. Lesson topics for this group include recognizing signs of stress, coping through
communication, coping through humor, and coping through games or hobbies.
Substance Abuse and its Affects
Description: To explore reasons why we use substances and the effects it has had/has on our lives; how to reclaim our
lives from old behaviors and thinking. The goal of this group is to weigh effects that drugs/alcohol have on our
physical bodies, learned behaviors, and our relationships. Topic lessons of this group include weighing the pros and
cons of sobriety, developing a sober lifestyle that meets your needs, and early warning signs of relapse.
Substance Abuse and Recovery
Description: What role has spirituality played in your recovery? This curriculum will uncover the strength in your
Higher Power, and will aide you in working the 12-steps to support a clean and sober lifestyle. This curriculum also
looks at the thoughts and beliefs behind addiction as well as the behavior. The goal of this group is to review the 12
steps and individually share with the group any concerns, and progress each member has made in each step. Topic
lessons of this group include Importance of Recovery Partner/Healthy Support, What Behaviors do you use to
compensate for uncomfortable feelings, and Prayer or Looking for Direction/Practice the Principal.
Substance Dependence
Description: Substance dependence is a serious issue that can affect all aspects of a person’s life. People with
substance dependence issues may have high levels of shame or guilt about these problems, may have
unresolved past issues, have difficulties with relationships, and have little support. In addition, denial and
minimization of the effects of the substance use are common in people who use, abuse, or are dependent.
The goal of this group is to have group members understand the effects of substance use on mental illness,
the differences between abuse and dependence, learn how to make decisions about using, reducing or
stopping substance use, identify and participate in activities that do not involve substance use, find sober
supports, learn to have a lifestyle free of substances, be able to identify high risk situations, and plan and
practice to use coping skills. Lesson topics of this group include common reasons for using substances, staying
away from substances, having meaningful roles in life, and improving friendship skills.
Telling your Story thru Art
Description: This group focuses on using narrative therapy techniques to aid the individual in recognizing their
barriers to wellness and recovery and enabling them to envision and create positive perspectives towards goal
attainment using creative media as their tools; including fabric, collage, photo media, and mixed media. Topic
lessons of this group include telling my story (writing), images of my strengths, using color, design & texture to
tell my story, and putting it all together.
Trauma Thru Art
Description: This group focuses on developing and utilizing creative skills to manage symptoms of stress
related to traumatic experiences or life event and increase life quality and functioning.
Understanding Depression
Description: Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses. Learning how to cope and manage
depression in a healthy way can decrease the instance of relapse and decompensation of mental health
symptoms. The goal of this group is to recognize, accept, and cope with feelings of depression and to alleviate
depressed mood and return to previous level of effective functioning. Lesson topics of this group include
feelings and depression, depression and the brain, affirmations and optimism, and changing depressive
Understanding Relationships
Description: This Group aims to build key skills necessary for maintaining or building a healthy relationship.
Identifying your relationship practice and finding ways to make necessary changes by setting appropriate
boundaries, setting realistic expectations, setting limits, communicating effectively, handling conflict
accurately, etc. Some of the lesson topics include Past Experiences and, Family Dynamics - How they affect
current relationships, communicating effectively, and setting boundaries.
Vocational Prep
Description: Choosing to work is a major recovery goal. This group will explore strengths, needs, past work
attempts, increase knowledge of opportunities within the community and of social security to prepare for a
job search. This group will increase knowledge and usage of skills to prepare to return to work. The goal of
this group is to have each member explore emotional readiness for returning to work and will create an
individual plan of action to prepare for a job search. Some of the topic lessons include interests, needs and
strengths, past work attempts, introduction to WIPA, and individual plan of action.
Wellness and Recovery
Description: The purpose of this group is to develop strategies and techniques to utilize during our recovery
process. The group aims to identify what recovery from mental illness is and what can your learn to aide you
on your path to recovery. The goal is to increase our awareness on the techniques and stratgies we can use to
help us in our process of wellness and recovery.
Women’s Mental Health
Description: Good mental health is a key component of a woman’s overall health. Women have issues that
are particular to their gender and understanding these issues can lead to a greater sense of well being. The
goal of the group is to explore issues particular to a woman. This group is designed to explore women’s roles
and women’s mental and physical health. The purpose of this group is to help women to fund balance and
purpose in their lives.
Work and Recovery
Description: Work and Mental Health are interactive. Improvement in these areas enhances the effectiveness
of rehabilitation. Positive changes occur as individuals find they can work in competitive, community based
jobs beside other people without disabilities. The goal of this group is to have members explore emotional
readiness for returning to work and create a Work Recovery Plan to plan a job search.