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Urinary System Health
Training #5
Urinary System
What Are The Components Of The
Urinary System?
The urinary system is made up of:
1.The Kidneys
• Which take waste out of the blood.
2.The Ureters
• Which carry the waste (urine) from the kidneys to the bladder.
3.The Bladder
• Which stores urine.
4.The Urethra
• Which is the tiny tube that empties the bladder
during urination.
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Urinary System Health
How Does The Urinary System Work?
• The urinary system begins in the kidneys.
• Together, the kidneys normally make one to two litres of urine every day depending on
how much a person drinks.
• Every minute, about one litre of blood enters the kidneys through the renal arteries. This
is approximately one fifth of all the blood pumped by the heart.
• One of the main functions of the kidneys is to remove liquid waste from the blood in the
form of urine.
• The kidneys remove urea from the blood through more than one million tiny filtering units
called nephrons.
• Urea, together with water and other waste substances, forms the urine as it passes
through the nephrons and down the renal tubules of the kidneys.
• Urine is then moved from the kidneys to the bladder through 2 tubes called ureters.
• The muscles in the ureter walls continually tighten and relax forcing urine downward,
away from the kidneys and into the bladder.
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Urinary System Health
What Does The Urinary System Do?
Regulates the amount of water within the body
• The body must contain just the right amount of water and one of the most important jobs of
the kidneys is to remove excess water or retain water when the body needs more.
Regulates minerals
• Many substances in the blood and body fluid must be kept at the correct level for the body
to function properly.
• When the kidneys are working properly, excess minerals such as sodium and potassium, are
excreted via urine.
• The kidneys also help to regulate the levels of other minerals such as calcium and
Removes waste
• The kidneys remove waste such as urea and creatinine.
• Urea and other waste are made when the body breaks down protein. For example, creatinine
is a waste product of the muscles.
• Certain drugs produce chemical waste which must be removed from the body by the
kidneys. Drugs which are predominantly excreted unchanged by the kidneys include
antibiotics, antivirals, beta blockers, and lithium.
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Urinary System Health
What Is A Urinary Tract Infection?
• A urinary tract infection (UTI) is inflammation usually caused by bacteria attacking the
kidneys, ureters, bladder or urethra.
• Normal urine is sterile. It contains fluids, salts and waste products. It should be free
of bacteria, viruses and fungi.
• A UTI most often occurs when bacteria enter the urethra and travel to the bladder,
causing a bladder infection.
• A kidney infection results if bacteria climb further from the bladder up to the kidneys.
• The bacteria that most often cause UTIs is Escherichia coli (also known as E. coli)
which sits on the skin in the genital area.
• Although E. coli is by far the most common cause of a UTI, there are other causes
such as:
• When normal urine flow is blocked or backed up from the bladder to the kidneys.
• Kidney or bladder stones.
• In rare cases, bacteria can reach the kidneys through the bloodstream.
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Urinary System Health
Signs Of A Urinary Tract Infection
• Bloody urine
• Burning feeling with urination
• Chills or shivers
• Cloudy or foul-smelling urine
• Confusion (especially in the elderly)
• Feeling the need to urinate more often
• Feeling tired
• Fever
• Increased frequency or urgency to urinate
• Leaking
• Lower back or flank pain
• Nausea and vomiting
• Pressure in the lower stomach
• Pain when urinating
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Urinary System Health
Kidney Infection
A kidney infection is also referred to as pyelonephritis. It is a specific type of a urinary
tract infection that generally begins in the urethra or bladder and travels up into the
When bacteria gain entry to the urinary tract, usually via the anus or vagina, this may
cause a kidney infection.
Risk factors for kidney infection include:
• A history of UTI’s
• Diabetes
• Kidney stones
• Pregnancy
• Sexual intercourse
• Spermicide use
• Surgery or instrumentation of the urinary tract
• Use of urinary catheters
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Urinary System Health
How To Avoid Urinary Tract Infection
Increasing urine production is important to remove bacteria that have moved into the
bladder or kidneys.
Here are some suggestions:
• Do not hold urine. Urinate as soon as the urge presents.
• Drink plenty of water to flush out bacteria (drinking unsweetened cranberry juice may
help to prevent urinary tract infections).
• Urinate after intercourse to help wash away bacteria.
• Women are advised to wipe from front to back after bowel movements.
• Women who have frequent urinary tract infections may want to avoid using the
diaphragm as a method of birth control.
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Urinary System Health
What Are Kidney Stones/Gravel?
A kidney stone develops when certain chemicals in urine form
crystals that stick together.
• The crystals may grow into a stone ranging in size from a
grain of sand to a golf ball.
• Very small stones, known as gravel, can pass through the
urinary system without causing any problems.
• However, larger stones can cause severe pain when
travelling from the kidneys through the ureters to the bladder.
• 70 to 80% of stones are made of calcium oxalate and a
smaller percentage are made up of uric acid or cystine.
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Urinary System Health
What Are The Symptoms Of Kidney
• Severe pain that usually starts suddenly in the small of the back, under the ribs or in the
lower abdomen. The pain may quickly move to the groin. Pain may last for minutes or
hours, followed by periods of relief.
• Blood in the urine.
• Nausea and vomiting.
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Urinary System Health
How Can You Avoid Kidney Stones /
• Drink at least two litres of water during the day and a glass of water upon waking at
night to urinate.
• Be sure to drink plenty of water after meals and especially, during and after exercise.
• It is important to note that the preventative steps to take in order to avoid kidney stones
will depend on the type of stone an individual may be prone to.
• If a history of stones is present, always consult a doctor about the type, so that they
can be avoided in the future.
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Urinary System Health
Calcium Oxalate Stones
• When taking supplemental calcium, ensure it is in a highly absorbable form such as
citrate, rather than carbonate.
• Consider increasing magnesium intake which will increase the solubility of calcium
• Avoid foods that have a high oxalate content such as spinach, beets, parsley, swiss
chard, vegetables in the cabbage family, rhubarb, blueberries, eggs, nuts, cocoa,
chocolate, and black tea.
• Do not take very large doses of Vitamin C, as it may increase oxalate excretion.
Generally, one should not exceed 4 grams or more daily.
• Avoid heavy use of antacids, which are often high in calcium carbonate.
• Taking Vitamin B6 may protect against recurrent calcium oxalate stones.
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Urinary System Health
Uric Acid Stones
• Cut down on the amount of animal protein, particularly red meat & cheese.
• The pH of urine is usually slightly acidic, with a pH of approximately 6. Certain types of
food may cause urine to become more acidic, such as large amounts of animal protein
and whole wheat products.
• The most important risk factor for uric acid crystallization and stone formation is a low
urine pH (below 5.5)
With a history of cystine stones;
• It is recommended to avoid the amino acid L-cysteine.
• If an individual must take a supplement containing L-cysteine, they may want to
consider taking at least 3 times as much Vitamin C at the same time.
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Urinary System Health
Cleansing The Kidneys When Stones
Are Present
Before performing a kidney cleanse, determine how large the kidney stones are.
• Gravel can be passed.
• However, if there is a large stone, using herbs to pass the stone could result in a
blockage and the possibility of immediate emergency surgery.
• Please verify with a physician the size of the stones and whether performing a kidney
cleanse is recommended.
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Urinary System Health
Cleansing The Urinary System
As the urinary tract is responsible for removing much of the water waste from the body, it
is important to ensure that it is working optimally.
• By cleansing the entire urinary tract, one is not only helping to prevent recurring urinary
tract problems such as UTIs, bladder infections and kidney stones, they are also
ensuring that the entire body is healthier.
• Using an herbal kidney cleanse to cleanse the urinary tract is an important preventative
Please note: Kidney Cleanse is not effective in reducing a swollen prostate or in the
treatment of prostate cancer.
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Urinary System Health
Urinary Tract Cleansing With Kidney
• Kidney Cleanse is a 30 day, two part cleansing program designed to improve the overall health of
the entire urinary system by cleansing, sterilizing, and alkalizing the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and
• Kidney Cleanse 1 contains herbs which cleanse and sterilize the urinary system and Kidney
Cleanse 2 contains a mixture of minerals that help to alkalize the entire body including the urinary
• As it has diuretic properties, there will be an increase in the volume of urine output.
Kidney Cleanse is recommended to individuals looking to cleanse their urinary system and is ideal for
people who:
• Have recurrent bladder infections
• Have recurrent urinary tract infections
• Have recurrent yeast infections
Gravel is likely okay, however individuals with kidney stones should NOT do this cleanse and it is
recommended they consult a physician first.
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Urinary System Health
What does Kidney Cleanse Contain?
Kidney Cleanse 1 contains (per capsule)
Cranberry Fruit Extract (Vaccinium macrocarpon) 25:1 Extract(2500mg)
Parsley Leaf (Petroseli num crispum)
Horsetail Herb Extract (Equisetum arvense) -7% silica
Stinging Nettle Leaf Extract (Urtica dioica) 5:1 Extract (125mg)
Dandelion Leaf Extract (Taraxacum officinale) 4:1 Extract (100mg)
Couch Grass (Elymus repens)
White Bean Extract (Phaseolus vulgaris) 4:1 Extract (100mg)
Cornsilk (Zea mays)
Buchu Leaf Extract (Barosma betulina) 10:1 Extract (100mg)
Kidney Cleanse 2 contains (per capsule)
Potassium (Potassium citrate)
Potassium (Potassium bicarbonate)
Calcium (Calcium phosphate dibasic)
Magnesium (Magnesium phosphate tribasic pentahydrate)
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Urinary System Health
Ultimate Flora VS - Probiotic Support
For Women
• Urinary tract infections in women are almost always caused by bacteria moving from
the rectum or vagina to the urethra and bladder.
• It has been found that by supplementing with probiotics (particularly Lactobacillus
rhamnosus); recurrent UTI’s may be prevented.
• The 9 strains of bacteria in Ultimate Flora VS formula were chosen for their prevalence
in a healthy vagina and urinary tract.
• Each capsule contains 45 billion live Lactobacillus cultures and 5 billion live
Bifidobacteria cultures, mirroring the prevalence of Lactobacilli and the lesser numbers
of Bifidobacteria in the vagina.
• It contains 17.5 billion Lactobacillus rhamnosus bacteria per capsule.
• Ultimate Flora VS is enteric coated and cannot be used as a suppository.
Ideal for those who:
• Are prone to yeast infections
• Are prone to urinary tract infections
• Are prone to bladder infections
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Urinary System Health
Ultimate Flora Critical Care Probiotic Support for Men
• Ultimate Flora VS is not strictly for women, men can also take it if they wish; however,
they may be resistant to taking a product marketed to women. In this case, they can
take Ultimate Flora Critical Care.
• Ultimate Flora Critical Care is a 50 billion culture, 10 strain probiotic formula including
500 million Lactobacillus rhamnosus, which has been shown to prevent recurrent UTI’s.
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Urinary System Health
Urinary System Health
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Kidney Cleanse Ingredients
Kidney Cleanse 1
There are several categories of herbs used in Kidney Cleanse Part 1.
Antibacterial / Antiseptic:
Cranberry Fruit Extract
•antibacterial properties.
Buchu Leaf Extract
•contains ‘diosphenol’ which has antiseptic properties. Traditionally
used to help with mucus membrane infection of the bladder.
Horsetail Herb Extract
•traditionally used for bacterial infections of the lower urinary tract.
Antilithic (Reduces or suppresses urinary stones and aids in dissolving
existing stones and gravels. (Gravels are very small stones found in
the kidneys):
Cranberry Fruit Extract
•proven to have antilithogenic properties.
Parsley Leaf
•traditionally used for flushing out the urinary tract and for preventing
and treating kidney gravel.
Horsetail Herb Extract
•traditionally used to eliminate renal gravel.
Stinging Nettle Leaf Extract
•traditionally used for the prevention and treatment of kidney gravel.
•traditionally used for phosphatic gravel.
Diuretic (Herbs that promote secretions of the urinary system,
increasing toxic elimination and accumulated matter along with
excess water):
Parsley Leaf
Horsetail Herb Extract
Stinging Nettle Leaf Extract
Dandelion Leaf Extract
Couch Grass
White Kidney Bean Pod Extract
Demulcent (Soothing, used to relieve internal inflammation):
Couch Grass
•demulcent properties. Traditionally used for cystitis.
•demulcent properties.
Stinging Nettle Leaf Extract
•traditionally used for irrigation therapy for inflammatory diseases of
the lower urinary tract.
Buchu Leaf Extract
•traditionally used to help with inflammation of the bladder.
Horsetail Herb Extract
•traditionally used for inflammation of the lower urinary tract.
Kidney Cleanse 2
There are 3 minerals in Kidney Cleanse Part 2 which work to alkalize
the body including the urinary system. This is important because if the
kidneys are excessively acidic, then they provide an environment that is
conducive to the formation of kidney stones. However, by drinking plenty
of water and ensuring the body is alkaline with electrolyte minerals, you
can help to prevent the formation of uric acid stones and kidney stones.
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Urinary System Health
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