Download Spelling - Pennsbury School District

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How do students study their
spelling words?
Read the word.
How can I help at home?
When your children ask you how to
spell a word, here are some questions
that may help them figure out the
· Does it look correct?
Spell the word.
Touch each letter and
say its name.
· Can you try writing it another way?
· What sounds do you hear at the
beginning? At the end?
· Have you seen that word somewhere
else? Can you find it for me?
Cover the word.
· Does this word remind you of another
word that you can spell?
Print the word.
Proofread the word.
Touch each letter and
say its name.
The Pennsbury School District
134 Yardley Avenue
Fallsington, PA 19058
How is spelling assessed?
Accountability in daily writing
Cloze Assessment
Sentence dictations
Securing the future, together
Revised July 2008
Securing the future, together
An important goal of the
Pennsbury School District is to
help our students become
independent spellers. Students
learn to spell correctly in order
to express themselves clearly
when writing. The Pennsbury
spelling program is . . .
What are the “best practices” in
spelling instruction?
What spelling words will be
Spelling is:
· a developmental process
Spelling words are selected from high
frequency words found in writing. Each
grade level has a set of words from this
high-use word list. Additional words
may be added to extend this list.
· part of reading and writing across the
· a tool for writing: a tool for communicating, proofreading, and editing
· using spelling strategies in everyday
writing across the curriculum
· reviewing words, structures,
patterns, and usage
· teaching to mastery
· based on current research
· integrated with reading and writing
How is spelling taught?
· focused on learning the words most
used in writing
· Direct instruction of grade level
spelling words
· flexible to provide review and
· Emphasis on writing and editing
What are the important spelling
1. Some words double the final
consonant when adding an ending
like ing, ed, er.
2. Some words drop the final e when
adding an ending like ing, ed, er, that
begins with a vowel.
3. Some words change y to i when
adding an ending not beginning with i.
4. Most nouns form the plural by adding s.
5. Nouns ending with s, ss, sh, ch, and x
form the plural by adding es.
· Focus lessons on rules and patterns
· sequential from grade to grade
· consistent among schools
· Reinforcement and extension
· Development of strategies to create
independent learners
6. Some nouns form the plural by
changing y to i when adding es.
7. Some nouns form the plural by
changing f or fe to v when adding es.