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6th European Public Health Conference: Saturday 16 November, 11:00–12:00
Promoting european infection control / hospital
hygiene core competencies: a need for training
professionals in Europe
Luca Arnoldo
S Brusaferro1, B Cookson2, R Gallagher3, P Hartemann4, J Holt5,
S Kalenic6, W Popp7, G Privitera8, C Varela Santos9, C Suetens9,
L Arnoldo1, G Cattani1, E Fabbro1
Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche, Università degli Studi di
Udine, Udine, Italy
University College London, London, United Kingdom
Royal College of Nursing, London, United Kingdom
Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France
Staten Serum Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
University Hospital of Essen, Essen, Germany
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
ECDC, Stockholm, Sweden
Contact: [email protected]
The Training Infection Control in Europe project (TRICE,
2010) highlighted significant differences amongst European
Countries (EC) regarding the existence of Infection Control /
Hospital Hygiene (IC/HH) courses and the need to improve
official recognition of ‘‘IC/HH degrees’’ for healthcare
professionals. In March 2013, ECDC published a Technical
Document with recommended European IC/HH Core
Competencies (EIC/HHCC) as proposed by the TRICE
project (1).
To perform a comparative analysis of EIC/HHCC and
documents describing disciplines related to IC/HH, such as
Public Health, Epidemiology, Medical Microbiology and
Infectious Diseases and explore possible harmonisation of
European standards for mutual recognition of European
training courses. The main purpose was to provide information needed to promote the endorsement and the adoption of
the EIC/HHCC in training courses and for these to be
mutually recognised within EC. These objectives were
components of the ECDC funded TRICE-Implementation
Strategy project.
Documents collected were related to: Public Health
(ASPHER), Epidemiology of communicable diseases (ECDC)
Medical Microbiology (EUPHEM) and Infectious Diseases
(UEMS). Alignment with the EIC/HHCC competencies
(n.101) was: 57% for ASPHER, 56% for Epidemiology
ECDC, 40% for Infectious Diseases, 20% Medical
Microbiology UEMS and 64% for EUPHEM. In the Program
Management area (n. 24 competencies) poor alignment has
been identified for Infectious Diseases 38%, Medical
Microbiology (UEMS) 17% and Public Health Microbiology
(EUPHEM) 4%. Searches of the www and review of several
European courses, thus far suggest that the European Credit
Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) appears to be the
standard currently recognized in Europe for mutual recognition of training initiatives, although ECTS is not necessarily
required by some Universities and harmonization of methods
provides an immediate way forward.
Almost all documents examined revealed the need better
alignment with the TRICE EIC/HHCC. ECTS could be
considered as the basis for mutual recognition for IC/HH
training initiatives designed according to TRICE EIC/HHCC.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Core
competencies for infection control and hospital hygiene
professionals in the European Union. Stockholm: ECDC;
Key message
More alignment with EIC/HHCC will be required for
relevant training courses. These post-graduate courses
should also adopt the Bologna Process recommendations
for ECTS.
Open access testing for nutrition competences of
food service personnel
Enni Mertanen
E Mertanen1, M Olli2, K Nissinen3, A Kara2, M Lahti-Koski2
JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä, Finland
Finnish Heart Association, Helsinki, Finland
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Seinäjoki, Finland
Contact: [email protected]
In Finland, more than 2 million meals are daily eaten out. To
ensure nutritional quality of those meals, knowledge and skills
of food service staff are important. After reconstruction of
curriculums for food service education (EQF5) nutrition
competencies are at risk. According to surveys they are already
The objectives were to develop an open access nutrition
competency test for catering staff and evaluate its feasibility.
Finnish Heart Association and two UAS collaborated in this
action research project. Five studies were completed during the
project. First, nutrition competences needed in food services
were defined. A pilot test was created, by which nutrition
competencies of restaurant cooks and public food service staff
were assessed. Educational material for training was produced
and shown to raise the passing rate. Web pages were built to
ensure open access to self-learning and completing the test
(passing limit 93%). The usability of the test was assessed with
students in vocational education. In October 2012, the test
called Ravitsemuspassi was launched with an education tour
(n = 370). Finally, nutrition competencies of the teachers from
vocational education were assessed.
Half of the restaurant cooks (n = 48, in three groups) passed
pilot test. Means of groups were 73%; 78%, and 85%; range
52% to 95%. A third of the staff in public food services
(n = 51) reached 75 % correct. The learning material
improved passing rate by +9 points (n = 17, from 82% to
90%). The passing rate was low when students from 14
vocational schools piloted the web test (n = 244), the means
71% in the general curriculum (n = 203) and 67% with special
needs (n = 43). The teachers (n = 154) self-assessed their
nutrition teaching skills sufficient (71%) or very good
(19%), but got low results in Ravitsemuspassi. The open
access test is completed by 1656 (age 14-68 y.).
Open access nutrition education material and Ravitsemuspassi
test for food service personnel were developed and evaluated.
It has shown its feasibility and popularity among food services
and in vocational education. Ministry of Social affairs and
Health, and National Nutrition Council have acknowledged
Ravitsemuspassi. The material and test will be translated in
English and in Swedish.
Key messages
An open access learning material and test, Ravitsemuspassi
is a public health education innovation for improving
nutrition competencies in food services and so enhancing
public health in eating out.
Public health enhances offering healthy meals in eating
out. For that purpose, an open access learning material and
test, Ravitsemuspassi helps improving nutrition competencies of food service staff.
Resource perception in the course of caregiving developement and testing of the assessment to
detect the resources of family caregivers
Claudia Mischke
C Mischke
Bern University of Applied Sciences, Health Division, Bern, Switzerland
Contact: [email protected]
Caregiving by family members has become a vital component
of the health care delivery system. To pay attention to the