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# - Missoulian, Monday, May 20, 2013 - #
Proud partner in Community Education
Syrian hamster
or golden hamster
Proud partner in
Community Education
By Laurie Triefeldt
Common smooth-coated guinea pigs
These cute little rodents have become popular pets for children in many countries.
If you are considering bringing a hamster or guinea pig into your home, it is a good
idea to understand the unique traits of each species. Hamsters are smaller, eat less
and are active at night (they need plenty of exercise
and sleep most of the day).
Most hamsters are solitary animals and should not share a cage. Guinea pigs are
more social (like to be cuddled), but are less active. They need a buddy to share
their cage with and also need plenty of vitamin C (fruit and greens).
A bit of history Hamsters
Basic rodent care
• When it comes to rodents,
habitats that are bigger are better.
Hamsters do well in aquariums
with plenty of materials to burrow in. Guinea pigs need lots of
horizontal space to explore.
• Rodents need a nesting box,
where they can retreat and rest.
• Hamsters and guinea pigs love to
play, dig and tunnel — tubes for
tunneling, exercise wheels and
toys should be provided.
• Line rodent cages with absorbent
bedding — hay or shavings —
and make sure the litter is dry.
Remove droppings, uneaten food
and soiled bedding every day.
Completely clean and change the
bedding every week.
A bit of history
were first discovered in Syria, but they are
native to many parts of the world. The
Syrian hamster or golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) became known to the
scientific community in 1839, but hamsters were not bred and domesticated
until the 1930s. They were first found in
pet shops around 1945.
In a name The word "hamster" is derived from the
German word “hamstern,” which means “hoard” (because that is
what they do with extra food).
Diet Hamsters eat a variety of foods. In the
wild, they feed mostly on seeds, fruits and
greens, and will sometimes eat burrowing insects. In captivity, they eat mostly dried food —
seeds, grains, cracked corn and pellets (available at pet stores). You should supplement your
pet’s diet with fresh foods every two or three
days. Hamsters have a special pouch on each
side of their head that they stuff full of food to be
stored and eaten later.
Behavior Hamsters are
Natives in the Andean region
of South America domesticated the guinea pig as a source
of food around 5000 B.C.
Guinea pigs are still valued
as food in the Andes. They are
also used in folk medicine and
religious ceremonies. In the 16th
century, they became popular
exotic pets in Europe.
• Hamsters and guinea pigs eat
pellets, grains, seeds, cracked
corn and nuts but should also
be given a small amount of fresh
vegetables and fruit every day or
every few days.
In a name
It is unknown how the guinea pig (Cavia
porcellus) got its name, but it is also called a cavy. These
animals are not from Guinea, nor are they part of the
pig family.
• Make sure your pet has fresh
water at all times.
• Did you know that
rodents’ teeth grow
continuously? To
keep them trimmed,
make sure they have
a twig or chew stick
for lots of chewing
and gnawing.
Diet Commercial guinea pig pellets made
from plants, seeds and veggies should make
up the bulk of your pet’s diet. Fresh vegetables
should also be included, but make sure to clean
up leftover fresh food before it spoils. You need to
provide foods high in vitamin C, such as oranges,
kale, dandelion greens and strawberries, since
guinea pigs cannot manufacture that vitamin.
• Learn to hand-tame
your pet — start by
giving them treats
from your hand and
then, gradually, getting them used to
being picked up and
Behavior Guinea pigs have a docile nature and are re-
nocturnal and will burrow underground to avoid being caught by
predators in the wild. A pet hamster
should be given a quiet place to
sleep during the day and a
place to hide its stash of food.
Hamsters may bite or nip if they are
disturbed during the day or handled
roughly. A pet hamster that is handled
and played with gently will be more friendly
and social.
sponsive to handling and feeding. They rarely bite and are known
for squeaking with delight when their favorite humans enter the
room. When excited, guinea pigs may hop up and down, which
is known as “popcorning.” They are smart, able to learn complex
paths to food that they can remember for months. Guinea pigs
can jump small obstacles, but are poor climbers and not very
agile. They are also surprisingly good swimmers. Guinea pigs are
social animals that prefer to live in small groups. Like all rodents,
they will multiply rapidly, so keeping males and females together
is not recommended.
Kinds of hamsters
Syrian Hamsters (also known as the golden hamster or teddy
bear hamster) This critter is about 6 inches long and comes in
many color variations. Syrian hamsters are solitary and MUST live
alone. Average life span is two to three years.
Dwarf Hamster Varieties They are about 2 to 3 inches long with
an average life span of
one to two years. Dwarf
hamsters are social and
like to live in pairs.
Chinese Hamsters
They are rarer than other
kinds of hamsters. These
rodents grow to about 2
to 3 inches long with an
average life span of one
to two years.
• Do not house male and female
rodents together, since they
breed quickly.
• Do not keep different species
of rodents in the same cage; it
may spread disease and cause
Breeds There are many, many breeds of guinea pigs, but
• Do not let your pet rodent run
free near a cat or dog that might
mistake it for prey.
the three most common are:
Smooth-Coated (with short, glossy fur)
Abyssinian (with hair that grows in fluffy tufts all over
the body)
Peruvian (also known as a silkie — with long, silky hair that
flows to the ground)
Most guinea pigs weigh
between 1.5 to 2.5
pounds, and grow
between 8 and 10
inches in length.
They live an average
of four to five years, but
may live as long as eight
Peruvian (silkie) guinea pig
• Because rodents breed so
quickly, they are often used in
research — as models for human
medical conditions such as juvenile diabetes, tuberculosis, scurvy
and pregnancy complications.
• Animal shelters regularly receive
unwanted pet rodents that have
been bred.
SOURCES: World Book Encyclopedia, World Book
Inc.;; www.aspca.
org;; http://www.hamster-club.
At a bookstore near you: Two full-color World of Wonder compilations: “Plants & Animals” and “People & Places.”
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