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C h r i s m o n
E x a m p l e
M e a n i n g
The anchor reminds us that
Jesus is the anchor of our faith.
(Alpha and Omega)
The Alpha and Omega are the
first and the last letters of the
Greek alphabet and they
symbolize that Christians
believe Jesus is the beginning
and end of all things.
The butterfly is a symbol for
transformation and the immortal
soul and is known as symbol of
the resurrection.
Candle Light
The candle a symbol to remind
us that Christ was the light of
the world and that we are to
bear that light as well.
Chi Rho
The Chi-Rho looks like a 'P' with
an 'X' on top of it. These two
letters are the first two letters of
the Greek word 'Christos' which
means Christ.
symbolizes that Christians
believe Jesus Christ died for
everyone on a Cross.
The crown is the symbol that
Jesus in King. It shows that
Christians believe Jesus is ruler
over heaven and the earth.
C h r i s m o n
E x a m p l e
M e a n i n g
The cup is a symbol of the Last
Supper or Communion. It also
represents God's forgiveness.
The dove is the symbol of peace
and the Holy Spirit. It is shown
pointing down to represent the
Holy Spirit that appeared as a
dove when Jesus was baptized.
The fish is one of the oldest
Christian symbols. The letters,
from the Greek word for fish
(ichthus), stand for Jesus (I),
Christ (X), God (Q), Son (Y),
Savior (S).
The lamb is a symbol for Jesus
who is called 'The Lamb of
God,” because he offered the
final sacrifice.
The lamp and the flame both
remind us that Jesus is a lamp
for for our journey as his light
illuminates our path.
Manger (IHS)
The manger is a symbol of
God’s incarnation in the humble
form of a human baby.
IHS are the first three letters of
Christ name in Greek
The shell is a historic symbol for
baptism. It reminds Christians
that they were baptized into
God’s covenant family.
C h r i s m o n
E x a m p l e
M e a n i n g
The star represents the five
wounds of Jesus on the cross
(hands, feet, and side) or the
Bethlehem star.
The torch is another symbol
representing Christ as a light
unto the world.
The Trinity is represented in
various ways throughout history.
Two ways are displayed
overlapped in this Chrismon.