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A Thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of
San Diego State University
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science
Computer Science
Krishan M. Sharma
Fall 2013
Copyright © 2013
Krishan M. Sharma
All Rights Reserved
This thesis is dedicated to my loving parents, Mr. Anand Sharma and Lata Sharma,
my sister, Kavita Ralhan who is always supporting me and my late uncle, Mr. Vidya
Bhushan without whom I wouldn’t have dreamed to come to USA and pursue my Masters
today. Thank you all for supporting and guiding me in every step of my life, I love you all.
GIS Tool Showing Emperors, Wars and Important Battles During
the Rise and Fall of Roman Empire
Krishan M. Sharma
Master of Science in Computer Science
San Diego State University, 2013
The focus of this thesis is to show the emperors, wars and important battles during the
rise and fall of The Roman Empire. This is a geographic computer interactive and user
friendly tool which could be considered as a supplement to text book learning. This approach
provides an effective way of learning for the students as it’s easy to use and more aligned to
the interests of the younger generation. In this tool, the user can click on the various points
located (the points are of the battles) on the world map which will open up a webpage for that
point giving up the detailed information of that battle as to how it started, between whom,
where it happened, what were the casualties in the battle from both sides, who won it and the
background information about the Emperors involved in those battles.
Apart from the information about the Roman Empire students have the ability to
customize the tool to suit their individual interests, select layers of their choice and click to
know more about the places on the map. This tool uses Java as programming language and
uses Map Objects Java Objects (MOJO) which is provided by ESRI, which is an
international supplier of GIS software. MOJO is very effective as using it GIS related
features can be included in the application. This tool has been developed taking into
considerations the both university and high school students and hence its interface has been
kept simple and straightforward without any compromise on the knowledge which the
students gain from this tool.
Among the advantages of this approach is the geography emphasis in which is a
subject in which modern students are notoriously poor.
ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................................................v
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................. viii
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................. ix
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................................x
INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................1 2
TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................3 2.1 JAVA .................................................................................................................3 2.1.1 History of Java ..........................................................................................3 2.1.2 Features of Java.........................................................................................4 2.2 MOJO .................................................................................................................5 2.2.1 Features of MOJO .....................................................................................5 2.2.2 Web Usage ................................................................................................5 2.3 GIS .....................................................................................................................6 2.3.1 How Does GIS Work ................................................................................6 2.3.2 Advantages of GIS ....................................................................................7 3
USER REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................8 4
THE HISTORY OF ROMAN EMPIRE ........................................................................9 4.1 Famous Emperors ..............................................................................................9 4.2 Important Battles ..............................................................................................12 4.2.1 Battle of Nile ...........................................................................................12 4.2.2 Battle of Alesia .......................................................................................12 4.2.3 Battle of Teutoburg Forest ......................................................................12 4.3 Punic Wars .......................................................................................................13 5
SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................15 6
NETBEANS IDE AND MAPOBJECTS INSTALLATION .......................................16 6.1 Why NetBeans? ...............................................................................................16 vii
6.2 Steps for MapObject Installation .....................................................................16 7
TOOLBARS ................................................................................................................21 7.1 Zoom Panel Toolbar ........................................................................................21 7.2 Mojo Selection Toolbar ...................................................................................21 8
SCREEN SHOTS.........................................................................................................23 9
FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS ....................................................................................33 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................34 viii
Table 7.1 Zoom Pan Toolbar ...................................................................................................22 Table 7.2 Selection Tools ........................................................................................................22 ix
Figure 4.1. Statue Augustus of Prima Porta...............................................................................9 Figure 4.2. Statue of Claudius..................................................................................................10 Figure 4.3. Nero's accession as emperor by Agrippa. ..............................................................11 Figure 5.1. Basic software architecture....................................................................................15 Figure 6.1. Selecting java applications. ...................................................................................17 Figure 6.2. Give project a name. ..............................................................................................18 Figure 6.3. Creating a new library. ..........................................................................................19 Figure 6.4. Selecting classpath tab and JAR files. ...................................................................20 Figure 7.1. Zoom pan toolbar. .................................................................................................21 Figure 7.2. Selection toolbar. ...................................................................................................22 Figure 8.1. Showing the initial page on launch. ......................................................................23 Figure 8.2. Showing up the selected States.shp file add a point file with hotlinks to
data and web pages. .....................................................................................................24 Figure 8.3. Adding data to map. ..............................................................................................25 Figure 8.4. Points file is added.................................................................................................25 Figure 8.5. Adding labels to the selected layer. .......................................................................26 Figure 8.6. Map with labels. ....................................................................................................27 Figure 8.7. Webpage after clicking on Hotlinks. .....................................................................27 Figure 8.8. Emperor information. ............................................................................................28 Figure 8.9. Zoom to active layer. .............................................................................................29 Figure 8.10. Map with attribute table.......................................................................................30 Figure 8.11 Map showing culture menu drop down. ...............................................................30 Figure 8.12 Roman law system. ...............................................................................................31 Figure 8.13 Romans aqueduct systems. ...................................................................................32 x
I would like to thank my advisor Dr.Carl Eckberg for involving me in his plan to
work on this thesis project. I am really thankful to him for his suggestions, ideas and his
advice to me about the project.
I am also thankful to Professor Elizabeth Ann Polard (Department of History) for
helping me in the research about the Roman Empire of my thesis.
Also, I wanted to express my gratitude to Prof. Kris Stewart and Prof. Marc Dunster
for being a part of the thesis committee.
There has been a drastic change in learning methodologies soon after the invention of
the internet; students nowadays are most likely to study online rather than carrying a heavy
book with them to study. Today’s generation has changed and the people from older
generations have accepted this change and are themselves a part of it as well. With such a
boom in internet, electronic learning also called E-learning has emerged as a good way of
learning for the young and has been their medium of study these days. E-learning has been
accepted in the corporate world as well; companies are using it to guide their employees
about any new product being launched or any new technology which they want their
employees to be aware of, rather than traditional class room training. Apart from the
corporate world, study institutes are nowadays offering online courses for the people who are
too busy with their work, so that they can study the material according to their own time.
The goal of this thesis is to help students who want to know about the battles which
were fought during the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and to know more about the
emperors who fought these battles and some information related to their personal life. They
can also open up the Wikipedia page about the battle from the webpage, just by clicking on
the link given on every webpage.
This tool has been developed using MOJO which is provided by ESRI, a world leader
in GIS technology and the IDE used for developing this tool is NetBeans. MapObject is a
very powerful product developed by ESRI which makes the task easy of retrieving and
querying geographical based data and for developers to build GIS applications. The
applications developed by MOJO can be tailored to suit the end user needs as it’s highly
customizable. MOJO is used for client or server side mapping that can be used to make cross
platform GIS applications.
This book has been prepared by dividing it into 11 chapters. First few chapters deal
with the introduction about the thesis and how to use it, along with the technologies which
are used to develop this tool. Later chapters describes the problems faced while developing
this project along with future enhancements which can be added to the existing tool, and help
in developing this tool to be used in Universities and other schools for actual learning for the
This chapter deals with the technology, the programming language, the editor and all
the important building blocks used for developing this tool. MapObjects, Java Edition has
been the most important component used to develop this tool and it also goes well with
JAVA programming language.
2.1 JAVA
JAVA, developed by James Gosling, is an Object-Oriented, easy to use, robust, crossplatform, high-level programming language which is developed by Sun Microsystems with a
lot of features which makes the language widely usable on the World Wide Web. Java has lot
of similarities with C++ as both are Object-Oriented languages, but java is more favored than
C++ among programmers. Java applets are used to provide improved functionality while
browsing the World Wide Web. Java source codes are first compiled into an intermediate
code called byte code which is executed by java interpreter and then the compiled code can
be used on most computers as java run time environment known as Java Virtual Machine,
which exists for UNIX, Windows etc. [1].
2.1.1 History of Java
James Gosling initiated the Java programming language project in June 1991. The
language was initially called as Oak, later it was also known as Green which finally ended up
as Java. Before Java emerged as a programming language, C++ was the dominant player in
the trade. The most important goals that the creators of Java had in mind is to create a
language that is simple and could tackle most of the things that C++ offered while getting rid
of some of the more tedious tasks that came with the earlier languages. Keeping that in mind,
later in 1995, Sun Microsystems released the first public implementation as JAVA 1.0 ,
which promised to be “write once, run anywhere” providing no-cost run-times on popular
platforms as a Linux or windows. Robust and featuring configurable security, it allowed
network- and file-access restrictions. Major web browsers quickly incorporated the
technologies used to run JAVA applets within web pages using them, and JAVA quickly
became very popular in the programming world. Java syntax is similar to C++ but it
eliminates certain low-level constructs of C++ such as pointers and pointer arithmetic, and
has a very simple memory management where all the objects are allocated on the heap and
all variables of object types are references.
Sun made most of its JAVA implementations available free of charge and it generated
the revenue from JAVA through the selling of the licenses for specialized products such as
the JAVA Enterprise System. Sun released much of JAVA as open source software under the
terms of the GNU General Public License. On May 8, 2007, Sun finished the process,
making all of JAVAs core code available under free software/open-source distribution terms,
aside from a small portion of code to which Sun did not hold the copyright [2, 3].
2.1.2 Features of Java
Some of the important features of java programming languages are [4]:
Object Oriented Programming Language: Java is Object-Oriented and hence it
follows all the properties of an Object-Oriented language, which includes
inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction and encapsulation.
Platform Independent: One of the most important requirement while developing
any tool is to make it platform independent, which I was able to achieve by using
Java as a programming language. Java can build platform independent
applications better than most of other computer languages.
Secure: Java is used in many networking environments. Java helps to create virusfree applications.
Better to use than C/C++ for highly interactive applications: As Java doesn’t have
pointers which are there in C++, it eliminates many programming related error
because of it. Java is used in situations where higher performance is required. The
byte codes can be converted to machine code on run time for particular system
application is running. Just in time compilation is used for higher performance.
Dynamic Binding: Automatically selecting appropriate methods at run time is
called dynamic binding. Once libraries are compiled there is no need to recompile
code that uses classes in those libraries.
Multi-Threading: Multithreading is the ability to perform multiple tasks
simultaneously, which will result in less time taken to complete a task as
compared to language which doesn’t incorporate it. Lightweight processes called
threads are used for real time behavior.
Ease of Deployment: A JAR file allows Java runtimes to efficiently deploy a set
of classes and their associated resources. The elements in a JAR file can be
compressed, which, together with the ability to download an entire application in
a single request, makes downloading a JAR file much more convenient than
separately downloading the many uncompressed files which would form a single
Java Application
2.2 MOJO
MapObjects Java Edition, also called MOJO, is a very powerful collection of client
and server side components that developers use to build cross platform GIS (Geographical
Information System) applications. MapObject is a very powerful product developed by ESRI
which makes the task easy of retrieving and querying geographical based data. The
applications developed by MOJO can be tailored to suit the end user needs as it is very
2.2.1 Features of MOJO
Features of the MOJO as mentioned in an ESRI brochure are as follows [5, 6]:
Wide range of GIS capabilities: Applications which are built using MapObjects
Java Edition can support activities such as Labeling map features, Thematic
mapping, Panning and zooming through multiple map layers, Specifying
projections, Querying spatial and attribute data, Performing geometric operations,
Measuring distances, Displaying real time geographic data, and creating layouts
Ability to Combine Multiple Distributed Data Sources. By using applications
created with MapObjects Java Edition, end users can combine local data with
Internet and Intranet data to create their own customized maps and easily integrate
these with existing application architectures. Supported data formats include,
Industry standard shapefiles, ArcSDE layers, ArcIMS image and feature services,
Image formats such as BMP, TIFF, PNG, JPG, GIF, and MrSID, CAD (DGN,
DXF, and DWG), Military formats, and much more. You can also use
MapObjects Java Edition to access files from your own custom, industry specific
data sources for easy integration.
2.2.2 Web Usage
Ability to deploy applications over the web: You can easily distribute your
applications over an Internet through browser-hosted applets or simplify Web
delivery of your application with the use of JAVA Web Start technology, the
industry-standard launching mechanism for distributing JAVA applications over
the Web.
Helpful Tools for Building a User Interface: By using the swing components
included with MOJO, the user can easily build applications that include dynamic
symbol control, query dialogs, functional toolbars, insert maps and 7 intelligent
legends that make your custom applications easy to use and even easier to
2.3 GIS
A geographic information system (GIS) incorporates hardware, software, and data for
capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically information. GIS
allows us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that
reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and charts by
merging cartography, statistical analysis and database technology. It helps you answer
questions and solve problems by looking at your data in a way that is quickly understood [7].
In addition to localized operations, modern GIS systems are typically network
enabled to cater to an increased demand for dynamic information, following the advent of the
World Wide Web. Unfortunately, due to its complicated nature, there are only a few
companies which develop GIS based system software, and ESRI is one of them
GIS technology evolved through multiple parallel but separate applications across
numerous disciplines. With cross platform GIS software, interoperable applications could
also be created. After its beginning, GIS technology has proven to be indispensable for a
wide range of applications; to name a few are geology, archaeology, urban planning,
marketing, logistics, aviation, agriculture and geographic history. All of these fields require
the use of GIS to a great extent [8].
2.3.1 How Does GIS Work
A GIS is made up of five key components which include hardware, software, data,
people and method. Information about the world is first of all stored by GIS as a collection of
thematic layers, which are linked together by geography. GIS performs some tasks in order to
complete its work. Firstly, it takes data in digital format, so basically GIS performs digitizing
on the data as the data can be of maps or aerial photographs. After taking the data it starts
with Map Making, which is extremely important to GIS and are very flexible using it. The
data will be continuous and scale free as it is a GIS based cartography. After the map making
it starts with manipulating the data to be compatible with system under use. After the data
manipulation geographic information is stored in simple files for small projects, while other
large information are stored in large DBMS. After storing the data, next step is querying it
and analyzing the data. After this visualization of the output is the last step for which GIS
provides provision to attach reports to maps [7, 9].
2.3.2 Advantages of GIS
The advantages of GIS are [8].
GIS covers large area of study and is efficient as it saves time and money. Typical
implementation can result in a savings of 10-30 percent in operational expenses
through reduction in fuel use and staff time.
GIS is the go- to technology for making better decisions about locations: where to
place restaurants, highways, etc.
GIS based maps and visualizations greatly assist in understanding situations and
Many organizations have a primary responsibility of maintaining authoritative
records about the status and change of geography. GIS provides a strong
framework for managing these types of records with full transaction support and
reporting tools.
GIS is becoming essential to understanding what is happening and what will
happen in geographic space.
GIS is now found in most new automobiles and smart phones, starting with GPS
This tool has been made for students to learn more about emperors and the historical
battles that took place during the Rise and Fall of Roman Empire. The requirements were to
make an interactive software tool for teaching the students some history of Roman Empire.
This tool has been made under the requirements and guidance of Dr. Carl Eckberg of San
Diego State University and Prof. Kris Stewart, Professor Emeritus of the Department of
Computer Science and Prof. Marc Dunster, Department of Statistics and Mathematics of San
Diego State University.
The major requirements of this thesis project are as under:
1. Collect the information about the History of Roman Empire from different
sources such as from internet, books in the library, and get to know some more
information from the faculty of the history department.
2. This tool shall cover each and every topic of the listed battles under Romans
History during the rise and fall of Roman Empire.
3. This tool shall guide students about the history of Roman Emperors and which
battles they fought.
4. Users, mainly students or instructors, should be able to customize the tool as per
their requirements, so that they can make changes and add more things to the tool
to make it more useful for other students, as well creating assignments.
5. This tool is created to display the information in the chronological order of the
major battles that happened in the history of the Roman Empire
6. This tool should be created in such a way that the new layers, shape files text,
links related to Roman Empire and their emperors can be added easily as per
needed by department faculty or end users.
7. All the labels used should be clearly visible and should not overlap when too
many points are shown on map.
8. All dialog windows should have a cancel button so that user can close that the
current window and go back to the previous window.
9. This tool should provide the users the option of a print button so that the users can
print the map with the data shown on the map.
10. This tool shall be created with the help of a platform independent tool so it can be
utilized everywhere.
The Roman Empire is significantly used for that time in history when the city of
Rome ruled the world. The period during which this happened was between 27 BCE and 476
CE. Roman Empire begins when Augustus became the first Emperor of Rome and it ends
when the last emperor Augustulus was killed by the Germanic King Odoacer.
Augustus ruled the Empire from 30 BCE until 14 CE when he died. He reformed the
laws of the city, secured the borders, initiated high buildings projects and made his Empire
one of the greatest empires in history (Figure 4.1 [10]). The reign of Augustus, lasting more
than 40 years, was portrayed in Augustan literature and art as a new "Golden Age". After his
death Tiberius took his place and continued his policies, but lacked the attitude and the vision
which Augustus had [12].
Figure 4.1. Statue Augustus of Prima Porta.
Source: Wikipedia, Statue Augustus, 2007,, accessed Jan. 2013.
Among the other famous emperors was Claudius, who was the nephew of Tiberius,
who was the second emperor of Rome. He suffered from some physical disabilities including
a limp and a speech impediment and was therefore treated with disdain by his family
(Figure 4.2 [11]). Despite lacking some skills or essential attributes of an emperor, Claudius
undertook the conquest of Britain, Thrace and Lycia (part of Turkey) to Roman Empire.
Claudius married Agrippa the younger, who with her son Domitius, was the only surviving
direct descendant of Augustus. Claudius adopted Domitius on being persuaded by his wife,
who took the name Nero as his son [12].
Figure 4.2. Statue of Claudius. Source:
Wikipedia, Claudis, n.d.,,
accessed Jan. 2013.
Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus was Roman Emperor from 54 to 68 and last in the
Julio-Claudian dynasty. His way to become emperor cleared when Agrippa poisoned her
husband Claudius in 54 AD, but as he was not seventeen her mother acted as a regent
(Figure 4.3 [13]). He is infamously known for his debaucheries, political murders,
persecution of Christians and a passion for music that led to the probably apocryphal rumor
that Nero “fiddled” while Rome burned during the great fire of 64 A.D. By the final years of
his rule, Roman Empire was under great strain, everything was not in good order. With
things falling apart, Nero took Greece tour where he announced pro-helenic political reforms
and launched an expensive project to dig a canal across the Isthmus of Corinth. Upon his
Figure 4.3. Nero's accession as emperor by
Agrippa. Source: Wikipedia, Nerón y Agripina,
Ner%C3%B3n_y_Agripina.jpg, accessed Jan.
return to Rome he was considered as an enemy by Praetorian Guard; getting to know such
information he attempted to flee, but upon learning to know his arrest, he committed suicide.
There was a period in Roman history known as The Period of Five Good Emperors of
Rome between 96 and 180 CE when five extraordinary men ruled Roman Empire. The
names of these 5 men who ruled in sequence were Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius
and Marcus Aurelius. The Roman Empire under them grew stronger and large because of
their extraordinary policies and vision, but it was getting difficult for the government to rule
the vast territory so they decided to divide the empire in half, and there came the time of
Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire which was also known as Byzantine
There was this time in Roman Empire when Constantine defeated Maxentius at the
Battle of the Milvian Bridge and believing that Jesus Christ helped him to win against his
rival, he made laws which made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. Soon
after this Theodosius (379-395) outlawed pagan worship throughout the Empire [14].
From the time of the beginning of the Roman Empire till the end there was a series of
battles which took place [14].
4.2.1 Battle of Nile
The Battle of Nile took place in 47 BC at Nile Delta in which the armies of Julius
Caesar and Cleopatra came together and against those of the rival queen Arsinoe IV and
King Ptolemy XIII. After pursuing his rival Pompey to Egypt, Caesar became entwined in
the Alexandrine civil war after his rival Pompey Magnus was killed by King Ptolemy. In the
Battle, Caesar attacked the Egyptians in traditional manner, under a shower of pila, destroyed
an Egyptian fort and after heavy fighting Ptolemy with thousands of men fled. The Battle
Resulted in Roman victory by killing around 10,000 soldiers of Egyptians; Caesar placed
Cleopatra on the throne with another of her brothers, Ptolemy XIV.
4.2.2 Battle of Alesia
Battle of Alesia also called as Siege of Alesia took place in September 52 BC at
Alise-Sainte-Reine (France). The Battle was fought by an army of Roman Republic led by
Julius Caesar, helped by Mark Antony, Titus Labienus and Gaius Trebonius, against Gallic
tribes which were led by Vercingetorix of Arverni. The Result of the battle was Roman
Victory with around 13000 people killed from Romans as compared to those killed from
Vercingetorix army. The Siege of Alesia was Julius Caesar greatest military achievement.
The Battle of Alesia can safely be described as marking the end of Celtic dominance in
France, Belgium, Switzerland and Northern Italy.
4.2.3 Battle of Teutoburg Forest
The Battle of Teutoburg Forest took place in 9 CE Common Era) between Germanic
tribes led by Arminius of the Cherusci and the Romans led by Publius Quinctilius Varus.
Varus forces included three legions, six cohorts of auxiliary troops and three squadrons of
cavalry but the Germanic warriors attacked the Romans with light swords, large lances and
narrow blended short spears and surrounded the entire Roman army and rained down javelins
on them. Arminius, who grew up in Rome and knew Romans tactics and directed his troops
to counter them effectively The Romans wanted to escape, but marched into another trap
which Arminius had set for them at the foot of Kalkriese Hill. The Battle ended in Roman
defeat as Arminius conquered all Roman forts, garrison and cities.
The Punic wars were termed as some of the most important and the largest wars that
had ever taken place. There were 3 of them which took place from 264 BC to 146 BC. The
name Punic wars originated as the Carthaginians who were the opponent of Romans in these
wars were called Punicus (Latin).These wars the result of Romans interest in occupying
Sicily City, which was under Carthaginian control [14].
The First Punic War was the first of the three wars fought between the Ancient
Carthage and the Roman Republic and took place in 264 BC to 241 BC at Mediterranean
Sea, primarily on the Mediterranean island of Sicily and its surrounding waters and also to a
lesser extent in Italy and North Africa. In the first part of the war, Rome won the alliance of
the town Hieron in north east Sicily. This offensive was led by Claudius and Marcus Valerius
Messalla in 263 BC.
The Roman won further in 262 BC with the towns of Segesta and Agrigentium.
Agrigentium was won by Romans after a long and costly siege. In order to control Sicily,
Romans would have to win battles at sea but up to this point Romans didn’t have a working
navy, whereas the Carthagians were masters of the seas. Romans nonetheless built 160 ships
equipped with land bridges that dropped onto Carthagians ships, which helped the thwarted
naval skills of the enemy and allowed Rome to use soldiers in land battle on ships. Rome
managed to win supremacy of the sea. The Carthaginians leader Hamiclar Barca was
cornered in Sicily and surrendered in 241 BC [14].
In the Second Punic War, The Carthagians were led by Hannibal who defeated
Romans who were under the consul Gaius Flaminius. This War is one of the largest battle in
military history as Hannibal’s strength was about 55,000 soldiers whereas Gaius Flaminius
was of 30,000 soldiers .The war took place in Lake Trasimene in Italy. As Hannibal passed
Lake Trasimene, he came to a place very suitable for an ambush and hearing that Flaminius
had broken camp and was perusing him, he made preparations for the impending battle.
Hannibal camped to see if anyone entering northern defile and he spent his nights arranging
his troops for the battle. Hannibal then sent his men for the battle and the battle resulted in
Carthagians victory with about 2500 soldiers died in the battle [14].
The Third Punic War was the third and last of the Punic Wars fought between the
former Phoenician colony of Carthage and the Roman Republic. This war was not as the
deadliest war as the previous two Punic Wars and was focused on Tunisia, mainly on the
siege of Carthage, which resulted in complete destruction of the city. The Roman Republic
was led by Manius Manilius and Scipio Aemilianus whereas the Carthagians were led by
Hasdrubal the Boeotarch. After the Roman army under Manius Manilius landed in Africa,
Carthage surrendered and handed over hostages and arms, however Rome wanted complete
surrender of the city which the Carthagians refused, the faction supporting submission
overturned by one in favor of defense. The Roman elected the popular Scipio Aemilanius as
consul and defeated the Carthaginians at Nepheris and besieged the city. Thus the war ended
up in Roman victory and Destruction of Carthage and fall of the Carthaginian Empire [14].
The software architecture is structure of the system of how the project has been
developed and which software were used along with their components for development.
There are three components for building this software, which includes building application,
MOJO API’s which are provided by ESRI and the last, is inputting shape files in our
application. These three components are connected as shown in Figure 5.1. MOJO has access
to all the shape files and CSV files which would be used by the application to collect data for
Figure 5.1. Basic software architecture.
NetBeans IDE is used for the development of my GIS tool as it provides an ability to
integrate with the MapObjects Java Edition. It is an integrated development environment
used to create all types of Java applications from desktop to World Wide Web. It also
provides a plug-in for UML diagram development which was used to develop the class
diagram. This is a free open source IDE available online on the website [15].
The steps below explain how this was achieved.
1. Install NetBeans IDE from NetBeans website.
2. Install MapObjects Java Edition.
3. Contact Dr. Carl Eckberg for installation CD.
4. Launch NetBeans IDE from Start->Programs->NetBeans.
5. Create a new library by selecting Tools->Libraries.
6. Select a new Library and type the new library name.
7. Select Classpath tab and select Add JAR/Folder.
8. Navigate to the folder where MapObjects was installed.
9. Select all the JAR files and click add JAR/Folder.
The following steps are required to set up the project for development activities:
1. Create a Java Application first as seen in Figures 6.1 and 6.2.
2. Create a new Library (as seen in Figures 6.3 through 6.4):
a. When you right click on the Libraries folder and then click on add library.
Then click on the Manage Libraries button and it will open Library
manager which is shown in Figure 6.3. Click on the “New library” button
and enter a name for library.
3. Select Classpath Tab and click on Add JAR/Folder button and Navigate to C:
ESRI/MOJ23/lib to select Jar files as shown below.
Figure 6.1. Selecting java applications.
Figure 6.2. Give project a name.
Figure 6.3. Creating a new library.
Figure 6.4. Selecting classpath tab and JAR files.
MOJO provides various toolbars which can be used to perform various functions on
the map and to be used with the actual application. The toolbar which we used for the Roman
Empire Project includes functions like Hotlinks, Query Builder, Pan, Identify, Zooming in
and out, selecting and deselecting the feature, find tool which can find anything in all the
layers added, attribute tool, clear all tool and buffer. All these tools provide great
functionality on the map and now we will discuss more about them.
Figure 7.1 shows the zoom panel toolbar which is basically to zoom in or zoom out
the presented map.
Figure 7.1. Zoom pan toolbar.
First icon is Previous Extent tool, if you click on this tool it will take you to the
previous extent of the map. Next icon is Next Extent tool which allows users to display the
map back to its next state. Next is Zoom to Active Layer tool in which user can zoom to
current selected layer in the table of contents. Zoom to Full Extent display the full map, pan
tool is use to move the displayed map in order to see the desire area, Next tool is a pan in one
direction which on click gives option to pan north, south, east and west and the last tool is
identity tool which helps to identify a specific area. Table 7.1 provides a brief description of
the tools provided by the ZoomPan toolbar.
Figure 7.2 illustrates how the toolbar helps the users to create queries on the selected
features, selects and deselect features, attributes and adding the hotlinks layer. Table 7.2 is a
brief description of the tools provided by the Selection toolbar.
Table 7.1. Zoom Pan Toolbar
Previous Extent
Next Extent
Zoom to Active Layer
Zoom to Full Extent
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Pan One Direction
Zooms to previous extent stored in extent history
Zooms to next extent stored in extent history
Zooms the map to all selected features in selected layer
Zooms to extent all layers within map
Helps in zooming in
Helps in zooming out
Helps in moving to any direction without having to zoom
Pans to any of one direction- North, South, East or West
Identifies any area in active layer
Figure 7.2. Selection toolbar.
Table 7.2. Selection Tools
Opens a dialog for locating features whose attributes contain an end-user
provided string
Opens a dialog for locating features based on a predefined "stored query"
 Opens a dialog for locating features based on a query than an end
user constructs
Tool for selecting features by rubber banding a shape in the map
 Tool for deselecting features.
Add layer
Opens a dialog for constructing a buffer polygon around currently
selected features
Tool to display attributes of currently selected features
XY tool is used to add the points or data layer to the map.
This chapter demonstrates the capabilities of the tool. This chapter contains the
screenshots for different capabilities of the tool and demonstration of those capabilities.
Capabilities which demonstrated here include adding a layer, adding CSV files, using
different tools in the toolbar in Figures 8.1 through 8.13 (pages 23-32).
1. Initializing the Roman Empire/Emperors GIS Tool
a. Click on the Roman_Empire,jar file.
b. This will open the Roman Empire GIS tool GUI, it’s displaying the map of
World (Figure 8.1).
Figure 8.1. Showing the initial page on launch.
2. Adding a Layer
a. You can add more shapfiles in this map.
b. Click on the File and then Add layer, it will open a browser where you can
add Shapefiles, imagefiles, ArchIMS and ArcSDE .
c. Navigate to the folder Shapfiles and select the shape file you want to add and
click open (Figure 8.2).
Figure 8.2. Showing up the selected states.shp file add a point file with hotlinks to data
and web pages.
3. Add a point file with hotlinks to data and web pages.
a. Click on the XY tool, it will open the browser.
b. Add Roman_Empire.txt which is actually a point file which hold various coordinates for the Battles fought during the Rise and Fall of Roman Empire.
Add the Roman_Empire.txt file to see the points and data related to Roman
emperors (Figure 8.3).
c. Roman_Empire.txt points file is added in Figure 8.4.
Figure 8.3. Adding data to map.
Figure 8.4. Points file is added.
4. Editing and applying the legend.
a. Select the Points layer, Click on the File and then Legend Editor
b. You can change the color, shape of the points and add labels to the points or
the shapes in the selected layers (Figure 8.5).
Figure 8.5. Adding labels to the selected layer.
c. After Editing with legend editor, the map looks like Figure 8.6.
5. Hotlinks
a. Select the Roman_XY layer and click the lightning bolt in order to activate
the hotlinks.
b. Click on the any point on the map, it will open a webpage which will contain
the Battle fought during the rise and fall of Roman Empire (Figure 8.7).
c. On those Battle Webpages, there will be hyperlinks for the information about
the emperor who fought those battles. On clicking on those hotlinks, the
webpage will look like Figure 8.8.
d. You can click on the Wikipedia links on the webpage for more information
about the Roman emperor or empire.
6. Zoom to active layer tool
a. Click on this tool, it will zoom the map to the active layer (Figure 8.9).
Figure 8.6. Map with labels.
Figure 8.7. Webpage after clicking on hotlinks.
Figure 8.8. Emperor information.
Figure 8.9. Zoom to active layer.
7. Open Attribute Table
a. If you open this menu icon from Theme Menu by clicking on Toc
b. First click on any layer on the Toc which contains two. If you click on Roman
layer and open Theme menu and select open attribute table you will get the
entire information stored about those points (Figure 8.10).
8. Culture Menu Item
a. First Click on Culture Menu Button (Figure 8.11)
b. Click on Roman law from the drop down list.
After clicking Roman law, this page opens as shown in Figure 8.l2
d. Clicking on Roman Aqueducts Menu option from the dropdown Culture
Menu, gives us the page as shown in Figure 8.13
Figure 8.10. Map with attribute table.
Figure 8.11 Map showing culture menu drop down.
Figure 8.12 Roman law system.
Figure 8.13 Romans aqueduct systems.
Electronic learning has a lot of scope for future enhancements. The requirements
envisioned in the beginning of the project have been accomplished and verified. But this GIS
tool can have lot of modifications and upgrades for the further learning of the Historical
Battles of Roman History.
Some future enhancements that can be considered are:
a) More Battles related to History of Roman Empire or Emperors and others
emperors can be added to this tool. This tool along with some further
enhancements like creating timeline for the emperors can be made which could be
used in History department of San Diego State University and could be beneficial
for those students who have keen interest in Roman History.
b) This tool can be made to translate into many languages for those students whose
first language is not English.
c) This generation is of smart phones, an application can be developed for smart
phones to be downloaded on phones.
d) This project can be made online, so that it can be accessible to people residing in
other countries.
e) Help videos can be added to make it more easy for students to use this tool.
f) Feedback section can be added in the future in order to improve the application
functionality according to users need.
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