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Midterm II Content Summary
Chptr. 5: Normal Distributions
calculate and interpret z-scores
find areas under standard normal curves
probabilities for normally distributed variables
find z-score given area from normal curve
transform z-score to x-value
find data value from a normal curve given a z-score
apply the Central Limit Theorem to find the probability of a sample mean
using a normal distribution to approximate the binomial distribution
including the correction for continuity
Chptr. 6: Confidence Intervals
calculate a point estimate and the margin of error
construct and interpret confidence intervals for a population mean
determine minimum sample size required when estimating µ
construct confidence intervals for small sample sizes from normal populations with
unknown standard deviations
calculate a point estimate for a population proportion
construct confidence intervals for a population proportion
determine minimum sample size required when estimating a population proportion
use the chi-square distribution to construct a confidence interval for a variance and
standard deviation
Chptr. 7: Hypothesis Testing
state a null and alternate hypothesis
identify Type I and Type II errors
distinguish between a one-tailed and two-tailed test
interpret decision based on test
find critical values for z-test
use rejection regions for z-test
find P-values and use to test a population mean
find critical values in a t-distribution
use t-test to test a population mean
use z-test to test a population proportion
find critical values for a chi-square test
use chi-square test to test a variance or standard deviation
Chptr. 8 + Chptr. 10.3: Two Sample and Variance Testing
decide whether two samples are independent or dependent
conduct a two-sample z-test for the difference between two population means using large,
independent samples
conduct a t-test for the difference between two population means using small,
independent samples
conduct a t-test to test the mean of differences from a population of paired data
conduct a z-test for differences between two population proportions
calculate F-ratio, interpret F-distribution and critical F-values
conduct two-sample F-test to compare two variances