Download World History Unit 3 Multi-‐Step Assignment

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World History Unit 3 Multi-­‐Step Assignment All assignments must be handwritten and will be turned in on the day of the unit 3 test. Step 1. For a maximum grade of 80%. On your own paper define all 18 terms below
according to our textbook.
1. Zhou
2. Qin
3. Confucianism
4. Chinese Examination System
5. Mandate of Heaven
6. Polis
7. Roman Republic
8. Roman Empire
9. Socrates
10. Plato
11. Aristotle
12. Alexander the Great
13. Julius Caesar
14. Augustus Caesar
15. Hellenistic Culture
16. Roman Culture
17. Christianity
18. Fall of Rome
Step 2. For a maximum grade of 90%. Complete step 1 and answer all 3 of the following
questions correctly in 3-5 quality sentences each. Please write all questions. Be sure to use
appropriate terminology and historically accurate facts and examples.
1. What were major characteristics of the Zhou and Qin government?
2. Describe the major contributions of Socrates.
3. Compare and contrast Athenian Democracy to the Roman Republic.
Step 3. For a maximum grade of 100%. Complete steps 1 and 2 and answer all 3 of the
following questions correctly in 4-6 quality sentences each. Please write all questions. Be
sure to use appropriate terminology and historically accurate facts and examples.
1. Describe the ethical code of conduct that Confucius Promoted.
2. Describe three major accomplishments of Alexander the Great.
3. What principles of law did the Romans develop that we still use today?
Step 4. For a maximum grade of 110%. Complete steps 1, 2 and 3 and answer all 3 of the
following questions correctly in 4-6 quality sentences each. Please write all questions. Be
sure to use appropriate terminology and historically accurate facts and examples.
1. What were three steps that Shi Huangdi took to unify China?
2. Identify two ways geography influenced Greece.
3. Describe three reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire.