Download Course Module: Installing and Using Android SDK

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Android Installation Tutorial
General System Requirements for Android SDK........................................................................................... 2
Supported Operating Systems .............................................................................................................. 2
Supported Development Environments ............................................................................................... 2
Hardware requirements........................................................................................................................ 2
General System Requirements for MOTODEV Studio .................................................................................. 2
Microsoft Windows ............................................................................................................................... 3
Mac OS X ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Ubuntu Linux ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Fedora Linux .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Step 1: Download MOTODEV Studio for Android ........................................................................................ 3
Choose an installer ................................................................................................................................ 3
Create a MOTODEV account ................................................................................................................. 4
Step 2: Install MOTODEV Studio for Android ............................................................................................... 6
Step 3: Download Android SDK from MOTODEV Studio ............................................................................. 9
Step 4: Setup the Development Environment ........................................................................................... 10
Step 5: Creating a New Android Application, and Running it. ................................................................... 16
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General System Requirements for Android SDK
Supported Operating Systems
Windows XP (32-bit) or Vista (32- or 64-bit)
Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later (x86 only)
Linux (tested on Linux Ubuntu Hardy Heron)
o 64-bit distributions must be capable of running 32-bit applications. For information
about how to add support for 32-bit applications, see the Ubuntu Linux installation
Supported Development Environments
Eclipse IDE
o Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) or 3.5 (Galileo)
 Note: Eclipse 3.3 has not been tested with the latest version of ADT and support
can no longer be guaranteed. We suggest you upgrade to Eclipse 3.4 or 3.5.
 Recommended Eclipse IDE packages: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, Eclipse
IDE for Java Developers, Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers, or Eclipse Classic
 Eclipse JDT plugin (included in most Eclipse IDE packages)
o JDK 5 or JDK 6 (JRE alone is not sufficient)
o Android Development Tools plugin (optional)
o Not compatible with Gnu Compiler for Java (gcj)
Other development environments or IDEs
o JDK 5 or JDK 6 (JRE alone is not sufficient)
o Apache Ant 1.6.5 or later for Linux and Mac, 1.7 or later for Windows
o Not compatible with Gnu Compiler for Java (gcj)
Note: If JDK is already installed on your development computer, please take a moment to make
sure that it meets the version requirements listed above. In particular, note that some Linux
distributions may include JDK 1.4 or Gnu Compiler for Java, both of which are not supported for
Android development.
Hardware requirements
For the base SDK package, at least 600MB of available disk space. For each platform
downloaded into the SDK, an additional 100MB is needed.
General System Requirements for MOTODEV Studio
MOTODEV Studio for Android is tested for compatibility with the following systems. Although MOTODEV
Studio may be compatible with other systems, Motorola offers support only for the systems described
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Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 with Service Pack 3
Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE) 6.0 Update 13
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo CPU, 2.33 GHz
Over 1.5 GB of free disk space (needed to install both MOTODEV Studio for Android and the
Android™ SDK and plug-ins from Google; MOTODEV Studio itself only needs 150 MB)
Mac OS X
Mac OS X version 10.5.7
Java 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition 5.0 32-bit
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU, 2.4 GHz
Over 1.5 GB of free disk space (needed to install both MOTODEV Studio for Android and the
Android SDK and plug-ins from Google; MOTODEV Studio itself only needs 150 MB)
Ubuntu Linux
Ubuntu Linux version 9.0.4
GNOME version 2.26.1
Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE) 6.0 Update 14 32-bit
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU, 2.4 GHz
Over 1.5 GB of free disk space (needed to install both MOTODEV Studio for Android and the
Android SDK and plug-ins from Google; MOTODEV Studio itself only needs 150 MB)
Fedora Linux
Fedora Linux version 11
KDE version 4.2.2
Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE) 6.0 Update 14 32-bit
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU, 2.4 GHz
Over 1.5 GB of free disk space (needed to install both MOTODEV Studio for Android and the
Android SDK and plug-ins from Google; MOTODEV Studio itself only needs 150 MB)
Step 1: Download MOTODEV Studio for Android
Choose an installer
Use the following URL to visit the MOTODEV for Android download page:
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Choose the installer for your platform by clicking the Download link (Tested Platforms are listed above).
Once the download link has been clicked you will be taken to the login page, here you may register a
new account.
Create a MOTODEV account
By clicking “Join MOTODEV Now”, you will be sent to the Join MOTODEV page. Here you must input a
valid e-mail address. Once finished, click the Continue button.
Next you will be taken to the Email Confirmation Page, you must visit the inbox of the e-mail you have
chosen to register with and follow the confirmation link.
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The email will have the subject titled:
From there you will be taken to the Create Your Profile page.
All required fields are marked with a red asterisk.
Once you are done filling in the form click the Save button.
Now you are taken to the page notifying you that your account has been activated.
Use the link provided to continue to download MOTODEV Studio.
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Step 2: Install MOTODEV Studio for Android
To ensure that the Java Support Test is successfully please ensure you have installed the latest version of
JDK. (See the links under SDK requirements for JDK downloads)
If the selected installation directory does not exist please click Yes to create it, if prompted to do so.
Once installation is complete click Finish, and choose to launch MOTODEV Studio.
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At first launch you will be prompted for a workspace, you may avoid this dialog next time by clicking the
checkbox. The default workspace is generated for you. You may change the location of the workspace
to wherever you like.
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Next you will have to configure MOTODEV Studio to use the Android SDK. At this point we have not yet
downloaded the Android SDK, and so we must select the first option to download it. Once selected click
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Step 3: Download Android SDK from MOTODEV Studio
You must have network connectivity to proceed beyond this point.
Next you will be presented with an Android SDK version for your platform. Click Next to Proceed.
On the next page accept the License Terms and Conditions.
Once the SDK is downloaded you will be presented with a screen stating that MOTODEV has been
installed and configured. We are now ready to proceed with testing your first Android Application.
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Step 4: Setup the Development Environment
From this point you may choose to install additional packages when asked, which I recommend.
It is up to you whether or not you want to send Google your usage data.
To install additional packages, in the Android SDK and AVD Manager, select the available packages on
the side menu.
Here I have selected all available add-ons but you may choose just a few to save space on your HDD.
You may definitely want to download the USB Driver package, this will aid you when developing on a
read device. Click Install Selected to proceed with the download. Depending on how many items you
have selected and your network speed this may take a while.
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Choose to accept all and click Install Accepted.
Once installation is complete you may be prompted to restart MOTODEV. If so click YES.
Once MOTODEV is done loading the SDK content, you may be prompted to create a new Android Virtual
device. Click Yes to create a new AVD.
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Name your AVD ( no spaces are allowed). Click Next to continue to the next step.
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Specify the target Android platform (I recommend the 1.6 platform to match development phones in
the lab ), use the default Skin for now and the default AVD path. It is up to you whether or not to
allocate space for a SD Card. If you do start small, say 10 MB.
Click finish to create the device.
Special Note: Emulator Launch Configuration
Before launching the emulator we must ensure that the emulator will run within its own window.
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Under the Device Management tab located below your editor window navigate to the list of your virtual
devices, right-click the virtual device you wish to launch under Android Virtual Devices and select
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Under Startup Options and under the User Interface tab, ensure that the “Don’t show Emulator Window
externally” checkbox is unchecked. You may then click OK.
You may launch the device by using the AVD Manager, launch it now by clicking the AVD icon, which can
be found on the MOTODEV Tool Bar at the top of the IDE.
launch and click the “Start…” button on the side of the dialog.
The Android Emulator has now been launched.
Select your virtual device you wish to
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You may explore the different applications in the emulator to become more familiar with the Android
User Interface. An Android application has a unique “look and feel”, you will come to know well as you
start building your own application.
For debugging your applications it is best you keep the emulator running, MOTODEV will load up new
instances of your application as you debug, this way you don’t have to keep re-launching the emulator
every time you make a change to your application.
Step 5: Creating a New Android Application, and Running it.
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In MOTODEV Studio click File -> New -> Android Project Using Studio for Android.
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Give your project a name such as “HelloAndroid”, notice there must be no spaces for project names.
Select the target platform of the AVD you are currently running. The rest can be left at the default,
although I do encourage you to change these when creating your own application, this just for
demonstration purposes. Click Finish once you are done.
Notice: In the Package Explorer, you now
have your project listed.
To run your Project simply right-click the
project and select Run As -> Android
That’s it, if done correctly you should have the emulator running displaying the message “Hello World”:
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If you project is not running, you may need to specify a new Run Configuration. Please see:
Under the section: Creating a Run Configuration for more details. Instructions are for Eclipse, but work
just the same for MOTODEV Studio.