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eFlux Wave Pumps
Marine aquariums are one of the harshest environments for submersible pumps. Not only are they
submerged in salt water 24/7, their constantly exposed to fish food, algae, and other debris in the tank.
In coral reef aquariums with live corals, aquarists often dose with
calcium and other chemicals to increase alkalinity levels, which can precipitate
and cover the pump and/or its components. As calcium precipitates build up
and cover the components, especially the magnetic impeller, the restriction
causes the pump to work harder, decrease in overall flow rate, and can
eventually lock up. Algae, especially calcareous/coralline algae, can also
cover the outside of the pump and tremendously lower the flow rate.
To keep your wave pumps clean of precipitates and coralline algae, nothing will beat a
simple mixture of distilled white vinegar and freshwater. This mixture creates a weak
acid solution that will gradually dissolve away any calcium deposits and clean your wave
pump of coralline algae. Here are a few simple steps to keep your wave pumps clean.
For routine maintenance cleaning:
1. Unplug the 24VDC power supply to your wave pump, unplug the
pump from the wave pump HUB and remove it from your aquarium.
2. Fill a container (large enough to fit your wave pump into) with a 1:1
ratio of white distilled vinegar and freshwater.
3. Submerse the pumps in the vinegar/water solution and let them
soak for a few hours. For additional cleaning, let the pumps run in
the solution overnight in stream mode. This approach will dissolve
any excess buildup that is often hard to clean with a brush.
4. Scrub any remaining dirt or algae deposits left on the outside of the
pump using a small brush.
5. Rinse pumps in freshwater and re-install back into your aquarium.
For a more thorough cleaning (and when your pumps are stuck/not running), carefully disassemble the
wave pump and allow the components to soak overnight in a 1:1 ratio of white distilled vinegar and
freshwater or full strength vinegar. This will allow you to scrub the impeller magnet and clean any deposits
inside the DC motor which may cause the impeller to lock up.
**TIP** If you disassemble the wave pump, be very careful not to break the ceramic shaft. This is the
cylindrical white shaft that holds the impeller in place during operation.
Keeping your wave pump clean off and precipitates should be a task on every aquarists maintenance list.
We recommend cleaning them once every 4-6 months. A clean and maintained wave pump should provide
strong water flow and keep your fish and corals healthy and happy for many years.