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SGI-USA Men’s Division Monthly Suggested Study Material for September 2011
In 2011, the men’s division will continue studying “The New Human Revolution,” challenging
ourselves to study one volume each month. In September 2011, we are studying Volume 21. The
excerpts below are provided to support the men’s division study and can be used at men’s division
meetings. Every man is encouraged to have his own copy of each volume of “The New Human
Revolution” which is available at your local SGI-USA bookstore or through the mail order service on
the SGI-USA website. Page numbers may vary depending on the edition.
“First, the prime point for building peace lies in recognizing the absolute value of human life. Therefore,
we will establish a universal spiritual foundation for peace by instilling in people’s hearts the awareness
that life is incomparably precious.” Page 25
“The Lotus Sutra states, ’If you see a person who accepts and upholds this sutra, you should rise and greet
him from afar, showing him the same respect you would a Buddha.’ Shin’ichi always kept that passage in
his heart and encouraged overseas members with especially great warmth and sincerity. Page 40
“Unity is important. Real unity means having mutual consideration, respect and trust. If you can achieve
real unity, each member will be able to bring out their best, and the organization as a whole will shine.
Unity is the essence of peace. Page 42
“Genuine trust is not gained because of one’s rank or social position. It is won through character.
Character has the power to bring people together. Page 51
“Peace is not some abstraction far beyond our reach. It begins with creating a circle of trust and friendship
right where we are. As each of these circles expands to include more people, global peace will be
realized. Page 57
“Nichiren warns: ’Neither non-Buddhists nor the enemies of Buddhism can destroy the correct teaching
of the Thus Come One, but the Buddha’s disciples definitely can. As a sutra says, only worms born of the
lion’s body feed on the lion.’ Kosen-rufu is an endless struggle against such destructive forces, such
“devilish” influences.” Page 83
People’s Diplomacy
“Disciples strive to actualize the mentor's vision. Disciples should achieve all that the mentor wished for
but could not accomplish while alive. This is the path of mentor and disciple. Page 96
“No matter how highly the Soka Gakkai is esteemed by society, if the mentors are not properly
understood and appreciated, it will not have inherited their spirit. The Soka Gakkai spirit pulses in the
way that Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei Toda lived their lives. In fact, Buddhism itself only really
exists in the way a Buddhist lives his or her life. That is why Nichiren Daishonin declares ’the purpose of
the appearance in this world of Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, lies in his behavior as a human
being’ (WND I, 852). The heart of Buddhism does not beat in abstract theory. Page 104
“Building a relationship of integrity and trust with one person creates a circle of friendship that will
expand to include many others. It is important to treat each person with sincerity and respect. As the
saying goes, ‘One is the mother of ten thousand.’" (WND-I, 131) Page 106
“’If you care anything about your personal security, you should first of all pray for order and tranquility
throughout the four quarters of the land, should you not?’ (WND-I, 24). In the absence of peace in the
world, society cannot prosper, and individuals cannot attain happiness. That is why Buddhists have a
mission to actualize global peace. Page 169
Shin'ichi was always trying to think of ways to inspire everyone to practice faith with joy and courage,
and to do their best in a spirit of optimism and good cheer. His strong desire to encourage the members
pervaded his day-to-day actions and attitude. Page 219
“To give encouragement is to impart assurance, hope and courage. It is a task of spiritual inspiration, of
drawing out a person's passion and indomitable spirit. The basic principle behind encouragement is an
earnest wish for the other person's happiness. Page 220
"’Life is a constant challenge,’ Shin'ichi continued. ’We must exert ourselves, learn and adapt. Victory
comes through continuing this process throughout our lives.’ Page 243
“However, there is no development without strenuous effort. It is those very efforts that serve as the seeds
from which benefit and good fortune spring.” Page 263
Jeweled Crown
“Any organization or social system will begin to degenerate, grow corrupt and eventually self-destruct
when its leaders lose sight of the original purpose, become self-centered and lazy, and seek ease and
personal gain. Without a human revolution that triumphs over the negative forces that are inherent within
the human heart, a country or an organization - no matter how strong and flourishing it may be for a time
- will reach impasse. As Nichiren Daishonin writes, ’Only worms born of the lion’s body feed on the
lion.’ (WND-I, 302). The causes for destruction reside within organizations and other bodies, which are
liable to be destroyed by the ’enemy within’ inherent in the human condition. Page 293
“Expressions of gratitude can be looked upon as evidence of a person's way of life and philosophy. Those
who do not allow themselves to become self-centered, who realize that every positive accomplishment is
in part due to the support of others, naturally feel gratitude for the assistance they received. In contrast,
self-centered people who take the efforts of others for granted do not feel appreciative. They're always
filled with complaints and dissatisfaction.” Page 343
Suggested Questions for Discussion
1. How can we build a “circle of trust and friendship right where we are”?
2. In what ways can we strive to realize our mentor’s vision? How can we ensure that we stay on
this path of mentor and disciple?
3. “Expressions of gratitude can be looked upon as evidence of a person's way of life and
philosophy.” How can we most effectively express our gratitude?