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Eday Lesson # 4
8th grade Science (Mr. Davis and Mrs. Borucki)
This lesson will be due two weeks after the day you return to school. The date will be announced and
posted. If you do not have internet access at home, it is your responsibility to complete this
assignment during the two week period by using the computers at the public library, a family member
or friend’s house, or by arranging a time with your teacher to stay after school in order to use school
computers. This lesson may NOT be completed during the regular school day as this is a school board
approved lesson that will replace your science class on snow day 9. Other science lessons will be
taught when school is in session.
Plate Tectonics Web Quest
To access this site, follow the directions below:
1. Google search: Plate Tectonics Web Quest
2. Look for the following website and click on it.
Earth Floor: Plate Tectonics - Exploring the Environment
Full and clear information about Plate Tectonics: Convergent Boundaries, Divergent
Boundaries, Transform Boundaries.
3. Use the website to find the answers to the following questions. Write your answers in the space
provided under each question.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the Earth’s outermost layer? _______________________________________
2. How many large plates are there and what are their names? ___________
List the names below:
3. How fast do plates move? __________________________________________________
Click on Convergent Boundaries
4. Look at the diagram of the convergent boundary. Copy and label the convergent boundary in the
space below:
5. Explain what happens at a convergent boundary involving an oceanic plate and a continental plate.
Discuss the features formed at each plate and the aftereffects of the colliding plates.
6. Explain why it might be dangerous to live near a convergent boundary. ________________________
7. Identify two ways the danger of living near a convergent boundary can be lessened.
a. __________________________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________________________
Click on Next
8. Look at the diagram of the divergent boundary. Copy and label the divergent boundary in the space
9. Explain what happens at divergent boundaries.
10. Identify two physical features associated with a divergent boundary?
a. ______________________________________
b. ______________________________________
11. Name two land rift valleys found in the world. Also, identify their locations.
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
12. Name two oceanic rifts (ridges) found in the world. Also, identify their locations.
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
Click on Next
13. Look at the diagram of the transform boundary. Copy and label the transform boundary in the
space below:
14. Explain what happens at a transform boundary.
15. What occurs with movement along transform boundaries? ________________________
16. Why is it projected that Los Angeles and San Francisco will someday be cities next to each other?