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Medication Pass Fundamentals Video Series
Part 1 Test
Medication Errors
1) All of the following are good practices for timing medications properly EXCEPT:
a. Giving the medication at the correct time
b. Timing medication administration so that drug-drug interactions are minimized
c. Giving medications so that controlled substance use is minimized
d. Timing medication administration so that drug-food interactions are minimized
2) All of the following are appropriate facility goals for medication error management EXCEPT:
a. Residents are free of any significant medication errors
b. Staff has access to applicable drug references
c. Staff are given time to administer medications, with minimal interruptions
d. Residents are free from significant medication costs
3) Medication errors are defined as the preparation or administration of drugs that is not in
accordance with physician’s orders, manufacturer’s specifications or_____.
a. Biological standards
b. Industrial standards
c. Transcription standards
d. Professional standards
4) A facility medication error rate of 5% or greater includes both significant and non-significant
errors; a rate this high indicates the facility may have_______.
a. Infrequent medication errors
b. Systemic problems with its drug distribution system
c. Isolated incidents related to drug distribution
d. An effective medication error reporting process
Privacy, Dignity and Resident Rights
5) All of the following are resident rights that are very important with respect to medication pass,
EXCEPT the right to:
a. Refuse to be transferred or discharged
b. Be given privacy during medication pass
c. Be free from physical and chemical restraints
d. Refuse medications or treatments
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Medication Pass Fundamentals Video Series
Part 1 Test
Preparation for Medication Pass
6) Choose the best list of items required for medication pass from the following options:
a. MAR/TAR, gloves, all required medications, keys to medication storage areas/medication
cart, and hand sanitizer
b. Name tag, MAR/TAR, gloves, all required medications, keys to medication storage
areas/medication cart, and hand sanitizer
c. Name tag, MAR/TAR, gloves, keys to medication storage areas/medication cart, and
hand sanitizer
d. MAR/TAR, all required medications, keys to medication storage areas/medication cart,
and hand sanitizer
7) Which of the following are proper medication storage principles:
a. Medications are stored at the correct temperature and are not expired
b. Internals are separated from externals
c. Controlled and non-controlled substances are properly secured
d. All of the above
8) Having the proper supplies on the cart helps avoid all of the following EXCEPT :
a. Interrupting the medication pass and increasing the risk of making a medication error
b. Leaving the cart unattended to retrieve supplies
c. Transcribing a medication order correctly
d. Increasing the time it takes to complete the medication pass
Infection Control
9) All of the following are examples of proper infection control processes during medication pass
a. Cleaning pill counters, pill crushers and glucometers after each use
b. Washing hands after each contact with a mucous membrane, any observed or potential
contact with body fluids (except sweat) and in-between tasks on the same resident if
cross contamination may occur
c. Washing hands only in cases when contamination is visible
d. Using gloves as a standard precaution in any situation when potential contact with body
fluids (except sweat) is anticipated
Controlled Substance Management
10) Which of the following statements is TRUE with regard to controlled substances:
a. Having a documented chain of custody is unlikely to help detect diversion
b. Following federal and state regulations on keeping controlled substances secured is a
best practice
c. Random drug testing is a federal requirement for all persons who handle controlled
substances at a facility
d. Regular counting of controlled substances is impractical and unlikely to help detect
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Answers: 1) C, 2) D, 3) D, 4) B, 5) A, 6) B, 7) D, 8) C, 9) C, 10) B
Part 1 Test
Medication Pass Fundamentals Video Series