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Democracy and Greece’s Golden Age
 Pericles’ Rule of Athens (461 B.C. to 429 B.C.)
 Strengthen Athenian Democracy
 Describe how paying public officials strengthened Athens’ Democracy.
 People with limited means could now serve
 Less corruption
 Athenian Empire
 Explain what Pericles does to strengthen Athens’ navy and why he does this.
 Money from the Delian League increase to 200 ships
 Access to waterways for trade
 Glorifying Athens
 Had the Parthenon built
 Greek Sculpture
 Who was the main sculptor of the Parthenon and the statue of Athena?
 Phidias
 What is significant about the statue of Athena?
 Made of gold and ivory and stood 38 feet tall
 Describe the characteristics of classical art.
 Graceful, strong and perfect. No emotion. Grace of human body in motion. Order, balance and
 Greek Drama
 Explain the difference between a tragedy and a comedy.
 Tragedy: Serious drama with common themes such as love, hate, war or betrayal.
 Hero usually had a flaw such as hubris
 Three significant dramatists
 Explain why Sparta declares war on Athens in 431 B.C.
 Because of the Athenian naval empire, Sparta was concerned about its independence.
 Describe Pericles’ strategy in fighting Sparta.
 Avoid land battles, strike Sparta’s allies from the sea.
 Explain the two ways that Sparta gains an advantage on Athens.
 Plague in Athens killed Pericles and about one third to two thirds of the population
 413 B.C. Athenian defeat at Syracuse
 Who eventually wins the war and describe the effect of the war on Athens?
 Sparta in 404 B.C.
 Athens lost its empire, power and wealth
 Poor leaders and assembly did not adhere to political program