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LED BY THEATRE Have LED lights developed in technology enough to use on traditional musical theatre shows? Do they have the colour spectrum required to achieve those lovely subtle pastel colours? Can LED lights perform as well as HMI and tungsten lights? Join us for a day to look at how Robe LED lights perform on GSA’s musical theatre production of Guys and Dolls. See the lights as we use them complete with cast, set and costumes. Take part in the discussions, watch the demos, and decide for yourself! Friday 24th February 2017 - 11am – 4pm Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Millbrook, Guildford GU1 3UX The Event will include: Fixture demos and talks from ROBE – ask Robe Reps product questions Rig includes: DL7 spots and washes, Spiders, Spikies, Vivas, Cyc FX 8 GSA student-designed live demo with the rig James Smith, Lighting Designer talks about using the fixtures to light Guys and Dolls Live demonstrations – as the cast and crew of Guys and Dolls perform 2 excerpts from the show Discussion – Debate, discuss, ask questions. Are LED lights advanced enough to use on traditional musicals? All lighting designers, technicians and students are welcome This event is supported by Next Robe Generation: All NRG student members are welcome. This event is free of charge but booking essential so visit http://www.surrey.ac.uk/arts/events/all to book from Monday 6th February