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Grade 8 ELA
 English is a living language, and it is growing all the time.
One way that new words come into the language is when
words are borrowed from other languages. Many English
words and word elements can be traced back to French,
Latin and Greek.
Word Parts are like part of a
puzzle, every piece means
something, and without oneanother, their meanings can
 When you learn these “building blocks” of the
language, it becomes easier to decode and
understand unfamiliar words that are related to a
known root.
 A Prefix is a word part that cannot stand alone. It is
placed at the beginning of a word to change its
 Example:
 anti (meaning opposing, against or the opposite)- anti-aircraft.
 De (meaning down, away, removal)- de-ice, descend, depend.
 Extra (meaning beyond, outside)- extraordinary.
 Suffixes are word endings that add certain meaning
to the word.
 Examples:
 -able (meaning able to be)- Excitable, portable, preventable.
 -ate (state or quality of)- Affectionate, desolate.
 -ation (action or process)- Creation, narration
 -cycle (wheel or circle)- bicycle, recycle, tricycle
 It is a word that when you remove all the prefixes
and suffixes, your result is a root.
 Examples:
 Form (Meaning shape)- Conform, Reform
 Fract (Meaning to break)- Fracture, Fraction
 Ject (Meaning to throw)- Projection
 Mit (Meaning to send)- Transmit