Download Revised 16‐01‐19 1 Tutoring Centre Student Policies 1

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Tutoring Centre Student Policies
1. Appointments will be a maximum of 60 min per session.
2. Appointments should be made in advance using the Tutoring Centre’s
online booking system,
3. Students may have up to three 30 min appointments or one 30 min and
one 60 min appointment per subject group, per week. The subject groups
are Business Math, Computer Programming, English, and Math. Tutors
may be able to provide assistance in other subjects however; additional
time for tutoring will not be added for these subjects. If a student is
registered with Accessible Learning Services, he or she may have up to
three 60 min appointments per subject group, per week.
4. Appointments should be cancelled through our online booking system or
via email at [email protected] up to the scheduled time of the
booked appointment.
5. A student’s failure to attend three appointments without providing notice
will result in a one-on-one discussion with a Tutoring Centre Associate
(TCA) or the Tutoring Centre Manager (TCM) to develop strategies for
effectively cancelling appointments. Repeat occurrences may result in the
loss of tutoring for a time determined by a TCA or the TCM.
6. Students should be prepared to present their student ID when arriving to
their in-centre appointment.
7. Students should bring related course materials to the appointment.
Questions or the goal of the tutoring appointment should be made clear to
the tutor when booking the appointment or in-person, at the start of the
8. Note to students seeking English tutoring:
a. The Tutoring Centre does not provide a proofreading service;
however, tutors will work to provide students with the skills to
proofread their own work.
b. Sheridan College maintains a no pen-to-paper rule when reviewing
writing assignments.
c. Tutors may use a highlighter, resources, materials and a
grammar/syntax corrections form provided by the Faculty of
Humanities and Social Sciences (refer to appendix).
9. Tutoring appointments for help with citations (APA, MLA, etc.) can be
made with a Reference and Citation Specialist. Citation Specialists are
Library staff equipped to help students in this area of study.
10. The centre has drop-in hours: please review the drop-in times for each
campus on our online booking system:
11. Food and Drink: Students are welcome to enjoy beverages and cold
snacks. No hot or odorous foods permitted.
Group Tutoring
1. Group tutoring is a drop-in tutoring time reserved each week for students
with questions regarding basic computing skills, Java, Accounting,
ESL/Conversation skills, Presentation Skills and more. Subjects and
times vary per campus. Please refer to the Tutoring Centre’s website for a
schedule, under “Learning Assistants/Tutors>Group Tutoring Schedule” or
by clicking here.
2. The maximum number of students per group tutoring time varies per
campus. Tutors will do their best to accommodate all drop-in students, but
may have to ask some students to book an appointment in the centre if
the group tutoring room is at capacity.
3. Group tutoring sessions are interactive. Students may be expected to
converse and work with one another, especially in ESL/Conversation
Skills practice and Presentation Skills practice.
Peer Tutoring
1. Peer tutoring provides support for subjects in addition to Math, Business
Math, English and Java. Peer tutors are Sheridan students who are
selected based on their marks and a faculty reference.
2. Students can request peer tutoring for up to 3 different subjects per
3. Students receive 10 hours of tutoring per subject, per semester for a
matching fee of $40.
4. Once a student is matched with a peer tutor, the student is expected to
initiate contact with the tutor.
5. If a student does not use all of his or her 10 hours allotted with the peer
tutor, the student forfeits the remaining hours.
6. A student cannot receive a refund for their peer tutor match in a following
or subsequent semester.
7. If a student is registered with ALS, he or she may be eligible for more peer
tutoring hours. Please contact a Tutoring Centre Associate for more
Online Tutoring
The following additional policies should be followed when Online Tutoring is
available to Sheridan students:
1. Students should book online tutoring appointments in advance, online,
using the centre’s online booking system:
2. The centre’s online tutoring is asynchronous. While students do need
access to a computer to book their appointments and upload their writing,
students do not require additional equipment such as a microphone or
camera for the appointments.
3. Students must upload their work for review by a tutor to their appointment
time slot or email it to the tutor in advance of the appointment.
4. If the tutor receives no student work within 15 minutes of the appointment
time, the tutor will cancel the appointment.
5. During the reserved appointment time, the student is expected to be
available via email for the tutor to confirm receipt of materials. Students
will receive one of the following two emails from the online tutors:
E-mail - Successful
Your submission has been successfully received. You will receive a
response to your Sheridan e-mail account within 2 hours.
The tutor will look at your work for half an hour. This means that
your work may not be fully reviewed. If you would like additional
help, please book another appointment for online or in-person
Please remember, we are here to make comments on your work,
not to correct or grade it. You are encouraged to apply the tutor’s
feedback to the remainder of your assignment.
E-mail – Unsuccessful
Your document has not been received.
Please complete the following steps to resubmit within the same
1. Click on your appointment time.
2. Reattach your file as a .docx or .doc file (for format and
3. If you don’t have Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office is
available free of charge through Sheridan’s I.T. website.
4. Save appointment.
When you resubmit, expect a response within 2 hours of the new
submission time.
6. Once a student receives his or her work back from the tutor, the student
will receive the following email:
E-mail – Response
Attached is your reviewed submission file.
Thank you for using online English tutoring. Please fill out our
anonymous survey at
For the “Who did you work with?” section, select your tutor with
(English Online) before the tutor’s name.
Topics covered in each subject group.
Business Math
-Java 1 and 2
-Basic Computing
*Tutor specific
The attached are two forms used in the Tutoring Centre’s online and in-centre
English tutoring services.
Correction Codes for Writing Errors
Meaning of Code
Abbreviate (where written in full), or
do not abbreviate.
Fix use of adjective or adverb
Make subject and verb, or pronoun
and antecedent, agree
Wrong or missing article
Fix capitalization error.
Fix comma splice (run-on)
Fix dangling modifier
Fix fragment.
Fix fused sentence (run-on)
Omit irrelevant material.
Add or delete underlining or italics.
Fix misplaced modifier
Insert, change, or delete
Fix needless passive voice.
Fix pronoun error.
Fix ambiguous or vague pronoun
Fix redundancy, word repetition, or
Use correct spelling.
Be more specific, less vague.
adj. or adv.
Example of Error
Doctor Lee is away each Tues.
He played good, but he felt badly.
Each one takes their disk and insert it.
He goes to same school that I do.
My Mother left last sunday.
He arrived early, he left late.
Being a miser, money made his eyes light
She left. When he arrived.
He arrived early he left late.
She reads Maclean’s magazine.
Rising through the trees, she saw the
Where are you going
The car was entered by James.
I like Julia Roberts. He is very pretty. OR
She asked Sam and I.
Tom met Jim. He wore boots.
Modern cars of today are costly in cost.
She is truely a nice person.
A number of people died.
Improve sentence structure (by
coordination, subordination, fixing
mixed construction, etc).
Problem with the singular/plural.
Improve transition.
Replace word(s) of inappropriate
usage level.
Use correct verb tense or form.
Replace wrong word.
Start a new paragraph (where not
done), or do not start one (where
Use parallel structure.
What are you trying to say? It is not
Insert missing word(s).
Join these words together.
I went to class. I forgot my notes.
Because of this was why I failed.
Everybody has five sense.
I went to school and I did an exam and I
did not do well and I was so upset.
Ninety percent of the control group
bombed the test.
They have flew away.
He go to the store every day.
I asked her weather she wanted to watch
a movie.
He likes hiking, running and to swim.
It for go now to a store buying beer
I mailed Ʌ letter.
I did not finished my home work.
Review Checklist
Category: Parts of Speech
Incorrect verb tenses
Whenever you write, always think “when.” What are you describing and
when did/does/will it happen? In the past? In the present? In the
future? Make sure you are writing in the correct tense.
Pronoun agreement errors
Remember, when using a pronoun to replace or refer to a noun, make
sure that the pronoun agrees with the noun in number. For example, if
you start by talking about a student, you cannot go on to explain their
study habits. “A student” is singular and “their” is plural. Therefore,
they do not agree. You can correct the sentence by making the noun
plural: “Students are required to work hard outside of the classroom.
Their study habits reflect their personalities and preferences.”
Category: Mechanics
Subject-verb agreement errors
For every independent clause, the predicate (main verb) must agree in
person and number with the subject (noun or pronoun). E.g. “He
explains”; “They explain.”
Sentence structure errors
If your sentence is more than three lines long, it might be a run-on
sentence. Remember, a comma is not enough to join two sentences.
Either use a comma followed by a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS)
or a semicolon. (Please note that spell/grammar check on Microsoft Word
often suggests that you correct sentence structure errors with a
semicolon, but often times the semicolon is not used correctly. For proper
use of a semicolon, see our handout titled, “The Semicolon”.)
Incorrect shifts in voice
Do not switch from the passive voice to the active voice (or vice versa) in
the same sentence. Use the same voice throughout the sentence.
Faulty parallelism
Whenever you are listing things, make sure they are all of the same part
of speech, for instance, either all nouns or all adjectives. Example:
Wrong: All employees must demonstrate integrity (noun), diligence
(noun) and be empathetic (adjective).
Correct: All employees must demonstrate integrity (noun), diligence
(noun) and empathy (noun).
Category: Writing Style
Awkward phrasing
Lack of transitions
Using the passive voice too much
Sexist language (e.g., writing “he” instead of “he/she” or “one” when the
gender of the 3rd person singular is unspecified)
Informal language: using slang, or using contractions that are not part of a
Category: Referencing and Formatting
Unfair Borrowing of the Ideas of Others
This occurs when there is no in-text and end-of-text referencing where
there should be. You must give credit to the authors of your sources for
their original ideas or studies. (Note that you don’t need to reference
information that is general, information that is familiar to most people.)
Inconsistent Formatting
If your teacher has requested a specific style for your assignment, make
sure that you adhere to it. If an essay or report is to be formatted
according to the APA or MLA style, check to see that your title page,
header, spacing, etc. are all correct. If you are writing a formal letter, use
a business format.