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World History Q2 Review
Scientific Revolution/Enlightenment (pgs 108 – 158)
1. How was the work of scientists during the scientific revolution and
enlightenment thinker’s similar?
2. Why were absolute monarchs not the preferred form of government for many
3. How did Absolute Monarchs centralize their power in Europe?
4. What was divine right used to support?
5. How did the Declaration of Independence reflect Enlightenment ideas?
6. What are Natural Rights?
7. The Enlightenment established the ideas that helped drive what time period?
8. We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that
they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among
these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; . . ."
This quotation is evidence that some of the basic ideas in the Declaration of
Independence were influenced ______________________ ideas
9. The Declaration of Independence blamed the British for taking away the
_____________ rights of American Colonists.
French Revolution (pgs 164 – 194)
10. What group was most affected by increases in the price of food in Prerevolutionary France?
11. Which group in pre-revolutionary France most strongly embraced the ideals
and principles of the Enlightenment?
12. What were the main goals of the Congress of Vienna?
Age of Ideologies (pgs 214 – 219)
13. What did the conservatives fight against?
14. What did liberals want governments to be based upon?
15. What was the goal of nationalists?
16. What did the unrest in many European nations lead to during this time period?
Age of Revolutions (Pgs 225-229)
17. What influenced educated creoles of Latin America to revolt during the
18. How was Haiti’s fight for freedom different from other Latin American
Industrial Revolution (pgs 194-208)/ (pgs 240 – 260)
19. Which condition is most necessary to the process of industrialization in a
20. What was the main idea of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles’ Communist
Manifesto? (pg 210)
21. What does a nation need before it can industrialize?
22. List 3 results of the Industrial Revolution?
23. - Europeans sought new markets for their goods.
- Many Europeans migrated to the cities in search of jobs.
- European middle class gained political power.
What was the major cause of these changes in Europe?
24. What was the Industrial Revolution?
25. Describe working conditions in factories and mines during the Industrial
26. Define Lassiez-Faire Capitalism
Unification of Italy and Germany(pgs 266 – 285)
26. What is the best example of the success of nationalism in Europe?
27. What is Nationalism?
28. What effect did Napoleon’s advances in the early 1800s have on Germany?
29. What natural resources contributed to the Germany’ industrialization?
30. How were the unifications of Italy and Germany similar?
31. What was one of the greatest obstacles to Italian unity?
32. How did Camillo Cavour contribute to the Unification of Italy?
33. During the 18th and 19th centuries, increased contact between European and
the continents of Africa, Asia, and South America resulted in?
34. What is the connection between Industrialization and Imperialism?
35. Why did European nations colonize Africa?
36. During the 19th century, Europeans were able to divide China into spheres of
influence mainly because?
37. What is Self-Government?
38. What type of government would not support the idea of self-government?
Open-Ended Questions - Select one of the four open-ended questions below and
respond to it in a well-developed, 3 to 5 paragraph essay.
1. Nationalism has been shaping world events for 500 years. The desire for self-rule can
cause tremendous change both positively and negatively. Individuals have also played
huge roles in leading nationalist movements.
Identify a nation or region where an individual led a nationalist movement and
describe the background reasons for the movement.
Discuss how the actions of that individual have influenced the region or nation
where the movement took place.
2. Clemens von Metternich said, “When France sneezes, Europe catches a cold.”
o Explain what he meant by this quotation.
o Tell whether you agree or disagree. Give examples to defend your position.
3. In this section, we have discussed the theme of social injustice and the division between
the “haves” and the “have nots”. We have seen the conflicts that have happened
because of those who “have” versus those who “have not”.
o Discuss this theme, addressing specific conflicts that have happened because of the
o Discuss if this is a current issue today.
4. Imperialism is the policy in which a stronger nation extends their economic, political and
military control over a weaker nation.
Discuss how the Industrial Revolution and Imperialism combined to create the
19th century world.
Discuss some positive and negative aspects of these changes.