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Activity pack
Leader's notes
Introduction and Overview of the Pack
Astronautics badge requirements
Activity 1: Introducing space exploration individual research
Activity 2: Write a mission report
Activity 3: Build a model spacecraft
Activity 4: Reflect on satellite dishes
Activity 5: Keep satellites in orbit
Activity 6: Build a model of the solar system
Activity 7: Become a Mars scientist
Activity 8: Make an impact!
Activity 9: Mission X: Train like an astronaut
Activity 10: Launch a rocket
Useful information and links
and Overview
Definition: Astronautics - the science and technology behind
space exploration, both by humans and using robots.
This activity pack has been produced in partnership with the
UK Space Agency to help support Scouts wishing to gain their
Astronautics Activity Badge. Designed to simplify this challenging
and fascinating subject, this pack is perfect for those with an
interest in the subject of space exploration, but without the
specialist knowledge.
Even if you don’t wish to complete the badge in its entirety, this
pack is still an interesting one to use with your Scout Troops. It
contains fascinating facts about space and space exploration
and activities to support the entire subject area. You could even
incorporate these activities into a space-themed camp.
You will need internet access or prepared information sheets to
complete some of the activities. There are some useful supporting
videos and resources on the UK Space Education Office’s e-Library.
This can be found on
What is the UK
Space Agency?
The UK Space Agency is an executive
government agency of the Department of
Business, Innovation and Skills. It is at the heart
of UK efforts to explore and benefit from space.
It is responsible for all strategic decisions on the
UK civil space programme and provides a clear,
single voice for UK space ambitions.
For more information please visit:
The main aim of this activity pack is to
encourage Scouts to join the next generation
of space scientists and engineers. The Agency
want to inform Scouts about the space
missions being run here in the UK and bring
to their attention careers available in the
space sector.
Further facts about space and space exploration can be found on
the UK Space Agency’s Discover and Learn webpages
URN 13/877
page 2 • Astronautics Badge Activity Pack – Leader’s notes
The Astronautics Activity
Badge Requirements
Help the Scouts complete the
following requirements:
1. Explain the purpose of space exploration including:
• historical reasons
• immediate goals in terms of specific knowledge
• benefits related to Earth resources, technology, and new products
2. Choose one of the following topics and with it
undertake option one or two:
a. a commercial or scientific rocket (Ariane, Delta, Soyuz, Proton,
b. the NASA space shuttle
c. the International Space Station
d. a specific satellite (eg Envisat, Cassini, Aurora, etc)
e. an unmanned space probe
Option One
Describe the topic’s primary mission purpose; explain the functions
of the component parts, together with a brief history and
accomplishments of a specific mission and what was learned from
that mission.
Option Two
Build a scale model of or about the topic, either from a commercial kit,
or from plans available from the Internet or model clubs and shops.
3. Discuss and demonstrate two of the following:
a. the law of action-reaction in the context of rockets and zero or
low-gravity environments
b. how rocket engines work, and their lift-off and re-entry procedures
c. how satellites stay in orbit and the different types of orbits they use
d. how satellite pictures of the Earth, planets and their moons are
made and transmitted
Option B - Space exploration
For this Option the Scouts should
work towards being able to:
i. Describe how space satellites
and probes have added to our
knowledge of the Solar System.
ii. Build an accurate scale model of a space exploration vehicle.
Find out about its design, function, and basic operation. Be able
to help others learn about your vehicle.
iii. D
esign an inhabited base space colony. What conditions will
you need to overcome to ensure suitable living arrangements,
energy sources, special equipment, health and safety needs, and
environmental protection or danger? Share and explain your
design or model with others.
iv. Using photographs, news clippings, articles from the internet etc,
mount a display about a current space mission and share your
findings with others.
Option C - Space port
i. W
ith a group of Scouts, plan and participate in a themed ‘Space
Camp’ or event, undertaking appropriate activities.
ii. Assist in organising a visit to a space centre, museum,
planetarium or rocketry enthusiasts group and get the Scouts to
share their experiences with an adult or other Scouts.
iii. Find out about careers in the space industry.
The Cassini-Huygens mission visits Saturn’s moon,
Titan, on Christmas Day 2005.
Credit: ESA
4. Complete all of the activities in one of the
following options:
Option A – Rocketry
Explain the safety code for rocketry and be able to identify the
principal parts of a rocket.
i. Describe how solid and liquid propellant rocket motors work.
ii. Build, launch, and recover a single or double-staged model rocket.
iii. M
ake a second launch to accomplish a specific objective. For
example, to carry a fragile payload; take aerial photographs;
take altitude measurements; make temperature measurements;
recover a parachute; use remote control; build a launch controller
or launch pad.
This activity must follow the appropriate BMFA/ UKRA safety codes
on Rocketry.
page 3 • Astronautics Badge Activity Pack – Leader’s notes
Activity 1
Introducing Space Exploration
- Individual Research
This activity fulfills some or all of badge requirements 1 and 2 (Option 1).
Since taking their first steps on the planet, mankind has been
looking to the skies. Around 1,000 years BC, the Babylonians - the
earliest known astronomers - mapped the stars, believing that their
fortunes were influenced by the patterns and positions they studied.
Since that time, our knowledge of the stars and planets has been
advanced by some of history’s most prominent scientists, among
them Copernicus, Galileo, Newton and Einstein. Now you can help
your Scouts follow in these scientists’ footsteps by exploring space
for themselves.
To take full advantage of this activity pack, it is worth introducing
the whole arena of space exploration to your Scouts before you
start the activities, and get them to do some research at home on
the Internet beforehand. The UK Space Agency’s Discovering Space
webpages are a good starting point, and their Mission webpages
will give you the most up-to-date list of UK space involvement:
The European Space Agency (ESA) also has some great information
about space exploration and a multimedia gallery of images which
you can use for the activities. These can be found at
To meet the badge requirements Scouts will need to use the
above resources and their own research to find about and explain
the following:
• The historical reasons for space exploration
• The aim of space exploration
• The benefits of space exploration for people back on earth.
Produce a timeline
In the Scouts’ activity packs are some index cards which list the key
milestones in the field of space exploration. The Scouts should cut
these out and place them in chronological order. What do they know
about any of these events? Did anything surprise them?
November 1957:
goes on a
Russian dog, Laika,
becomes the first crea5: Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov
to orbit the Earth
1924: Edwin Hubble discovered
that our Milky Way was not the
12-minute spacewalk.
centre of universe, but rather only one galaxy in among billions.
Activity 2
Write a Mission Report
This activity fulfills badge requirement 2(Option 1)
The UK is currently involved in the following space missions:
1. Cassini–Huygens
A mission to study Saturn, its moons, rings and complex
magnetic environment
2. S OHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory)
This is investigating the sun from its deepest core to its outer
atmosphere and has told us lots about solar wind, a stream of
charged particles produced by the sun.
3. Gaia
Gaia will provide a 3D map of the billions of stars that make up
our galaxy, the Milky Way.
4. Galileo
The first highly accurate global positioning system under
civilian control. Used for SatNavs, landing aircraft and timing
bank transactions.
5. DMC (Disaster Monitoring Constellation)
This is a network of satellites that can take detailed images of
any part of the Earth to aid relief efforts during natural disasters.
Ask your Scouts to choose a mission
and write a mission report
the template below.
Your Scouts can find out more
information to help them write their
report on the UK Space Agency’s
Mission webpage:
There is a mission report template
on page 6 of the Scout Astronautics
Badge activity pack
page 4 • Astronautics Badge Activity Pack – Leader’s notes
Activity 3
Build a Model Spacecraft
This activity fulfills badge requirement 2 (Option 2)
Help the Scouts build a model spacecraft from a space mission.
Below are links to five sets of instructions for building models
of spacecraft. Download and print one and hand them out to
your Group. Ask your Scouts to identify the different parts of the
spacecraft on the model and explain how this helps the spacecraft
achieve its mission. For details of these missions, head to the UK
Space Agency’s website.
Equipment needed
• Copies of the model patterns
• Pencils
• Scissors
• Glue
Cassini-Huygens, SOHO, GAIA, Ariane rockets and more:
James Webb Space Telescope
Herschel Space Telescope
Hubble Space Telescope
Venus Express
International Space Station
Activity 4
Reflect on satellite dishes with
two simple experiments
Each group will need:
Satellites are objects in orbit around a planet or other celestial body.
Man-made satellites are used for several applications including
navigation, disaster monitoring, weather forecasting and TV and
radio broadcasting. Just over 50 years ago, in 1962, the UK worked
with NASA on the first international satellite, Ariel 1, which carried
six instruments for measuring the space environment. There are
now more than 3,000 satellites in orbit, owned by more than 40
countries worldwide.
• a torch
• a portable radio
• a clear plastic container
• glass e.g. a window
• a cardboard box
• aluminium foil (to cover the box)
Your Scouts can investigate the technology behind satellites with the
following experiments:
Experiment A –
How do radio waves compare to light waves?
TV and radio broadcasting signals are sent as radio waves. Your
Scouts can learn a bit about how radio waves compare to light
waves in this activity. You will need to split them into groups.
1. Turn on the radio and tune it in to a programme.
2. P lace the radio in the following locations and get your Scouts to
find out whether the radio can still be heard:
a. Within the clear plastic container
b. On the opposite side of a window
c. In the cardboard box
3. R epeat this with the torch and note which materials allow radio
waves to pass through
4. Now place the radio in the cardboard box and wrap the box in
tin foil.
page 5 • Astronautics Badge Activity Pack – Leader’s notes
Experiment B – Investigating the shape of satellite dishes
This experiment uses a torch light beam to represent a radio signal,
and a mirror to represent a satellite dish.
Equipment needed
• a torch with parallel paper slits taped over the light
• a flat, sturdy, handheld mirror
• a concave mirror, such as the reflector in a car headlamp or use
half a football lined with aluminium foil.
Your Scouts should find that light waves can pass through clear
plastic and glass but not through opaque materials like cardboard.
In contrast, radio waves can pass through opaque materials.
However, metal, such as the aluminium foil, reflect radio waves and
prevent them reaching the receiver.
1. Get your Scouts to work in pairs in a dark room.
2. A
sk one Scout to shine the torch upwards. The second Scout
should use the flat mirror to try and beam the light back to
“Earth” i.e. the ground. The Scouts should find that a flat mirror
reflects light symmetrically back to the ground.
3. A
sk the second Scout to wobble the mirror. The light beam on the
ground should also wobble. This illustrates why ground stations
receiving satellite signals have to control wobble to prevent TV
audiences losing their signal.
4. The flat mirror should then be replaced by a concave mirror.
Scouts should now find that the parallel beams produced by the
slits on the torch are brought closer together. Satellite dishes use
concave, or curved, to focus satellite signals on one spot – the
receiving station on Earth.
Activity 5
Keep Satellites in Orbit
When two objects are in proximity to one another, an attractive
force acts to pull them towards one another. This force is gravity.
Imagine these two objects as the Earth and a satellite orbiting the
Earth. The closer the satellite is to Earth, the greater the attraction
due to gravity. This attraction causes the satellite to fall towards
Earth. The speed of each satellite is adjusted so that it falls to
Earth at the same rate as the curve of the Earth falls away from
the satellite. The satellite is constantly falling but it never hits the
ground, because the ground curves away from it.
Your Scouts can make a simple demonstration of orbits by creating
a Gravity Well:
Equipment needed:
• Large flower pot with drainage holes on the lower side (approx.
30 cm diameter). Remove the bottom of the flower pot before the
demonstration using a Stanley knife. Make sure the top rim of the
pot is smooth.
• Swimming cap
• One piece of chipboard or MDF 30 cm squared
• Two circular pieces of rubber 1cm diameter (such as from an old
tyre, or from a rubber sheet)
• One needle with a large eye e.g. tapestry needle
• One small screw
• One screw eyelet
• Strong thread e.g. fishing line or nylon sail string
• Rubber glue e.g. an epoxy resin
• Small button
• Several marbles of different sizes
1. G
lue one rubber circle to the centre top of the swimming cap and
the other rubber circle directly opposite on the underside of the
cap. Allow to dry.
2. Stretch the swimming cap across the top of the flower pot and
over the rim. Centre the rubber circles.
3. U
sing the needle, thread the strong thread through the rubber
page 6 • Astronautics Badge Activity Pack – Leader’s notes
circles. Tie a button to the end of the thread on the side closest
to the top of the flower pot, to stop the thread going all the way
through the swimming cap.
4. Screw the eyelet in the centre of the chipboard and the small
screw just inside one corner of the board on the same side.
5. Pull the thread down through the eyelet, then through a drainage
hole on the flower pot, before finally tying the string securely to
the small screw to stop it unravelling. This should have pulled the
swimming cap down to create a gravity well.
6. Spin a marble around the gravity well. The gravity well simulates
the gravity field of the Earth. The marble represents a satellite. If the
satellite, or marble, is travelling fast enough it can orbit around the
centre of the gravity well. This centre represents the Earth.
7. Ask the Scouts to observe what happens as the marbles loses
energy and its orbit distance decreases. They should see the
speed of the marble increase. The force of gravity gets stronger
with decreasing distance between the two objects. Therefore, a
satellite orbiting closer to the Earth must travel faster to stay in
orbit than a satellite in a higher orbit.
8. Your Scouts can also investigate the interaction of two gravity
fields, such as between planets in our Solar System. Each marble
makes its own depression on the gravity well and hence has its
own gravitational field. By spinning two marbles in the gravity
well, Scouts should see that the orbits of each marble are affected
by the other marble.
9. T he dependence of gravity on mass can be demonstrated by
lowering the depth of the gravity well. This illustrates a heavier
planet than Earth.
Activity 6
build a model of the solar system
Solar System
Credit: Nasa
1. Planet sizes in our solar system
Our Solar System contains the Sun, its eight orbiting planets and
other celestial bodies that are under the Sun’s gravitational pull,
such as comets and asteroids. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are
the four terrestrial planets, with rocky, solid surfaces. Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune are the gas giants. Comets originate from the
Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt, beyond Neptune, while most asteroids
orbit in the region between Mars and Jupiter. Pluto is no longer
described as a planet. In 2009 it was relabelled as a Kuiper Belt
Object (KBO) or Plutoid.
Show the relative size of the planets with this fruit, which you can
lay out on a table:
Equipment Needed
• Fruit, as below
• Toilet rolls
• Pencil
• Tape measure
Mercury - Peppercorn
Venus - Cherry tomato
Earth - Cherry tomato
Mars - Blueberry
Jupiter - Watermelon
Saturn - Large grapefruit
Uranus - Apple
Neptune - Lime
Explain to the Scouts that if you included the Sun you’d need a fruit
one million times larger than the cherry tomato representing Earth –
and this is why it’s absent!
page 7 • Astronautics Badge Activity Pack – Leader’s notes
2. Distances in our Solar System
Now show the Scouts the relative distances between the planets
and the sun. Draw the Sun as a 1 cm (diameter) circle and fix it to a
spot in the corner of the HQ. All planets will be measured away from
the sun according to the table below, and marked with single dots.
Get your Scouts to unroll the toilet roll/till roll away from the ‘sun’,
marking the planets as they go:
Number of toilet roll
sheets from sun
Number of toilet roll
sheets from previous
Distance from
sun (m) in HQ
Actual distance
from sun (km)
Our Solar System extends far beyond after the last planet, Neptune. It includes the Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt. To reach the edge of our
Solar System you would need another 2,000 sheets of toilet roll. To add our nearest star, Proxima Centauri, you’d need another 1.4 million!
Activity 7
Become a Mars scientist
One day Mars scientists hope that real samples of Martian soil will be
brought back to Earth. At the moment ESA scientists and engineers
are working on the ExoMars mission to put a European rover on
Mars. This rover will study the geology of Mars and look for signs of
past or current lifeforms. Your Scouts can have a go at detecting life
(microorganisms) in soil samples from Earth with the following activity.
to extreme conditions where oxygen is absent, as on Mars. Sensitive
techniques are used by scientists to detect minute quantities of
gases that might indicate evidence (but not prove) that some form
of life once existed on Mars.
Equipment Needed
This activity should show your scouts:
• That microorganisms are living organisms too small to be seen.
• That some microorganisms produce carbon dioxide if suitable
nutrients are provided.
• 2 tsps soil samples A-C (prepared in advance)
• ¼ cup of sugar
• Thermometer
• Teaspoon
• Warm water (45-50C)
• Plastic cup or beaker
Background Information to the Experiment
Advance Preparation
When scientists study very small samples of fossilised material, the
characteristics of present or past life are very difficult to determine.
The tests used by previous missions to Mars were based around the
belief that life would cause changes in the air or soil, in a similar
way to life on Earth. The missions did not detect the presence of life.
The Scouts should not find evidence of life in the sample most like
Martian soil (Sample B).
One of several signs of life that scientists search for is the
exchange of gases in respiration or fermentation, as modelled in
this experiment. Here, the microorganism yeast is using sugar as a
source of energy and is producing carbon dioxide. Most living things
on Earth need oxygen to survive, but some organisms have adapted
Make 3 samples of ‘Martian soil’ in sealable sandwich bags,
labelled A, B ,C.
Sample A
Sample B (Martian) Sample C
2 tsps building sand
2 tsps rock salt
1 tsp table salt
1 tsp fine grit
1 tsp gravel
2 tsps building sand
2 tsps rock salt
1 tsp table salt
1 tsp fine grit
1 tsp gravel
1 tsp flour or talc
2 tsps building sand
1 tsp fine grit
1 tsp gravel
1 tsp flour or talc
Packet of dried
instant yeast
page 8 • Astronautics Badge Activity Pack – Leader’s notes
Both this experiment and activity 8 are taken from the ‘Is Anyone
Out There’ resource pack developed for the Aurora Programme by
ESERO-UK, the UK Space Agency, and CIEC Promoting Science at the
University of York.
You should explain that scientists take great care when they draw
conclusions from tests such as these. The presence of gas does not
necessarily mean that life is present, but it’s a good indication.
ESERO-UK, also known as the UK Space Education
Office, aims to promote the use of space to enhance and
support the teaching and learning of Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in schools and
colleges throughout the UK. For more information visit
You should check that the water is no hotter than 50°C to avoid
killing the yeast. If yeast is present, the Scouts should see the
formation of carbon dioxide bubbles very quickly. The bag should
begin to swell after about 20 minutes, and after an hour it should be
well inflated. Why not set up the activity, do one of the others in the
pack, and then come back and check an hour later?
CIEC promotes science teaching in primary and secondary
schools in the context of industry in the 21st century. For
more information visit
Mars Express exploring the red planet
Credit: ESA - D. Ducros
Safety notes, practical tips and guidance
The Scouts could be encouraged to suggest further investigations
to discover how different conditions may affect the growth of
microorganisms. They may wish to try investigating the effects of light,
temperature or different nutrients upon the growth of the yeast. Try
doing the same experiment outside and inside your meeting place,
where both light and temperature would be different.
Martian Facts
• Living things need water and food and the right conditions to
survive. Mars is very cold, dry, dusty and windy. It has hardly any
oxygen and has a third of Earth’s gravity.
• Scientists believe that water existed on Mars 1 million years ago.
Water may be present under the surface of Mars.
• Microorganisms can live in very extreme places on Earth. They may
once have lived on Mars. Most living things need oxygen but not all
microorganisms do.
• Microorganisms may produce gas when given water and food.
Space scientists test soil samples for such materials.
The Experiment Introduction
Explain to your Scouts that they will be looking for evidence of the
presence of life (microorganisms) in the soil and recording their
observations. If life is present, adding warm water and sugar to each
sample may result in the production of gas (carbon dioxide).
Artist’s impression of the ExoMars Rover
drilling for rock samples.
Credit: ESA - D. Ducros
The Scouts:
1. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of sugar in 30ml of warm water (45-50˚C)
and quickly add this to the sample.
2. Press the bag to remove excess air before sealing the bag.
3. Ask them to mix the contents together by gently pressing the
contents with their fingers, ensuring that the bag is completely
sealed to prevent any escape of carbon dioxide should
microorganisms be present.
4. The Scouts may document the gradual inflation of the bags, using
drawings, video or photographs.
Get the Scouts to note down their observations in their activity books
on page 11 and share their observations with the group.
• Did the groups all have similar results?
• Did anything that happened surprise them?
• Can they explain what happened?
page 9 • Astronautics Badge Activity Pack – Leader’s notes
Activity 8
Make an Impact!
Rocky planets such as Mars are often littered with craters: holes,
usually circular in shape, made when a piece of rock (meteorite) or
an icy/rock mixture (comet) from space crashes into the planet. In
this activity, Scouts can learn about the impact of rock size, weight
and velocity on a crater.
The Hadley Crater on Mars
Credit: ESA
Equipment Needed
• Tray half filled with sand
• A variety of ‘meteorites’ (e.g. marbles, rubber balls, stones)
• Tube for safely directing dropping/rolling ‘meteorites’
• Measuring device (see diagram on Activity sheet 8)
• Ruler
• Metre stick
The Scouts begin by investigating the effects of dropping various
masses, such as marbles, into a tray of sand. The Scouts should be
reminded to be careful when dropping objects. Using a tube through
which to drop the objects would direct them safely onto the tray.
Trays can be placed on the floor to allow the height of the drop to
be increased safely. Encourage discussion about fair testing, how the
speed, density and size of the projectile is important, and how and
why this affects the size of the crater produced.
Do the experiment again, but varying key factors. The only fair
comparison is to change only one variable at a time; different
sizes or mass of object should be dropped from the same height,
or the same mass from different heights, and craters compared.
Alternatively different heights could be used with the same mass
of object. In reality, meteorites would break up into pieces and
probably produce secondary craters, but in this experiment the
objects dropped remain in the craters they produce.
The Scouts may suggest investigating dropping the masses at different
angles rather than straight down or dropping rocks of similar mass
but different sizes and shapes. They could also make meteorites from a
material that will break on impact, such as damp sand.
Activity 9
mission x train like an astronaut
Mission X is an international
educational programme designed
by NASA and led in the UK by the
UK Space Agency. It aims to inspire
interest in science, nutrition and
fitness in school students aged 8
– 12 years old by using astronauts
as role models. It uses astronaut
training to teach how good diet
and exercise play an important role
in human performance in space
and on Earth.
Like Scouts, astronauts have to be extremely fit and healthy.
This programme provides some fantastic fitness and science
resources that you could use to demonstrate fitness and health
attributes to your group. More information an be found at: www.
To sign your troop up to next year’s Mission X challenge please visit
the UK Space Agency’s Mission X webpages.
The following is an activity taken from the programme:
Crew Assembly
Follow the outlined procedure. The duration of this physical activity
can vary, but will average 15-30 minutes per group. Split your Scout
group into smaller groups or “crews” of two people.
This activity will be best conducted indoors on a flat surface such as
on a table or on the floor.
page 10 • Astronautics Badge Activity Pack – Leader’s notes
• Gloves – ideally gardening or cleaning gloves
• Puzzle or construction toy such as lego.
• Four jars
• Spoon
• Sand
• Paper and pen
• Paper for origami
• Stopwatch
1. D
ivide Scouts into teams (“crews”) and give them their challenge
e.g. distribute puzzle or construction pieces.
2. Appoint a timekeeper per crew who will look after the stopwatch.
3. The timekeeper should time their crew to complete challenges,
be it assembling the puzzle, constructing the toy, doing origami,
spooning sand into jars or writing, e.g. their name with their left
hand, as quickly and as accurately as they can.
4. The crew should then repeat the challenge while wearing the gloves.
5. The challenge could be repeated several times to see if times improve
with practice, each member of the Group has a stint as ‘timekeeper’.
6. O
ther ‘crews’ can observe and mark how well and in what time
the different ‘crews’ completed their challenges.
Ask your Scouts to consider the following questions:
a. How did their timings compare between wearing gloves and not
wearing gloves?
b. Was their task easier when they worked as a crew or as
an individual?
c. How did their completion times improve over time with practice?
d. In what other ways could their crew improve on their timings for
the challenges?
e. How well did their crew communicate and how could they
improve that communication?
f. What challenges would an astronaut face trying to assemble an
object in space?
Astronauts must go through rigorous training to get in shape for being
in space. It takes many NASA team members working together to help
train astronauts for the challenges of space. Teamwork is essential and
all NASA team members, whether in space or on Earth, work together
to make sure each mission is successful.
Astronauts are required to put many objects and devices together
as part of their missions. Sometimes large objects in space, such as
satellites or the Hubble Space Telescope, are already assembled but
require repairs. There are also small objects that astronauts must
manipulate during the assembly of the International Space Station
(ISS). Sometimes astronauts have to do space walks, or ExtraVehicular Activities (EVAs), to accomplish these tasks.
When assembling or maintaining objects in space, astronauts must
have good dexterity and hand-eye coordination and work as a
team. They must also be able to manipulate tools and objects while
wearing a pressurized spacesuit that includes gloves over their
hands. These gloves, worn to protect astronauts from the space
environment, can be thick and bulky. They are made so astronauts
on an EVA can move their fingers as easily as possible. A piece
called a bearing connects the glove to the sleeve, allowing the wrist
to turn. They must learn to work with their gloves on to handle both
large and small objects.
To help prepare astronauts for working in a spacesuit and
manipulating objects during an EVA, they train in the Neutral
Buoyancy Lab (NBL). The NBL is a large pool containing equipment
and mock-ups similar to what an astronaut would experience in
space. The NBL is 40 feet deep, 202 feet long, 102 feet wide, and
contains 6.2 million gallons of water. It is primarily used to train
astronauts for EVAs by simulating microgravity conditions.
Astronauts work with certified divers who are instructors at the
NBL. These NBL instructors train suited astronauts how to open
hatches, use tools, and move in a simulated weightless environment.
Dexterity and hand-eye coordination play a major role in performing
the training tasks effectively. During NBL training the EVA astronaut
wears a training version of the EVA spacesuit designed to be worn
underwater. Astronauts only have 6-7 hours of life support during
an EVA, so timing, efficiency and teamwork is very important while
working in space.
As astronauts practice manipulating tools quickly and accurately
in their spacesuits they are improving their dexterity and hand-eye
coordination for a space mission. One of the selection tasks for
Japanese Astronauts is to create thousands of origami cranes to
check their patience, attention to detail, and dexterity.
page 11 • Astronautics Badge Activity Pack – Leader’s notes
Activity 10
Launch a rocket!
Launching a rocket really isn’t rocket science.
share the same insurance scheme which will insure you for £5
million and costs only £10 for a year’s membership.
Before you even get started, see if your Scouts can identify the
different parts of the rocket by labelling the diagram in their
activity books on page 15. You can also copy the rocket safety code
provided in these notes on pages 25 and 26 and give it out or pin it
up in HQ.
United Kingdom Rocketry Association
Model Rocket Motors
Model rocket motors are small
cardboard tubes containing black
powder (gunpowder) propellant.
Nose cone
Like any engines, when these are
ignited, they produce thrust and
boost the rocket into the sky. After
the propellant is used up, the delay
is activated and the rocket runs
for a few more seconds before the
recovery system is activated.
Propulsion System
‘Estes’ motors are the most popular
of these and are available in most
specialist model stores.
Kit Rockets
A kit rocket is a great way to start out if you have never launched a
rocket before. They usually come with instructions and are designed
to fly well. You can buy kits and motors from any model shop.
Unlike rocket motors, there are several organisations that design
rocket kits and these are usually perfectly safe to use.
Kit for Launching a Rocket
Launch pad and controller
(The usual starter model is an ‘Estes Electron Beam’ but you can
save a lot of money by making one yourself)
Making the Launch Controller
This is a simple circuit, and a suitable side-project for a Scout.
Equipment needed for the launch pad and controller
We advise that before you try to design a rocket with Scouts, you
should build one yourself. This material was produced by Jon London
of Out of This World rocketry (
The Basics
A model rocket uses gunpowder to fly anywhere from 10-1,000
metres into the air, and then land again using a parachute. Used
incorrectly they may be dangerous, used correctly they can be a very
exciting science activity!
• 5-10 metres of dual-core wire
• solder
• 2x crocodile clips
• 1 button
• battery (9-12V)
• 1 sturdy plastic box, big enough for the battery & mounting the
button (eg an airtight food box)
Tools needed
Legal Issues
• Multimeter
• Soldering iron
• Drill
It is legal to launch a small rocket in the UK without insurance,
but inadvisable unless you are on private land. The only way to get
cheap insurance is to become a member of the United Kingdom
Rocketry Association, or the British Model Flying Association. They
Drill a hole in the lid of the box, and mount the button. Drill a hole
in the side of the box and feed one end of the dual core wire inside.
Secure the wire so that it will not disconnect if pulled.
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Securely mount your battery inside the box. The battery is usually
9V, but 12v batteries can be preferable instead. DO NOT USE A CAR
BATTERY as the amperage is such that you will melt the wires if
there is a short circuit.
Find the approximate centre of the field you will be launching in.
If there is a chance your rocket will land outside the field, do not
attempt to do it.
Attach the button, the leads and the battery in order so that the
leads are live when the button is pushed down. At the end of the
leads attach crocodile clips, and use them to attach to the igniter in
the bottom of the rocket motor (see Model Rocket Motors).
5 metres
When you press the button, the crocodile clips will be live, the
igniter will fire, and the rocket will fly.
Making the launch pad
This is even easier, with a basic launchpad simply a pole stuck in
grass. You need a metal pole, to be held vertical, thin enough to
fit inside the launch lugs you are using. A common pole is 3-4mm
diameter and 1 metre tall.
Safe Launch
Don’t allow anyone to be within at LEAST 5 metres of the rocket
when it is about to take off. Children should be kept 15-20 metres
away from the launch site and Scouts reminded of the fireworks
safety code.
Do not attempt to angle the launcher into the wind or in any way
launch on a very windy day. It could blow straight back at you!
Always launch straight up.
Model Rocketry Safety
Short UKRA Safety Code
If there are any differences between this document and the full
version of the UKRA Safety Code, then the full version of the UKRA
Safety Code should be followed. The full version of the Safety Code
is available from UKRA (please see the UKRA Contact Page).
1 General Rules
1.1 Safety
Safety is the concern of all members. Members causing serious
damage / injury to third parties, livestock, vehicles or property whilst
involved in Rocketry of any kind must report the incident in full to
the Safety Committee, even if the UKRA codes of practice were not
in force at the time of the incident.
1.2 Payloads
No UKRA member’s rocket will ever carry live animals or any
payload that is intended to be flammable, explosive, or harmful.
2 Equipment
2.1 The Rocket
All rockets flown under this safety code shall be made of lightweight
materials such as paper, wood, rubber or plastic. The range safety
officer must be satisfied that the rocket is flight worthy and
sufficiently robust to survive launch, aerodynamic, and recovery
system loads. All rockets must use a recovery system that will return
it safely to the ground so it may be flown again.
2.2 Motors
The motor must only be used in the manner recommended by the
manufacturer. It is not permissible to alter the rocket motor, its parts
or its ingredients in any.
2.3 Igniters
The Safety Officer must be satisfied with the igniter system that is
connected to the rocket motor. Wherever practical igniters should
not be installed in a motor until at the launch pad.
2.4 Weight & Power
Any rocket must not have a mass greater than the manufacturer’s
recommended maximum lift-off mass for the motors used.
2.5 Launch Controller
The launch controller must include a safety key to immobilise the
system when removed. This key should only be in place at the time
of the launch and is to be removed immediately after an ignition
attempt, especially in the event of a misfire.
3 The Launch Site
3.1 Safety Officer
The Safety Officer has authority over and above all other persons
present at the Launch Site and has the power to delay or cancel any
launch until satisfied that it can proceed safely.
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3.2 Personnel
Only UKRA members may approach nearer the rocket than the
minimum Safe Distance during or after an igniter is being / has been
installed into the Rocket Motor(s). Members may only approach
nearer than the Safe Distance with the approval of the Safety Officer.
3.2.4 Safe Distance Table
All persons, except those required for the launch of a rocket should
kept at least the given minimum distance from the Rocket Motor
during / after igniter installation.
3.2.1 Spectators
All spectators / onlookers / press at a UKRA launch must be kept
at least the minimum Safe Distance away from the launch area as
determined by the total impulse of the Rocket Motor(s) according to
the Safe Distance Table.
4 Flying
3.2.2 Minders
Any persons at the launch site who cannot watch the rocket, e.g.
due to their monitoring of equipment must be protected; either by a
physical safety barrier or by persons beside them who can watch the
rocket and issue a warning or take protective action.
4.2 Launching
A clearly audible countdown of at least five seconds must be
given, either by the launch person, the Safety Officer or any person
recognised by all present as responsible for the countdown and
authorised by the Safety Officer.
3.2.3 Visual Rule
All persons at the launch site should be aware that for their own
safety they must keep their eyes on the rocket from at least two
seconds before launch until either the rocket lands or until visual
contact is lost.
4.3 Misfires
If a Rocket suffers a misfire, no one may approach the Launch Pad
until waiting for, one minute after this time the Safety Officer should
give permission for one person to approach the Rocket.
4.1 Launch Permission
Before launching, a UKRA member must obtain the permission to
launch from the range Safety Officer.
Useful Information
Space Port Visits
Space Careers
There are lots of venues in the UK which you can visit with your
Scouts to learn more about space. These include:
Only a handful of people have ever become astronauts. But the UK
space sector employs more than 28,900 people. That means that
your Scouts could play a crucial role in studying and exploring space
and ensuring that we all benefit from it.
1. National Space Centre in Leicester -
2. Amargh Planetarium in Northern Ireland -
3. Royal Observatory Greenwich -
4. Royal Observatory Edinburgh -
5. Spaceport on the Wirral -
6. Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre near Cheshire
For a full list visit: and head to “Teacher Support”.
Credit: ESA/Guus Schoonewille
Careers in the space sector include:
• Engineers - both mechanical and electrical, to design and build
spacecraft and instruments
• Researchers - in physics, geology, climatology, biology, vulcanology
and many more subjects, designing experiments and using space
data to learn more about the Earth, ourselves and the Universe
• Machinists - making high precision spacecraft components
• IT and software experts - developing software to control and
monitor spacecraft
• Animators, writers and web developers – illustrate and
explain what our missions do
• Business people (industry and government) – help plan and
pay for space missions and projects
• Educators – teach science, maths, engineering and technology to
teachers and students.
For information about careers in the space sector visit the UK Space
Agency’s Careers webpages:
You can also find out about work experience, apprenticeships,
university courses and graduate schemes.
Why not introduce your Scouts to some characters who work in the
space sector through out “I Work in Space” videos and text profiles:
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Sign up to space:uk
For all the latest news on how the UK is getting involved in space
why not sign up to the UK Space Agency’s magazine, space:uk.
It’s free to subscribe and the magazine is issued triannually. It also
includes an “Ask the Experts” section where your Scouts can pose
questions to space experts.
Want the most up to date information about space?
Follow the UK Space Agency:
To subscribe, simply fill in the online form at:
spacegovuk channel
UK Space Agency page
Questions? E-mail: [email protected]
page 15 • Astronautics Badge Activity Pack – Leader’s notes