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Swathi Varadharajan
What is an anti pattern?
A commonly used process, structure or pattern of
action that despite initially appearing to be an
appropriate and effective response to a problem,
typically has more bad consequences than
beneficial results
A good alternative solution exists that is
documented, repeatable and proven to be effective
Why anti pattern?
Anti pattern
Causes of anti pattern
Aggressive project deadlines
General lack of concern
Refusal to use patterns
Poor decision making
Failure to clearly understand the problem
Types of anti patterns
Organizational design patterns
Project management anti patterns
Software design anti pattern
Object oriented anti pattern
Organizational design pattern
Analysis paralysis
 Over
thinking of a situation and not taking any decision
 Solution: have deadlines, take a mental dry run…
Design by committee
 Too
many contributors with no unifying vision
 Solution: have a decision maker
Vendor lock-in
 Making
customer dependent on a particular vendor
 Solution: do not customize the application
Project management anti patterns
Death March
 Everyone
knows that the project is going to be a
disaster but keeps it alive till the day zero
Hero Mode
 Relies
on the heroism of a small number of capable
Give me estimates now
 Project
management forces the individual to make
immediate decisions
Object oriented design patterns
Anemic domain model
 The business logic is implemented outside the
domain object
 Result of not using information expert
 Solution: Create and assign a responsibility to the
information expert — the class that has the
information necessary to fulfill the responsibility
Circular dependency
Relation between two are more modules which
directly or indirectly depend on each other
Results in Tight coupling -> unwanted global effects
Solution: Follow Acyclic dependency principle ->
dependency must be directed acyclic graph
Software design anti patterns
Software bloat
 Successive versions demand more and more resources ,
adding features just to release a version
 Solution: Add updates to the existing software when the
requirements are less significant
Pattern Fetish
 Excessive use of patterns
 Solution : meaningful use of patterns
Big ball of mud (spaghetti code jungle)
 Lack of architecture
 Solution: Define and strictly adhere to an architecture from
the inception