Download Book I Chapter 4 - Swindells

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• Mr. Jarvis Lorry
• Miss Manette
• Strong Woman (Named Later)
• Mr. Lorry arrives at the Royal George Hotel, the last
passenger to reach his destination.
• Lorry waits around at the hotel until meeting up with one of his
clients, the young and pretty Miss Manette who reminds him
of a young girl he once knew.
• Lorry tells Manette that he has handled her “deceased”
father’s affairs through Tellson’s Bank for many years, and
reports that he has been found alive, yet under a different
• Miss Manette’s maid enters and reprimands Lorry for breaking
this shocking news to Manette in an unprofessional manner.
• Lorry implores the maid to accompany Manette and himself to
France to retrieve her father, Dr. Manette.
Literary Devices
• Simile: “Perhaps second-hand cares, like second-hand clothes,
come easily off and on”.
~Two unlike things are compared with “like”
 Antithesis: “The best and worst are known to you now” (28).
~Contrast of ideas, opposites in “best” and “worst”.
• Personification:”… the sea did what it liked, and what it liked was
destruction. It thundered at the town, and thundered at the cliffs,
and brought the coast down, madly” (21).
~The sea is given human qualities such as having emotions to
“like” something and being able to choose. Thus, the sea is not
simply an act of nature, but a human-like entity that makes its
own rules.