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Establishing the Context
• Great Britain had a excessive population which was causing a strain on
society. What are some issues that arise with OVERPOPULATION?
• Debtors- Many could not pay their debts and tough laws were
implemented (poor/wealthy classes):
– Could effect the persons entire family
– Courts did not have to sentence you, a creditor could make an
accusation of non-payment and the debtor would go to jail.
– Debtors often relied on friends and family to pay debts to be
released from jail
– Prisoners had to pay for food, clothing, lodging, medicine and
postage while in prison. If they could not afford it, they would be
provided small portions of bread and water with no clean clothes or
blankets, and sleep on the floor of a crowded dirty cell.
• Oglethorpe’s friend, Robert Castell died after being put in a cell where
the previous occupant had just died of smallpox. He contracted the
disease and died.
• Many people sought jobs in Britain, but few were available. Colonizing
new areas allowed the British empire to provided citizens with jobs,
reduce population, and provide indirect wealth to the nation.
Before You Read
1. Definitions for Background Essay
• Buffer- a person or thing that shields and protects against annoyance,
harm, hostile forces, etc. (lessens the impact of)
– A protection against harm (person or thing)
• Charter- a document, issued by a sovereign state, outlining the
conditions under which a corporation, colony, or city is organized, and
defining its rights and privileges.
– Document issued by a government stating rules and freedoms of a
colony or organization
• Charity- generous actions or donations to aid the poor, ill, or helpless;
Something given to a person in need.
– Giving to those in need (monetary or action)
• Paternalistic- the system or practice of managing or governing
individuals, nations, etc., in the manner of a father dealing
benevolently and often intrusively with his children.
– Caring for as if a parent.
• Fortifications- Military works constructed for the purpose of
strengthening a position; A fort.
– Building constructed to provide defense.
What were some motivating factors behind the creation of the
Georgia Colony?
Who were some of the potential enemies that posed a threat to
Georgia and the Carolinas?
Spanish in Florida, The French in Louisiana, and along the Mississippi
River, and the Indian allies of both of these nations.
What restriction were placed upon the colonists who had received
To help the poor, to help debtors, to provide defense from Spain, to
provide charity, to help England prosper
Those who had not paid for their land could not sell the land, or
borrow money against it.
What were some of the policies that began to upset the colonists?
– Restrictions on land holdings, restrictions on land sales, prohibition
against slavery, depriving settlers of self government and not having the
rights of other Englishmen.
Savannah: Utopia, or Epic Fail?
Were the reasons for the settlement,
as stated in the charter of 1732, a
success or failure?
1. What years marked the beginning and end of
Georgia’s Trustee Period? (Use dates in the
background essay)
2. According to the Background Essay, what
were the three reasons for the establishment
of the Georgia colony?
3. Rewrite the question in your own words.
Document D Vocabulary
Defray - pay
Cultivating- farming
Desolate- isolated
Realms – kingdoms
Calamities – mishaps
Document D
1 .Georgia’s charter specifically described three functions that the colony was
designed to fulfill. Record the specific statements that define the three missions
of charity, economy and defense.
– Charity: “it will be highly conducive for accomplishing those ends, that a
regular colony of the said poor people be settled and established in the
southern territories of Carolina…”
– Economics: “…to settle in any of our provinces in America where by
cultivating the lands, at present waste and desolate, they might not only
gain a comfortable subsistence for themselves and families, but also
strengthen our colonies and increase the trade, navigation, and wealth of
these our realms.”
– Defense: “…we think it highly becoming our crown and royal dignity, to
protect all our loving subjects, be they ever so distant from us; to extend
our fatherly compassion even to the meanest and most unfortunate of
our people…”
2. What was the intended management structure of the colony?
– Trustees would be managers and create immigration laws, regulations,
and they had to manage budget.
3. The men listed in the charter were to serve in what capacity for the colony?
– One politic body and corporate, in deed and in name.
• MAXSON- Performing arts?
• Get out progress reports that are signed
• Turn your agenda to the behavior card to be
stamped for fresh air Friday
• Greyson- the answer is no, so don’t ask.
Savannah: Utopia, or Epic Fail?
Were the reasons for the
settlement, as stated in the charter
of 1732, a success or failure?
When I get to a Document:
Read the questions for that document
Read the source and notes
Look at the hints in the pocket
Read the entire document and discuss with
your group
5. Answer the questions to the best of your
Document A
Document: A list of the Early Settlers of Georgia
Source: University of Georgia Press
Author: Unknown
Bias: None
Analyze Document A
1. What were some of the occupations of the first settlers of Georgia?
– Silk makers, merchants, carpenters, trader, tailor, surgeon, gardener,
basket maker, upholsterer, farmer, servant, midwife, stocking maker,
fabric dealer…
2. Why did the Trustees specifically choose some of these skills to
settle Savannah?
– These key trades were needed to support the stated purposes of the
charter and get the colony established. (England learned from
previously established colonies.)
3. What happened to many of the first settlers within a few years of
their arrival? What reasons can you think led to their fate?
– Many people died due to disease or fled the colony.
4. Why do you think there were many more settlers for whom the
Trustees paid their way in comparison to those who paid their own
– The trustees needed those skilled workers to establish the new colony.
Most people wouldn’t go without the inclusion of their family.
Document B
Document: War of Jenkin’s Ear
Source: New Georgia Encyclopedia/National
Parks Sevice
Author: Unknown
Bias: None
Analyze Document B
1. Why did the Spanish cut of Jenkins’ ear instead of administering a
more severe punishment?
– Permanently disfiguring Jenkins served as a reminder of his
embarrassment and capture (and potentially a warning to others.)
2. What reaction did Jenkins hope to get by presenting his severed ear
to Parliament?
– Jenkins hoped to spark outrage at the treatment of an Englishman by
the Spanish.
3. Examine the map provided. What conclusions can be drawn
regarding the locations of British and Spanish forts along the Georgia
and Florida coasts?
– Each fort was established an approximately equal distance apart by
both the British and Spanish. If trouble was spotted, a ship at sea could
easily detect a signal from their fort and hurry to aid. Additionally,
most English forts were scattered so they could provide a series of lines
of first defense if a threat was sensed from the large Spanish fort at St.
Augustine. Most British forts housed 15 men but St. Augustine housed
Document C
Document: The Official Seal of the Trustees
Source: Georgia Historical Society
Author: Unknown
Bias: None
Analyze C
1. Assessing prior knowledge: what is the economic policy of mercantilism?
Mercantilism was an economic policy countries embraced during the 16th to 18th centuries. The
overall goal was total self-sufficiency. In order to achieve this, nations created colonies to harvest
natural resources that were shipped to home nation, turned into finished products and sold back to
colonies or other nations.
2. What types of products were expected to be very profitable in the new colony of Georgia? Why?
• Georgia was expected to provide Mother England with silk and fruits due to its mild climate. (Similar
latitude as where the industry was successful in Asia.)
3. What objects are depicted on the Official Seal of the Trustees? Why?
• A black mulberry leaf, silk worm and cocoon are depicted on the seal because these represented the
necessary components of silk production. The worms would eat the mulberry bushes the colonists
were expected to plant, the worms would make silk which Georgia colonists would provide to
England in order to make the colony a worthwhile investment.
4. Describe the stated goal and motto of the Official Seal. How does this motto reflect the policy of
• The motto was written in Latin, “Not for themselves but for others.” This clearly supports the
economic policy of mercantilism, that the colony’s creation of silk was to benefit the King and
country and not the colonists themselves.
5. Read the note at the bottom of the page. Did Georgia have any measure of success in regards to silk
• According to the note, Georgia silk became “an important export commodity.” Proof of this is that
Queen Caroline wore a dress made of imported Georgia silk in 1735.
Document E
Document: A True and Historical Narrative of
the Colony of Georgia
Source: Patrick Talifer
Author: Patrick Talifer
Bias: YES
Document E
What does it mean to represent something in “too flattering colours?”
Talifer is accusing Oglethorpe of embellishing the truth, or lying outright, about the
conditions of Georgia and should have published documents clarifying the truth.
According to item 3, what policy was obviously in place within the colony?
One of the main criticisms of Oglethorpe was that he would not allow slaves to be
bought or sold in Georgia.
In number 5, what accusation is being made against Oglethorpe’s practice of
fair treatment?
Of the settlers who were sponsored by the Trustees, 50 acres of land were
distributed. As more settlers arrived, land grant sizes differed and some accused
Oglethorpe of showing favoritism to certain groups and not regarding the quality
of land given.
Document F
-An Impartial Enquiry into the State and Utility of
the Province of Georgia
-Journals of P.G.F.
Source: University of Georgia Press
Benjamin Martyn
Rev. Bolzius
Bias: Possible
Analyze Document F
Source 1/2: Is this a primary or a secondary source?
– Source 1: Primary (but context would be secondary due to
hand information.)
– Source 2: Is this a primary or a secondary source? Primary
2. Is there any disagreement between the information provided in
Source 1 and 2?
– Yes; the first source is used to prompt the settlers to come to Georgia
and describes the great climate; however, the second describes the
reality of living in Georgia.
3. Are there any clues within the sources that hint to the troubles the
Salzburgers faced at Ebenezer?
– The cold weather was detrimental to the silkworm; the hot weather
promotes vermin and flies which carry disease.
4. In what ways can you use these two documents to help answer the
question: The Georgia Colony: Were the reasons for settlement, as
stated in the Charter of 1732, a success or failure?
– Responses vary. Descriptions of the climate hint that the silk worm
would not thrive. The first source would attract settlers to help England