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Who has mysterious rings in our Solar
Saturn, the sixth planet in our Solar System has rings around
itself, which have puzzled astronomers for years.
Saturn is a gas giant and has no solid surface.
It is the 2nd largest planet in the Solar System.
Earth takes 24 hours to complete a day, while Saturn takes
around 10 hours to complete a day.
Saturn makes a complete orbit around the sun in 29 Earth
Are you wondering how
big Saturn is when
compared to our Earth?
Astronomers claim that
764 planets the size of
Earth can be fit inside
Saturn, the sixth planet in
our Solar System has rings
around itself, which have
puzzled astronomers for
Galileo Galilei discovered
these rings in 1610.
These rings extend to
around 2,82,000
kilometres from the
Saturn has 7 main rings and
thousands of smaller rings.
Its rings are very wide and
at the same time very thin.
For instance if Saturn is the
size of a Basketball, its
rings are of the size of
human hair.
These rings are made of
pieces of rocks and ice,
ranging from the size of a
grain of sand to as big as
Saturn has 53 known moons.
Titan is the biggest moon of
The day of the week
‘Saturday’, is named after
Saturn is