Download Cartoons on NOLK and Nazi pressuring of voters File

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This cartoon depicts Hitler in 1934 before the Night of the Long Knives. What does
it tell us about the challenges that he faced at this time.
LO: SKILLS – Cartoon practice on
Hitler’s Consolidation of Power
What is the message of the cartoon? Use the details of the
cartoon and your knowledge to explain your answer.
THINK about these questions
about each cartoon
1. Look at the date of the cartoon. What was
happening at the time? = CONTEXT
2. What is happening in the cartoon? =
3. How does the CONTENT link to the
4. What is the cartoonist’s main message?
WRITE about the cartoon like
• “The message of the cartoon is…”
• “I know this because the cartoon shows…”
• “At the date that the cartoon was drawn, X
was happening”
A British
published after
the NOLK…
The figure in the
middle is
Goering, Hitler’s
No. 2 in the prewar years.
You should
know who the
seated figure
A British cartoon published after the NOLK…
A British cartoon published before the 1933 Reichstag election…
A British
after the
A British cartoon
published after the
Reichstag fire called
“The Red Peril”.
The “Old Consul” is
saying to Hitler: “This
is a heaven sent
opportunity my lad,
if you cant be a
dictator now you
never will be.”
A British cartoon from the time of the 1933 Reichstag election.
How did I do? – max 7 marks
L1 – Uses surface features of cartoon only [1-2]
L2 – Interpretation only [3]
L3 – Main message only [4]
L4 – Main message supported by details of the cartoon OR
contextual knowledge [5-6]
L5 – Main message supported by details of the cartoon &
contextual knowledge [7]
• The main message is that Hitler is forcing ordinary Germans to vote for him
in the 1933 elections by threatening them with violence.
• The cartoon shows Hitler towering over a voter and holding a gun to his
head. He also has a knife to threaten/stab the voter if needed. Hitler is
drawn as much bigger than the voter and has a wide stance around the voter
– the voter is unable to escape. The voter looks scared and meek and is
putting a cross against Hitler’s name, which is the only name on the ballot.
He has no choice but to vote for Hitler.
• At the time of the 1933 elections Hitler was Chancellor and, following the
Reichstag fire, used fear of Communism and all the power of the state to
force Germans to vote Nazi. Voters were hassled and threatened at the polls.
As a result, the Nazi vote went up.