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By Gustavo Lucio
This type of ownership is for people who
want to make all of their business decisions
This type of ownership has little regulation
from the government.
One of the downsides of this type of
ownership is that there is a great risk to the
owner’s investment.
This type of ownership is for people who like
to work with other people because it is
owned by two or more people.
This is where partners share an idea for a
business and want to cooperate in managing,
investing, and want to share the risks and
rewards of the business.
This type of ownership is a separate legal
entity owned by one or more shareholders
and managed by a board of directors.
This type of ownership is more difficult to
It is also subject to more regulation.
One of the advantages is that investors have
limited liabilities.
This type of ownership is where you avoid
double taxation like a partnership or a sole
proprietorship and get the limited liabilities
of a corporation.
The owners report the taxes on their own
personal income tax returns, the LLC is not a
taxable entity.
With an LLC the owner or owner’s are not
personally liable for any debts if the company
This type of ownership is where people or
firms combine skills and or resources for a
complex project.
In here the owners don’t transfer their
ownerships but they do share the profits.
It is usually to be more competitive in their
market or to get into other markets that they
couldn’t get into before.
This type of ownership is where one or more
people purchase or lease the rights to sell a
product or service.
Franchises are a good way to start a business
because you don’t have to go through the
marketing hassle of establishing a brand.
One down side of having a franchise is that
you have to share the profits.
This type of ownership is a corporation that is
governed by sub chapter S of the internal
revenue code.
Under this code, earnings and taxes are
treated at the individual owners level.
This means that taxes are reported through
the shareholders own personal income tax
In this type 0f ownership the profits are used
to pursue its goals.
These types of organization are in some
countries exempt from paying income and
property taxes.
There is really not an owner it is controlled by
board members.
These people cannot sell their shares to
anyone or benefit from it in any taxable way.
This is where two or more people or firms
come together to share resources.
This is a business that is owned equally by the
people who are employed by it and use its