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AP Environmental
Mr. Grant
Lesson 23
Earth’s Physical
Systems: Matter,
Energy, and Geology
Matter, Chemistry,
And The Environment
© 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Energy: An
Reading and Objectives:
• Read: Withgott & Laposata, Chapter 2... Matter, Chemistry,
Energy and the Environment (pgs. 22 - 33)
• Define the terms law of conservation of matter, autotroph and
• Objectives:
1. Explain the fundamentals of environmental chemistry and
apply them to real-world situations.
2. Differentiate among the types of energy and explain the basics
of energy flow.
3. Distinguish photosynthesis, respiration, and chemosynthesis,
and summarize their importance to living things.
© 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
Mastery Check
Describe the two major forms of energy and give
examples of each.
Potential energy, or energy of position, is a form of energy
storage. This energy may be released as kinetic energy, or
energy of motion, when the object falls and is accelerated by
the force of gravity. When water evaporates and rises into a
cloud, it gains considerable potential energy. When that water
falls to the ground and runs downstream in a river, its
potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.
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Define the terms law of conservation of
matter, autotroph and heterotroph.
Law of the Conservation of Matter:
The principle that matter many be transformed for
one type of substance into another s, but it cannot be
created or destroyed.
An organism that produces its own food from
inorganic compounds and a source of energy. There
are photoautotrophs (photosynthetic plants) and
chemical autotrophs.
An organism that feeds on other organisms and
cannot make its own food from inorganic chemicals
or a source of energy.
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Explain the fundamentals of environmental chemistry and
apply them to real-world situations.
1. Matter is conserved.
2. Atoms and elements are the chemical building blocks.
3. Isotopes
4. Ions
5. Atoms bond to form molecules and compounds.
6. Water’s chemistry facilitates life.
7. Hydrogen ions determine acidity.
8. Matter is composed of organic and inorganic
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Understanding matter and chemistry is important for
developing solutions to environmental problems.
• Chemistry is crucial for understanding:
- How gases contribute to global climate change
- How pollutants cause acid rain
- Pesticide effects on health of wildlife and people
- Water pollution
- Wastewater treatment
- Atmospheric ozone depletion
- Energy issues
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• Describe what the consequences to the environment
would be if water did not become less dense upon
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Water’s chemistry facilitates life
 Hydrogen bond = oxygen from one water molecule
attracts hydrogen atoms of another
 Water’s strong cohesion allows transport of nutrients
and waste
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Water’s chemistry facilitates life
 Water absorbs heat with only small changes in its
 Stabilizes water, organisms, and climate
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Water’s chemistry facilitates life
 Water dissolves other molecules that are vital for
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Water’s chemistry facilitates life
 Less dense ice floats on liquid water
 This insulates lakes and ponds in winter
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Differentiate among the types of energy and explain the
basics of energy flow.
1. Energy comes in different forms.
Potential energy = energy of position
Kinetic energy = energy of motion
2. Energy is always conserved, but it changes in quality.
3. Some energy sources are easier to harness than
4. Light energy from the sun powers most living systems.
Light energy from the sun powers most living
 The sun releases radiation from the electromagnetic
 Solar energy drives weather and climate and powers
plant growth
 Other than the sun, sources of energy include:
 The moon’s gravitational pull
 Tides
 Geothermal heat powered by radioactivity
 Drives plate tectonics
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Distinguish photosynthesis, respiration, and
chemosynthesis, and summarize their importance to living
1. Photosynthesis produces food for plants and animals.
2. Cellular respiration releases chemical energy.
3. Chemosynthesis closely resembles the photosynthesis
produces food
for plants and
Autotrophs (primary
producers) = organisms that
produce their own food (e.g.,
green plants, algae,
Photosynthesis = the
process of turning the sun’s
diffuse light energy into
concentrated chemical
6CO2 + 6H2O + the sun’s energy
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C6H12O6 (sugar) + 6O2
• Cellular respiration occurs in all living things
• Organisms use chemical energy stored from photosynthesis
• Heterotrophs = organisms that gain energy by feeding on others
C6H12O6 (sugar) + 6O2
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6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
releases chemical
Chemosynthesis = uses energy in
hydrogen sulfide
to produce sugar
• Hydrothermal vents = host communities that thrive in high temperature
and pressure
• Lack of sun prevents photosynthesis
• Geothermal energy can power biological communities
6CO2 + 6H2O + 3H2S
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C6H12O6 (sugar) + 3H2SO4