Download Each arrow in the diagram represents a different hormone released

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Each arrow in the diagram represents a different hormone released by the
pituitary gland, which then stimulates another gland as indicated. All
structures are present in the same organism.
The pituitary gland may release hormone
2 when blood pressure drops. Hormone 2
causes gland B to release a different
hormone that raises blood pressure
which, in turn, stops the secretion of
hormone 2. The interaction of these
hormones is an example of
(1) DNA base substitution
(3) a feedback mechanism
(2) respiration by osmosis
(4) an antigen-antibody reaction
Plants use this
to breathe!
• With water guard cells keep stoma open.
• Without water guard cells close stoma.
Sugar enters your
bloodstream at
small intestine and
the level rises.
After a while though,
the blood sugar level
returns to “normal”.
Hormonal Control of Blood Glucose
1. Blood sugar level rises
2. Pancreas produces insulin
in response
3. Liver and muscle cells with
insulin receptors respond and
remove sugar from blood
4. Blood sugar level drops
5. Pancreas stops producing
insulin in response and starts to produce glucagon
6. Liver cells with glucagon receptors respond and
release sugar back to blood
If your body cannot respond to blood sugar
levels, this is a disease called Diabetes.
In this case, YOU must check your own blood
and inject yourself with insulin.