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Sources of ShortTerm Financing
Copyright © 2008 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter Outline
Trade credit from suppliers.
Bank loans.
Commercial paper.
Borrowing in foreign markets.
Using collaterals like accounts receivable
and inventory for larger loans.
Financing Arrangements
• Lines of credit are sometimes referred to as
a revolving credit facility where interest cost:
– Is based on LIBOR (the London Interbank
Offering Rate)
– Is based on the company’s senior unsecured
credit rating - a percentage margin.
• Primary aim of the borrowing firms:
– Minimize cost.
Trade Credit
• 40 percent of short-term financing is in the
form of accounts payable or trade credit.
– Accounts payable
• Spontaneous source of funds.
• Growing as the business expands.
• Contracting when business declines.
Payment Period
• Trade credit is usually extended for 30-60
• Extending the payment period to an
unacceptable period results in:
– Alienate suppliers.
– Diminished ratings with credit bureaus.
• Major variable in determining the payment
– The possible existence of a cash discount.
Cash Discount Policy
• Allows reduction in price if payment is made
within a specified time period.
– Example: A 2/10, net 30 cash discount means:
• Reduction of 2% if funds are remitted 10 days after
• Failure to do so means full payment of amount by the
30th day.
Net-Credit Position
• Determined by examining the difference
between accounts receivable and accounts
– It is positive if accounts receivable is greater
than accounts payable and vice versa.
– Larger firms tend to be net providers of trade
credit (relatively high receivables).
– Smaller firms in the relatively user position
(relatively high payables).
Bank Credit
• Provide self-liquidating loans
– Use of funds ensures a built-in or automatic
repayment scheme.
• Changes in the banking sector today:
– Centered around the concept of ‘full service
– Expanded internationally to accommodate world
trade and international corporations.
– Deregulation has created greater competition
among other financial institutions.
Prime Rate and LIBOR
• Prime rate
– Rate a bank charges to its most creditworthy
– Increases as a customer’s credit risk increases.
• LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate)
– Rate offered to companies:
• Having an international presence.
• Ability to use the London Eurodollar market for loans.
Prime Rate versus LIBOR on U.S.
Dollar Deposits
Compensating Balances
• A fee charged by the bank for services
rendered or an average minimum account
– When interest rates are lower, the compensating
balance rises.
– Required account balance computed on the
basis of:
• Percentage of customer loans outstanding.
• Percentage of bank commitments towards future
loans to a given account.
Compensating Balances - Example
• If one needs $100,000 in funds, he/ she must borrow $125,000 to
ensure the intended amount will be available. This would be calculated
Amount to be borrowed = Amount needed
(1 - c)
= $100,000
(1 – 0.2)
= $125,000
– Where ‘c’ is the compensating balance expressed as a decimal.
• To check on this calculation, the following can be done:
$125,000 Loan
- 25,000 20% compensating balance requirement
Available funds
Maturity Provisions
• Term loan
– Credit is extended for one to seven years.
– Loan is usually repaid in monthly or quarterly
– Only superior credit applicants, qualify.
– Interest rate fluctuates with market conditions.
• Interest rate may be tied to the prime rate or LIBOR.
Cost of Commercial Bank Financing
• Effective interest on a loan is based on the:
– Loan amount.
– Dollar interest paid.
– Length of the loan.
– Method of repayment.
– Discounted loan - interest is deducted in
advance - effective rate increases.
Effective rate = Interest X Days in the year (360)
Days loan is outstanding
Interest Costs with Compensating
• Assuming that 6% is the stated annual rate and that 20% compensating
balance is required;
Effective rate with
compensating balances
(1 – c)
= 7.5%
(1 – 0.2)
• When dollar amounts are used and the stated rate is not known, the
following can be used for computation:
Days in a
Effective rate with
X year (360)
compensating balances Principal – Compensating
Days loan is
balance in dollars outstanding
Rate on Installment Loans
• Installment loans require a series of equal
payments over the period of the loan.
– Federal legislation prohibits a misrepresentation
of interest rates, however this may be misused.
Annual Percentage Rate
• Truth in Lending Act of 1968 requires the
actual APR to be given to the borrower.
• Annual percentage rule:
– Protects unwary consumer from paying more
than the stated rate.
– Requires the use of the actuarial method of
compounded interest during computation.
• Lender must calculate interest for the period on the
outstanding loan balance at the beginning of the
– It is based on the assumptions of amortization.
The Credit Crunch Phenomenon
• The Federal Reserve tightens the growth in
the money supply to combat inflation – the
– Decrease in funds to be lent and an increase in
interest rates.
– Increase in demand for funds to carry inflationladen inventory and receivables.
– Massive withdrawals of savings deposits at
banking and thrift institutions, fuelled by the
search for higher returns.
The Credit Crunch Phenomenon
• Credit conditions can change dramatically
and suddenly due to:
– Unexpected defaults.
– Economic recessions.
– Other economic setbacks.
Financing Through Commercial
• Short-term, unsecured promissory notes
issued to the public.
– Finance paper/ direct paper
• Sold by financial firms, directly to the lender.
– Dealer paper
• Sold by industrial companies, use of intermediate
dealer network for its distribution.
• Book-entry transactions
– Computerized handling of commercial paper,
where no actual certificate is created.
Total Commercial Paper Outstanding
Advantages of Commercial Paper
• Fuelled by the rapid growth of money-market
mutual funds, and their need for short-term
securities for investments.
• No associated compensating balance
• Associated prestige for the firm to float their
paper in an elite market.
Comparison of Commercial Paper
Rate to Prime Rate (annual rate)
Limitations on the Issuance of
Commercial Paper
• Many lenders have become risk-averse post
a multitude of bankruptcies.
• Firms with downgraded credit rating do not
have access to this market.
• The funds generation associated with this is
less predictable.
• Lacks the degree of commitment and loyalty
associated with bank loans.
Foreign Borrowing
• Eurodollar loan
– Denominated in dollars and made by foreign
bank holding dollar deposits.
– Short-term to intermediate terms in maturity.
– LIBOR is the base interest paid on loans for
companies of the highest quality.
• One approach – borrow from international
banks in foreign currency.
– Borrowing firm may suffer currency risk.
Use of Collateral in Short-Term
• Secured credit arrangement when:
– Credit rating of the borrower is too low.
– Need for funds is very high.
– Primary concern - whether the borrower can
generate enough cash flow to liquidate the loan
when due.
• Uniform Commercial Code: standardizes
and simplifies the procedures for
establishing security against a loan.
Accounts Receivable Financing
• Includes:
– Pledging accounts receivables.
– Factoring or an outright sale of receivables.
• Advantage:
– Permits borrowing to be tied directly to the level
of asset expansion at any point of time.
• Disadvantage:
– Relatively expensive method of acquiring funds.
Pledging Accounts Receivables
• Lending firm decides on the receivables that
it will use as a collateral.
• Loan percentage depends on the firms:
– The financial strength.
– The creditworthiness.
• Interest rate is well above the prime rate.
– Computed against the balance outstanding.
Factoring Receivables
• Receivables are sold outright to the finance
– Factoring firms do not have recourse against the
seller of the receivables.
– Finance companies may do all or part of the
credit analysis.
• To determine and ensure the quality of the accounts.
– Factoring firm is:
• Absorbing risk – for which a fee is collected
• Actually advancing funds to the seller - paid a lending
Factoring Receivables - Example
• If $100,000 a month is processed at a 1% commission, and a
12% annual borrowing rate, the total effective cost is computed
on an annual basis.
1%......Interest for one month (12% annual/12)
2%......Total fee monthly
2%......Monthly X 12 = 24% annual rate.
• The rate may not be considered high due to factors of risk
transfer, as well as early receipt of funds.
• It also allows the firm to pass on mush of the credit-checking cost
to the factor.
Asset Backed Public Offering
• There is an increasing trend in public
offerings of security backed by receivables
as collateral.
– Interest paid to the owners is tax free.
– Advantages to the firm:
• Immediate cash flow.
• High credit rating of AA or better.
• Provides - corporate liquidity, short-term financing.
– Disadvantage to the buyer:
• Risk associated – receivables actually being paid.
Inventory Financing
• Factors influencing use of inventory:
– Marketability of the pledged goods.
– Associated price stability.
– Perish-ability of the product.
– Degree of physical control that the lender can
exercise over the product.
Stages of Production
• Stages of production
– Raw materials and finished goods usually
provide the best collateral.
– Goods in process may qualify only a small
percentage of the loan.
Nature of Lender Control
• Provides greater assurance to the lender but
higher administrative costs.
• Types of Arrangements:
– Blanket inventory liens: Lender has a general
claim against inventory.
– Trust receipts (floor planning) an instrument the proceeds from sales go to the lender.
– Warehousing a receipt issue - goods can be
moved only with the lender’s approval.
• Public warehousing.
• Field warehousing.
Appraisal of Inventory Control
• Well-maintained control measures involves:
– Substantial administrative expenses.
– Raise overall cost of borrowing.
– Extension of funds is well synchronized with
Hedging to Reduce Borrowing Risk
• Engaging in a transaction that partially or
fully reduces a prior risk exposure.
• The financial futures market:
– Allows the trading of a financial instrument at a
future point in time.
– No physical delivery of goods.
Hedging to Reduce Borrowing Risk
– In selling a Treasury bond futures contract, the
subsequent pattern of interest rates determine if
it is profitable or not.
Sales price, June 2006 Treasury
bond contract* (sale occurs in January 2006.)……………$100,000
Purchase price, June 2006 Treasury
bond contract (purchase occurs in June 2006)…………….$95,000
Profit on futures contract………….…………………………….$5,000
* Only a small percentage of the actual dollars involved must be
invested to initiate the contract. This is known as the margin.
Hedging to Reduce Borrowing Risk
– If interest rates increase:
• The extra cost of borrowing money to finance the
business can be offset by the profit of the futures
– If interest rates decrease:
• A loss is garnered on the futures contract as the bond
prices rise.
• This is offset by the lower borrowing costs of the
financing firm.
– The purchase price of the futures contract is
established at the time of the initial purchase