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What this course is about
How you’ll be graded
Overview of theories of meaning
Art intro
Teaching staff
Ian Horswill (EECS)
Marlena Novak (Art)
Jay Alan Yim (Music)
Phil Williams (RTVF)
Kenn Kumfp (Music)
Studio staff
Ying-Zhu Chin (CS)
Vani Oza (CS)
Archana Sriram
(Cognitive Science)
What is this course about?
It’s about communication
Visual, auditory, textual
Between humans, between machines, between
human and machine
It’s about composition
Of sound
Of imagery
Of computer programs
Composition means
“placing things together”
You’re given a set of elements
Your job is to learn to put them together
to achieve a desired effect
So you need to understand
The elements
What their effects are
How they can be put together to have a
specific desired effect
Building your eyes, ears, and mind
When composing, it’s easy to get caught up in
what you want to say/show/do
… and lose track of what your composition
really does
We want you to learn to see, hear, and
communicate more precisely
And to develop a more conscious awareness of
how you respond
What do you see?
What do you see?
Critique skills
“What do you see” isn’t a question about what’s in the
It’s a question about what effects the image has on you
Overt and subliminal
Positive and negative
Intended and unintended
One of the main places we’re learn to be aware of this
process is in critique
Looking at/listening to people’s work
Watching ourselves look at it
Listening to other people look at it
What does any of this have to do with
Programming is composition
Programming is communication
Programming languages are rated based on their
Between you and the computer
Between you and a coworker who needs to modify your code
Programming is learning to look beyond what you want
the program to do
To what it really says
What does any of this have to do with
Oh, yea; and computer-based art is way
Installation art
Electronic music
Video games
Hollywood SFX
That’s great,
but what is this course about, really?
Oh, well:
 Visual art
Basic visual composition (line, space, color, etc.)
A little drawing
A little photography
Basic acoustic theory
Dimensions of sound
Continuity and contrast
Functional programming
2D graphics
Looping, recursion, and lists
This is very experimental
To our knowledge, no one has ever tried to teach a class
like this
We’re making it up as we go along, folks
We’re going to screw up
Please let us know when we do
If something doesn’t make sense
If it’s too much work
We reserve the right to disagree, but we need your feedback
and involvement
This class has both art and programming
There’s something in this class to make everyone feel insecure
But that means no one should feel like they’re “behind” the rest of the
(or like they can coast)
For what it’s worth, we’re insecure too
If you’re an artist, you probably have math anxiety
If you’re a nerd, you probably have art anxiety
I’ll be learning to draw alongside the rest of you
Marlena, and Jay are learning to program
Oh yea, and we promised the administration we’d develop this whole
new outrageously ambitious curriculum…
We can all feel stupid together!
It’s not unusually hard
It is a significant time
investment, though
Skill development takes time
Weekly assignments
Sometimes two
When you first start
programming, you may feel
very stupid
Don’t worry, it will pass
perceived difficulty
How hard is it?
Animate Arts
Oh right!
This is the first course of a new
adjunct major called animate arts
you are here
The curriculum:
 Core courses
Interactive art and entertainment
Programming, art, sound, theory
Tight integration of teaching
This is the first course of the
No, you don’t have to do the major
to take the course(s)
Senior project
Animate Arts 1
Animate Arts 2
(brings in film and narrative)
Animate Arts 3
(brings in animation, 3D and
Animate Arts 3
(brings in sociality & culture)
2 quarters
Group or individual
Your choice of project
4 electives
2 can be double-counted with
your major
Introduction to Design, Alan Pipes
Visual Culture, Nicholas Mirzoef
Materials you should bring
~8”x12” sketchbook
2B and 4B graphite pencils
Medium-point black pen
Media for file storage
(e.g. CD, DVD, or keychain drive)
Equipment you’ll need to use
Macintosh computer
Window-XP/200 based computer
Digital Camera
Computers and phones available in the
A scheme-like programming language designed for multimedia applications
(developed at Northwestern with extensive student involvement)
Windows-only; requires .NET and DirectX 9
All operating systems
Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
Not free
Available in studio
Or you can substitute GIMP and Sodipodi, which are free
The studio
This room is available for your use
24 hours a day
$50 deposit for a Marlock key
If you already have a key, we can
program it
We want to make it comfortable
and fun for you to work in
Coffee maker
Popcorn popper
Working on:
It will be staffed some evenings
and weekends
We want the space to belong to
the animate arts students
Involve you in hardware/software
Let you run the place as you see
Cozy furniture
Lava lamps
Game systems and dance pads
Crowe Café (open 24hrs, but only
serves until 5pm)
Move nights
Yes, we’ll have chairs soon
We want animate arts to be a
Assignments 60%
Art, music, programming, all of the above
Quizzes 15%
2 in-class 1-hours quizzes
Final project 10%
Critique and class participation 15%
Read the material before class and come to class prepared with
discussion questions
We will collect your sketchbooks periodically for review
Attendance is required
Repeated unexcused absences, tardiness, or leaving
early may lower your grade by a full letter grade.
This is a studio art course in addition to a
programming course
Active apprenticeship
Not all lecture materials will be available outside class
Late assignments
Extensions are available for programming assignments
Ask 24 hours in advance and no questions will be asked
After 24 hours, you have to have a really good excuse
Art and music assignments will be critiqued in class, so can’t give
Penalties for late assignments
<1 day
1-2 days
2-4 days
4-8 days
Late art assignments that miss crits will also lower your crit grade
Cheating policy
See syllabus