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Chapter 15
Confidence Intervals
Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
15.1 Ranges for Parameters
Before deciding to offer an affinity credit card
to alumni of a university, the credit
company wants to know how many
customers will accept the offer and how
large a balance they will carry?
Use confidence intervals to answer such
They convey information about the precision of
the estimates
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15.1 Ranges for Parameters
Two Parameters of Interest
p, the proportion who will return the application
for the credit card
µ, the average monthly balance that those who
accept the credit card will carry
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15.1 Ranges for Parameters
Summary Statistics (n = 1000)
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15.1 Ranges for Parameters
Confidence Interval for the Proportion
A confidence interval is a range of plausible
values for a parameter based on a sample.
Constructing confidence intervals relies on the
sampling distribution of the statistic.
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15.1 Ranges for Parameters
Confidence Interval for the Proportion
The Central Limit Theorem implies a normal
model for the sampling distribution of p̂.
E( p̂) = p and SE( p̂) =
p(1  p) / n
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15.1 Ranges for Parameters
95% Confidence Interval for p
The sample statistic in 95% of samples lies within
1.96 standard errors of the population parameter.
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15.1 Ranges for Parameters
95% Confidence Interval for p
For any of these samples, the interval formed by
reaching 1.96 standard errors to the left and right
of p̂will contain p.
The estimated standard error (se) is used in
constructing the confidence interval (i.e., p̂ is
substituted for p).
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15.1 Ranges for Parameters
95% Confidence Interval for p
The 100(1 – α)% confidence interval for p is
pˆ  za/2 pˆ 1  pˆ  / n to pˆ  za/2 pˆ 1  pˆ  / n
For a 95% confidence interval zα/2 = 1.96.
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15.1 Ranges for Parameters
Checklist for Confidence Interval for p
SRS condition. The sample is a simple random
sample from the relevant population.
Sample size condition (for proportion). Both np̂
and n(1  pˆ ) are larger than 10.
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15.1 Ranges for Parameters
Credit Card Example
The estimated standard error is
se( p̂ ) =
0.14(1  0.14)
= 0.01097
The 95% confidence interval is
0.14 ± 1.96(0.01097) = [0.1185 to 0.1615]
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15.1 Ranges for Parameters
Credit Card Example
With 95% confidence, the population proportion
that will accept the offer is between about 12%
and 16%.
A larger sample size will reduce the estimated
standard error resulting in a narrower interval
(a more precise estimate of p).
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15.2 Confidence Interval for the Mean
Confidence Interval for µ
A similar procedure as that used for p is used to
construct a confidence interval for µ.
The estimated standard error for X is used.
se( X ) = s / n
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15.2 Confidence Interval for the Mean
Student’s t-Distribution
Used because we substitute s for σ in the
estimated standard error.
A parameter called degrees of freedom (df = n-1)
controls the shape of the distribution.
As n increases, the t-distribution more closely
resembles the standard normal distribution.
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15.2 Confidence Interval for the Mean
Student’s t-Distribution
Standard normal (black) and Student’s t-distributions (red)
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15.2 Confidence Interval for the Mean
Confidence Interval for µ
The 100(1 – α)% confidence interval for µ is
- tα/2, n-1 s /
+ tα/2, n-1 s / n .
The value of t depends on the level of confidence
and n – 1 degrees of freedom.
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15.2 Confidence Interval for the Mean
Checklist for Confidence Interval for µ
SRS condition. The sample is a simple random
sample from the relevant population.
Sample size condition. The sample size is larger
than 10 times the squared skewness and 10
times the absolute value of the kurtosis.
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15.2 Confidence Interval for the Mean
Percentiles of the t-Distribution
The t value for 95% confidence and 139 df = 1.98.
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15.2 Confidence Interval for the Mean
Credit Card Example
The estimated standard error is
se ( X ) = $2,833.33 / 140 = $239.46
The 95% confidence interval is
$1,990.50 ± 1.98($239.46)
[$1,516.37 to $2,464.63]
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15.2 Confidence Interval for the Mean
Credit Card Example
We are 95% confident that µ lies between
$1,516.37 and $2,464.63.
Might µ be $1,250? It could be, but based on the
sample results it’s not likely.
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15.3 Interpreting Confidence Intervals
Common Confusions: Wrong Interpretations
95% of all customers keep a balance of $1,520
to $2,460.
The mean balance of 95% of samples of 140
accounts will fall between $1,520 and $2,460.
The mean balance is between $1,520 and
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15.4 Manipulating Confidence Intervals
Obtaining Ranges for Related Quantities
If [L to U] is a 100(1 – α)% confidence interval for µ,
then [c x L to c x U] is a 100 (1 – α)% confidence
interval for c x µ and [c + L to c + U] is a
100(1 – α)% confidence interval for c + µ.
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15.4 Manipulating Confidence Intervals
Changing the Problem
Creating a new variable is preferable to
combining confidence intervals.
Consider the following:
Let Y = profit earned from each customer. A
customer who does not accept the card costs
the bank $8. Each customer who accepts the
card costs the bank $58 but the bank earns
10% on the revolving credit card balance.
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15.4 Manipulating Confidence Intervals
Creating a New Variable
Therefore, profit ($) earned from a customer is
yi =
-8 if offer is not accepted
0.10 (Balance) – 58 if offer is accepted.
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15.4 Manipulating Confidence Intervals
Summary Statistics for Profit Earned
For 100,000 offers, the 95% confidence interval for
total profit is from $557,000 to $2,017,000.
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15.5 Margin of Error
A precise confidence interval has a small margin
of error.
Margin of error is affected by (1) level of
confidence, (2) variation in the data and (3)
number of observations.
It is used in determining sample size.
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15.5 Margin of Error
Determining Sample Size
For a study about µ with 95% coverage, find the
sample size using
n = 4σ2 / (Margin of Error)2
Obtain an estimate for σ2 using a pilot sample
(since we have to choose n before collecting
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15.5 Margin of Error
A nutritionist wants to know the average calorie
intake for female customers to within ± 50
calories with 95% confidence. A pilot study gives
an estimate of 430 calories for σ. Find n.
n = 4(4302) / 502 = 295.8 or 300 customers
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15.5 Margin of Error
Determining Sample Size
For a study about p, no need for a pilot sample.
Use p = 0.5 which results in largest possible
value for σ of ½.
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15.5 Margin of Error
Sample Sizes for Various Margins of Error
(95% coverage)
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4M Example 15.1: PROPERTY TAXES
A mayor is considering a tax on business that
is proportional to the amount spent to lease
property in his city. How much revenue
would a 1% tax generate?
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4M Example 15.1: PROPERTY TAXES
Need a confidence interval for µ (average
cost of a lease) to obtain a confidence
interval for the amount raised by the tax.
Check conditions (SRS and sample size)
before proceeding.
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4M Example 15.1: PROPERTY TAXES
Mechanics: Statistics on Lease Costs
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4M Example 15.1: PROPERTY TAXES
We are 95% confident that the average cost
of a lease is between $410,000 and
$550,000. The 95% confidence interval for
tax raised per business is therefore [$4,100
to $5,500]. Since the number of
businesses leased in the city is 4,500, we
are 95% confident that the amount raised
will be $18,450,000 to $24,750,000.
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4M Example 15.2: A POLITICAL POLL
The mayor is seeking reelection. Only 40%
of registered voters think he is doing a
good job (n = 400). What does this indicate
about the attitudes of all voters in the city?
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4M Example 15.2: A POLITICAL POLL
Construct a 95% confidence interval for the
population proportion, p. Check SRS and
sample size conditions.
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4M Example 15.2: A POLITICAL POLL
Find the estimated standard error, se ( p̂ )
se ( p̂ ) =
= 0.0245
The 95% confidence interval is
0.40 ± 1.96 (0.0245) = [0.352 to 0.448]
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4M Example 15.2: A POLITICAL POLL
The mayor can be 95% certain that 35% to
45% of registered voters think he is doing a
good job.
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Best Practices
Be sure that the data are an SRS from the
Stick to 95% confidence intervals.
Round the endpoints of intervals when presenting
the results.
Use full precision for intermediate calculations.
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Do not claim that a 95% confidence interval holds
Do not use a confidence interval to describe other
Do not manipulate the sampling to obtain a
particular confidence interval.
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