Download Periods of Music Jeopardy!

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Periods of Music
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Q $200
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Q $300
Q $300
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Q $300
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Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Baroque
Name this song:
$100 Answer from Baroque
What is The Hallelujah Chorus?
$200 Question from Baroque
This person wrote The Hallelujah Chorus?
$200 Answer from Baroque
Who is George F. Handel?
$300 Question from Baroque
Name three things to describe
this period
$300 Answer from Baroque
What is organized, tuneful, and dramatic?
$400 Question from Baroque
What are the dates of
the Baroque period?
$400 Answer from Baroque
What is 1600-1750?
$500 Question from Baroque
Name this type of song:
-Does not use props, actors, or costumes
-The Hallelujah Chorus is this type of song
$500 Answer from Baroque
What is oratorio?
$100 Question from Classical
Name the composer of this period!
$100 Answer from Classical
$200 Question from Classical
Which instrument family
became bigger in the
orchestra during this time
$200 Answer from Classical
What are the “woodwinds?”
Daily Double!
Name three
Answers to Daily Double
Oboe, clarinet, saxophone,
flute, recorder, bassoon,
bag pipes, piccolo, English
$300 Question from Classical
True or false:
Mozart died at the age of 49.
$300 Answer from Classical
What is false? He died at the age of 35.
$400 Question from Classical
Describe the harmony of this era.
$400 Answer from Classical
What is simple and balanced?
$500 Question from Classical
Name the type of song that Mozart
would create using his random
mathematical system.
$500 Answer from Classical
What is a minuet?
$100 Question from Romantic
Name one of the main
composers of this era?
$100 Answer from Romantic
Who is Ludvig Van Beethoven?
$200 Question from Romantic
Please sing Beethoven’s 5th
symphony’s main theme
as a group
$200 Answer from Romantic
$300 Question from Romantic
Name the illness that
made it hard for
Beethoven to compose
$300 Answer from Romantic
What is deafness?
$400 Question from Romantic
Name what made the Romantic
period different from the
Classical period.
$400 Answer from Romantic
What is more complicated,
New harmonies
$500 Question from Romantic
Name the word that is used to
describe a repeated idea in music.
$500 Answer from Romantic
What is motif?
Daily Double
Select someone from
your group to play a
motif on a barred
instrument . You have 20
Daily Double
Did you finish in 20
$100 Question from Modern
Name the dates of the Modern period.
$100 Answer from Modern
What is 1900- today?
$200 Question from Modern
Name the composer of
the Modern period.
$200 Answer from Modern
Who is Debussy?
$300 Question from Modern
There are a lot of different _______s
of music in the Modern period
$300 Answer from Modern
What are genres?
$400 Question from Modern
Debussy created a lot of beautiful
piano pieces dealing with ________.
$400 Answer from Modern
What is nature?
$500 Question from Modern
Name the style of artwork we
looked at and created.
$500 Answer from Modern
What is impressionism?
$100 Question from Random
Name the title of a person
who writes music.
$100 Answer from Random
What is composer?
$200 Question from Random
Which composer was a
child prodigy?
$200 Answer from Random
Who is Mozart?
$300 Question from Random
Name the recorder song
that is based off of a
Beethoven song.
$300 Answer from Random
What is “Ludwig’s Groove?”
Daily Double!
Can your group sing/play
the motif from “Ludwig’s
Daily Double
(Singing or playing)
$400 Question from Random
Name the modern orchestra
that recreated one of
Beethoven’s songs
$400 Answer from Random
Who is the Trans-Siberian
$500 Question from Random
When we watched the video of
people singing in the mall, what
kind of activity is that called?
$500 Answer from Random
What is a flash mob?
Final Jeopardy
Please name the Periods of Music in
order with their corresponding
Final Jeopardy Answer
Baroque- Handel
Classical- Mozart
Romantic- Beethoven
Modern- Debussy
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