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Alexander, C. The war that killed Achilles : the true story of Homer's Iliad and the Trojan
War. New York, N.Y. : Viking, 2009
Caroline Alexander is a journalist and author who has written several books, and her work is
respected worldwide. In her book Alexander, C. The war that killed Achilles : the true story of
Homer's Iliad and the Trojan War, Alexander outlines the dramatic events of the Trojan war.
The story focuses on the bitter truth as opposed to drama and clearly brings out the real picture of
the war. The argument presented by the author unlike that of the other authors is that the war had
nothing to do with Helen’s beauty but instead, was as a result of enmity between the two fonts.
The author’s work is indispensible for anyone researching on the Trojan War.
George, M. Helen of Troy. New York : Viking, 2006
Margaret George is a well known American novelist whose work specializes in fictional
biographies. She has successfully written several works which are used in schools and for
entertainment purposes. One of her best works of arts the book Helen Troy. The argument of the
author is that Trojan War was as a result of Helen’s beauty, just like those of many other authors.
It is Helen’s fate that brought suffering to the people around her and to herself as well; according
to Greek mythology, fate was provided by the gods, and Helen’s fate was to cause the war. In her
work, she brings the Trojan War to life in a manner that is hard for the reader to forget. This
source is helpful for anyone who wants to learn more about Helen of Troy in relation to Greek
Llanas, G. Helen of Troy. Mankato, Minn. : Capstone Press, 2009
Sheila Griffin Llanas has written several articles and books for both adults and children. She has
graduated from University of Wisconsin with a bachelor’s degree in literature and also has a
degree in fine arts from University of Iowa. In her book Helen of Troy, she narrates about Helen
in relation to Greek mythology. The author’s argument just like that of Margaret George is that
Helen Troy was the most beautiful woman according to the Greek mythology and was to be
blamed for the break out of the Trojan War. From her work, the reader gets to understand more
about the life of Helen of Troy; her marriages, daughter and how her story is related to the
Trojan War. This is a helpful source for those researching on the topic Helen of Troy or the
Trojan War.
Meyer, C. Beauty's daughter : the story of Hermione and Helen of Troy. Boston; New York :
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013
Carolyn Meyer is an American author who has written several novels both for adults and
children. In her book Beauty's daughter : the story of Hermione and Helen of Troy, she narrates
the story of Helen of Troy; the renowned beauty escapes to Troy with Prince Paris, King
Menelaus- her husband begins the Trojan war, their daughter Hermione is left alone and
witnesses the deaths of heroes during the war, she longs to at one time find her own place and
love in the world. The author intends to describe the story of Helen’s personal life and its relation
to the Trojan War. In doing this, it is inevitable to mention her love life and family. She focuses
on Helen and her daughter. She argues that Helen’s love life was the cause of the war. This is a
similar perspective to that of authors Sheila Griffin Llanas and Margaret George. This is a
reliable and resourceful material with rich information on the story of Helen of Troy.
Payment, S. Greek Mythology. New York : Rosen Pub. Group, 2006.
The author has successfully written several books about Greek mythology. In this book, he
writes about the Greek mythology, Helen of Troy and the Trojan War. He writes that the war
was bound to happen according to the myth and that it was Helen’s fate that caused the war.
According to Greek mythology, people have their fates set by the gds and Helen’s fate was to be
the reason behind the Trojan’s war. Had Helen not left her husband and ran away with another
man, the war wouldn’t have started. These sentiments are shared by other authors who have
written about Helen of Troy and the Trojan War and just like Sheila Griffin Llanas and Margaret
George, they argue that according to the Greek mythology, Helen was the word’s most beautiful
woman and her beauty led to the war. This source is reliable and has adequate information on the
topic Helen of Troy.
Strauss, S. The Trojan War : a new history. New York : Simon & Schuster, ©2006.
The author is an American historian and the author of several approved books on ancient military
history. In his book The Trojan War, the author explores the reality and myth behind the war. His
argument is that while the kidnapping of Helen might have been the cause of the war, the
underlying cause was the disagreement between the Greeks and the Trojans about the eastern
Aegean Sea and who should control it. This argument is partly shared with those of authors
Payment, Sheila Griffin Llanas, Carolyn Meyer and Margaret George From his work, the reader
can understand the cause of the war. This is a reliable source to be used for anyone researching
on the causes of ten Trojan War.
Alexander, C. The war that killed Achilles : the true story of Homer's Iliad and the Trojan War.
New York, N.Y. : Viking, 2009
George, M. Helen of Troy. New York : Viking, 2006
Llanas, G. Helen of Troy. Mankato, Minn. : Capstone Press, 2009
Meyer, C. Beauty's daughter : the story of Hermione and Helen of Troy. Boston; New York :
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013
Payment, S. Greek Mythology. New York : Rosen Pub. Group, 2006.
Strauss, S. The Trojan War : a new history. New York : Simon & Schuster, ©2006.