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• Throughout a woman’s pregnancy, there
are many, many times where she will be
uncomfortable or have things happen to
her body that seem incredibly
• Most issues are completely normal &
typically will get worse throughout the
• Embarrassing Issue: I've been
so gassy and burpy lately!
• The Cause: As the baby grows,
space becomes tight in your belly.
"Your bowels become crowded
and your digestion may become
more erratic, leaving you gassy
and bloated,"
• Embarrassing Issue: I have a
dark line running down the center
of my belly, and my nipples are a
lot darker too.
• The Cause: Thank pregnancy
hormones for this side effect.
Increased estrogen levels boost
the body's production of melanin,
the natural substance that gives
your skin pigment, resulting in
your darkened nipples…
• and "linea nigra," the line
running down your tummy.
You may also notice melasma
-- dark splotches of skin on
your face. These changes
typically begin in the second
trimester and tend to affect
darker-complexioned women
more noticeably.
• Embarrassing Issue: I'm
• The Cause: Feeling like you're
spending way too much time in the
bathroom? You're not alone.
According to the American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists
(ACOG), most pregnant women get
constipated at some point during their
• Soon after you conceive, ramped-up
pregnancy hormones slow your
digestive tract to a crawl (this allows
more nutrients to be absorbed and
passed on to your baby), which can
throw off your digestion as early as
eight weeks. Plus, over time, your
growing baby also starts crowding
your bowels, making it harder to
process even tiny meals.
• Embarrassing Issue: My nipples are
so itchy!
• The Cause: Blame it on your new
cleavage. As you've probably noticed,
your breasts and nipples are
becoming super-sized in preparation
for breastfeeding. As your breasts
grow, the sensitive skin in this area
stretches, which can trigger a
persistent itch.
• Embarrassing Issue: I get
sudden sharp pains in my groin.
• The Cause: These down-there
pains tend to start up midpregnancy, when the round
ligaments in your pelvis stretch to
accommodate your growing
• You may feel them when you
stand up suddenly or they may hit
after a long day of being on your
feet. Later on, the weight of your
baby's head pressing down on
your pubic bone can also cause
groin aches.
• Embarrassing Issue: I've been
throwing up everywhere.
• The Cause: Welcome to the all-daysickness club. According to the
American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists, while as many as
85 percent of women experience
some degree of nausea during
pregnancy, some expectant moms
feel queasy around the clock…
• The verdict's still out on what
exactly causes morning sickness,
but experts believe it's linked to
soaring levels of pregnancy
hormones -- specifically estrogen
and progesterone -- that hit you
hardest in the first trimester.
• Embarrassing Issue: When I
sneeze, cough or laugh, a little
pee leaks out.
• The Cause: Talk about loosening
up. "When you're expecting,
certain hormones signal your
pelvic muscles to relax so you
can eventually deliver your
• What's more, during the second
trimester, your growing baby
starts to put pressure on your
bladder, which resides right in
front of your uterus. Many women
experience some leaking during
• Embarrassing Issue: I'm
breaking out like a teenager!
• The Cause: Pregnancy -- and its
roller-coaster hormones -- can be
like nine long months of PMS for
some women, triggering bumps
and blemishes you haven't seen
regularly since age 14.
• Embarrassing Issue: My crazy
dreams are starting to freak me out.
• The Cause: Strange, unsettling
dreams are a totally normal part of
pregnancy. "When you're pregnant,
you give up a lot of the control you
once had, which creates some
feelings of nervousness about your
future and impending motherhood…
• These anxieties, combined with
fatigue and trouble nodding off,
can lead to restless nights filled
with weird dreams. It's common
for expectant moms to report
dreaming of things like horrible
car accidents or giving birth to
• Embarrassing Issue: Um, I think I
have hemorrhoids.
• The Cause: Hemorrhoids are dilated
blood vessels around the anus -- sort
of like varicose veins in your butt.
They may appear as itchy, burning
bumps and occasionally they'll bleed,
which is why blood in your stool or on
toilet paper is one of the most
common hemorrhoid symptoms…
• Many pregnant women suffer
from hemorrhoids, since they're
often caused by the baby's weight
pressing on veins in the groin.
And chronic constipation doesn't
help, since it forces you to strain
more during bowel movements,
aggravating things even more.
• Embarrassing Issue: I've been
noticing a lot of milky discharge
down there.
• The Cause: "Rising estrogen
levels, especially in the third
trimester, cause the vagina to
produce more secretions and
• Embarrassing Issue: My breasts
are leaking!
• The Cause: Leaky breasts are
yet another sign that your body is
getting baby-ready. "High levels
of prolactin -- the hormone that
preps your breasts for nursing --
• at the end of pregnancy can
sometimes cause fluid to leak
from your nipples when they're
stimulated. Everyday things like
showering, changing your clothes,
or having sex can be enough to
trigger sudden nipple secretions.
• Embarrassing Issue: My belly button
is sticking out -- it looks weird when I
wear tight tops!
• The Cause: That's just your body's
way of making a little extra room for
baby. "The stretching of your belly
and the pressure from the baby inside
can cause your belly button to stick
out like a turkey timer.