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sea in the moonlight
sea in the sunset
romantic scene
relaxing yourself
enjoying the sunshine
Part 1: general introduction
Part 2: sea water
Part 3: the Mediterranean
Part 4: coral in the sea
Part 5: salt lakes
(the Dead sea)
Part 1: General introduction
Seen from space, the earth is ______.
This is because the vast oceans
______ cover up
two-thirds of the earth’s ________
surface , and
below the sea.
much of the surface lies _______
Part 2: sea water
clean water
35 parts of salt
the Mediterranean
between Europe and Africa
Part 3: the Mediterranean
Size: 3700 km long
1800 km wide
hot weather
Salt : 37-39 parts losing water to the air
hard to be changed with
Atlantic water
one entrance )
the Straits of Gibraltar
The Mediterranean is charming site for
sightseeing and travel, which draws thousands
of visitors there each year.
1.What is coral?
------Coral is not a
plant but a variety
of animal life of
different shapes and
bright colors.
2.What conditions do corals need to grow?
water temperature; 20
living conditions plenty of light
clear water
shallow water: less than 60 meters
the Dead Sea
floating on the sea
few living things
Part 5 :the Dead Sea
salt staying
a salt lake: 250 parts
few living things
a salt lake: 250 parts
Part 5 : the Dead Sea
from natural springs
from the River Jordan
ocean water is ______,
salty which is made up of
minerals How does the sea water stay
11 other ________.
clean? The _________
seaweeds play an important part
in it. Various _________
chemicals produced by them can
keep the water clean.
2. The
Mediterranean is in the place where the
weather is very _____.
hot The sea loses much ______
to the _____,
air and the _____
salt stays. It takes ____
years for its water to be _________
changed with Atlantic
water, for there is only one narrow _________
entrance .
3. Coral is a variety of animal
_______ life, which only
lives in the sea where the water is______.The
temperature must not fall below ____
20℃ and
there must be plenty of _____.
light The depth of water
should be ____than
60 meters. The_______
longest coral
bed in the world is near the northeast coast of
4.The Dead Sea is a salt lake
___ It is so salty that it’s
hard to swim
____ or dive
___ , as your body will _____on
the surface. The minerals in it are partly supplied
by natural _______
springs , and partly by the River
the Dead Sea
the Great Barrier Reef
Work in groups:
Suppose you are a guide or a manager in a
Tourist company. Try to introduce these
places we mentioned just now and an
interesting place in China.
1.Try your best to draw more visitors to go
with you.
2. Others are all visitors. After the manager and
the guide’s introduction,you can ask them
questions and decide where to go by their
How can we protect our sea?(one student,one sentence)