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Affluence and ‘The Other
“The Golden Age” ?
• Two major social phenomena in the 1950s
Causes of economic “miracle”
New Economics
• During Depression, people began to
wonder if capitalism worked… 1950s
caused such doubts to virtually disappear
• John Maynard Keynes
– government could cure a recession
• “However much at odds on specific issues,
Americans have shared a belief in the
rights of property, the philosophy of
economic individualism, the value of
competition; they have accepted the
economic virtues of capitalist culture as
necessary qualities of man.” Richard
People of Plenty: Middle Class
America 1950s
• Central to middle-class culture in the
1950s: absorption with consumer goods
Consumer driven as opposed to
investment driven: the rise of
Suburban Nation
Inner Cities and Rural
• Easy for people who grew up in the suburbs to
believe that this is what life was like for the entire
country…not the case
Michael Harrington, The Other
Rural Poor
Inner Cities